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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland President Ahmed Siilanyo visits berbera and opens new Football stadium+PICTURES

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Wiil Cusub;881884 wrote:
Bacaaaac waxa ugu daran kuwan qurbaha dhul ay dad boqolaal sanadood ay dhisayeen garab dhigaya meel imika la dhoobdhoobayo

That does little to excuse the gross incompetence and ineffectiveness displayed by these so-called "governments"/maamul goboleeyo... sxb when was the last time you went back? Some of us just want more for our people and country than the cringeworthy state of affairs that has been delivered so far. Some of us will not settle for low expectations and incompetence. Markaas bacaacda iska daa oo wax fahan dee.

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Qaranka...It will be a sight to see but I don't want the old man to have heart attack. Knowing his policies and his execution of them will suffice.


Xaaji......I do appreciate Somali administration lack resources and the people are generally poor but every administration no matter how resource starved comes in with mandate and has responsibility to uphold. Security and economic prosperity are most vital goals for government. At least, Somaliland has good security but has it done in terms of sparking economic growth so the millions sitting idly can get to work. It seems the generation after war is simply wasting away.

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Creating jobs and building basic infrastructure in the country is a priority but there are limited resources bilateral aid is also limited. What needs to be done is fight corruption and implement proper tax collection all over the country. The private sector how ever is booming in Somaliland, but to create a viable economy Somaliland needs to look towards industrialization it will take time this current government is trying to attrack foreign investors to have a head start in this process but even that will be limited with the nonrecognition status of the country.Invest in education health create a working force in Somaliland. But on the other hand projects like the somcable project even though it was privately conducted by a Somaliland businessmen and encouraged by the government, it still will create more than 50.000 jobs. Somaliland security is top notch it just needs to modernize its Army and Military hardware.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;881876 wrote:
There is lack of fundings for these projects thats why you wont see large scale developments but nevertheless these are developments a year ago there was no stadium in berbera today there is and that is something we should welcome.

I don't take issue with the fact that resources are limited because that's well known and an accepted fact. What I take issue with is the problem at the very core of the underdevelopment and perpetual poverty Somalis face. This problem then, and this is something that people here should not be getting defensive about, is the modus operandi of maamul goboleedyada. Their modus operandi is characterised by ineffectiveness, poor leadership, corruption and a deep seated lack of professionalism that trancends every level and layer of governance.


What is more important than the amount of resources that you is how well you manage and utilise those resources. Our and their primary failure then, rather than lack of resources, is bad planning, organisation, leadership and managment. For a very long time now in our Somali republic, the private sector has been growing at an astonishing rate and doing remarkably well to provide an array of products and services of decent quality at competitive prices. However, the public sector and national institutions have failed miserably. Incompetence and lack of professionalism is evident at every level of government and public institutions - ranging from the airport staff when you enter the country, to the police, the local councils, "government" ministers and ministries etc.


As for the role of leadership, a "president" and government. The role of a leader and aides if to take initiative and provide a national plan and vision and to enact this plan; to always and constantly be planning and think of how and in what way the country can be better run and organised so as to improve the security , opportunities and quality of life of ordinary civillians; to provide a regulatory framework and stable domestic environment in which individuals and private sector organisation can thrive. There is little use to be sitting in a room, seemingly unable or unwilling to do anything and just wait for the haphazard opportunity to claim an "achievement" when a doner country, NGO or private sector actor takes a new initiative or creates an opportunity for tangible development. Having the odd ad-hoc policy idea or simple copy-cat policies are not good enough. These are some examples I can give you of the many failures that are glaringly obvious in the case of scrutiny: the lacking of major laws; crippling disorganisation and ineffectiveness of major national institutions; and lacking of properly designed sector-specific government policies.

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Its not the lack of professionalism that is a set back its the non willingness to change something its not the plan or the idea that is holding us back its the lack of putting it into practice. In theory it can be the most easiest thing to do but putting a nation wide plan into practice is another thing. in Somaliland national institutions are strengthening the past decade or so and you see each year that goes by the government plays a significant role in delivering basics services to its people. Can you imagine were we were 10 years ago or 15 years ago its a slowly process but its going.


