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Burao's Livestock market is buzzing this Hajj season

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About 100 years ago Ismaciil Mire took herd of animals to sell in Burco's livestock market, he composed this poem from is his experience:



Afar waxaan u dhaxay tuuladii awrta loo raraye

Albaabkii Burcaan tegey anoo aaladii sida e

Amminkiiba lay yimid sidii eegta lay yahaye

Ooggii horey nagu kaceen adhi dillaalkiiye

Dad iimaanka laga qaaday baa noo aloogsadaye

Amakaagay goortay wankii adhaxda tuujeene

Intaa weeye iyo ma'ahadii la is ilaaqaayey


Asaraartankii baa qalbiga aad wax ii dhimaye

Afka reer magaaluhu yaqaan waan ka oodnahaye

Ii-maroojihii bay khatalay kii aan aaminaye

Afar bawlad laga gooyey bay igu aluubeene

Anigoo arkaayaa gacmaha laygu iibsadaye

Kuwo boqonta ood laga sudhay ila ahaayeene

Usha jeedal iyo suufaf bay igu illaaweene

Ashcaartaba rag baa iga badshee idinku weydiiya

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Mashallah, but let's aggregate those developments in the general section.

I remember the town as a kind of legendary outpost where civilisation wanes but settled by "cousins" :D


Burco has come a long way and business needs to be decentralised from Hargeysa.

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With average of $80 per head, the reer miyi got an excellent bargain for their animals. This will go a long way in stimulating the local economy. A lot of kids who might have not otherwise part-take in the Eid celebrations will do this year. Which is a very good thing.


Hopefully it will only get better from here.




Burco is still the same Burco with its unique character. But it has taken a number of steps in the right directions with particular regard to industrialization - the city now boasts a number of multi million dollar factories that supply not only the country but also export to the whole of the Horn subcontinent.

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