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Waxa Maanta ii Daran

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Waxa maanta ii daran

Qaran haga dadweynaha;

Qaran damal sidiisii

Noo dallaalimeeyoo

Soo taabta darafyada;

Qaran aan ***-sooc jirin

Qaran aan ahayn dulin

Nabad-doonka beeshiyo

Raacatada dulsaar ku ah;

Qaran aan dirsada oo

Anigaysku kay dirin;

Qaran iigu soo dara

Aan iiga sii darin;

Qaran gudaha daafaca

Dibeddana aqoonsi leh.

Isku soo dabaal oo

Waxaan doonayaa qaran

Qaran dhaama kii dumay.


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