What we need to do is re invent our social structure as people such as finding the dots between the proletariat middle class and the influential public sector of Somaliland. To tackle corruption and to really reconstruct good governance is to emphasise the different political players that play a role in this traditional bureaucratic system of somaliland. for instance in assessing the different type of national and sub national organizations that are based in the country can be reshaped with the right schooling and fundings by the government this requires a minimum budget. I am optimistic i know we are not there but we are heading the right direction in time we will reach our destination.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;881898 wrote:
it still will create more than 50.000 jobs.

The magical number again :D Do you lot just throw around the word or something? :D

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Che -Guevara;881875 wrote:


I am not actually sure what 'governments' in Somaliland and Puntland do? NGOs and the private enterprise that are ones actually doing something. So called government just shows up for the ribbon cutting and pass it 'development'.

I don't think SL ever pretended to be a socialist government, saaxib. They do have their faults (the Oromo debacle, the treatement of journalists, the obvious nepotism and corruption) however, they do also play a part in ensuring the continution of relative normalcy for the citizens of SL. In addition, the tax money collected goes into various areas (other than security) such as education, health and infrastructure improvements.


SL TV now broadcasts in both Somali and English (with an Arabic service on the way). The government has increased the salaries of most civil servants and introduced free education for poorer families (the funding comes from aid and taxes). Elections are about to take place again and the people are still in support of the idea of SL (a point that should never escape your attention considering the climate in the horn).

This is not PL, saaxib. This is a real and proper adminstration that though falls short in many areas does surpass itself in many more (just as the Riyaale adminstration before it did).


Opening a stadium (no matter how shabby) or a radio station or praying among the people in a mosque are all good politics that remind the people they live in an organised state. Criticise SL on secession or unity if you must but don't waste your time criticising obvious progress. :P

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Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Xadhiga Ka Jaray Dhismayaal Laga Hir-geliyey Berbera, Kuna Soo Laabtay Hargeysa


Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Siilaanyo waxa kale oo uu maanta xadhiga ka jaray........


Hargeysa (GNS) - Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta dib ugu laabtay caasimada Hargeysa, ka dib markii uu shalay socdaal ku tagay magaalada Berbera ee xarunta gobolka Saaxil, halkaasi oo uu xadhiga kaga jaray Dhismeyaal, Wadooyin iyo Stadium weyn oo D/Hoose ka hirgelisay magaallo xeebeedda Berbera.


Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Siilaanyo waxa kale oo uu maanta xadhiga ka jaray mashaariic laga fuliyay magaalada Berbera, kuwaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Dhismeyaal cusub oo loo dhisay waaxda cashuuraha beriga ee magaaladda Berbera, dhisme waaxda kastamka wasaarada Maaliyaddu ay Madaarka Berbera ka dhistay iyo xarun cusub oo Wasaarada waxbarashada gobolka Saaxil loo dhisay.


Madaxweynaha Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo waxa uu sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay mashaariicda laga fuliyay gobolka Saaxil, waxaanu u soo jeediyay masuuliyiinta xarumahan cusub inay dhismeyaashani sii dardar geliyaan adeegii ay bulshada u hayeen


Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) waxa kale oo uu booqday dugsiga sare ee Bursade ee magaallada Berbera, kaasi oo ardaydiisu sanadkan imtixaankii shahaadiga ahaa ka galeen kaalmaha hore ka dib markii 17 arday oo dugsigaasi ka tirsani ay markii u horeysay labaatankii sanadood ee la soo dhaafay ay gaadheen darajada (A).


Madaxweynuhu waxa uu ku hambalyeeyay maamulka iyo ardayda dugsigaasi juhdigoodii ku wajahnaa kaalmihii ay ka galeen imtixaankii shahaadiga ahaa ee dugsiyada sare ee sanad dugsiyadeedka 2012-2013-ka.

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