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Xaaji Xunjuf

Fighting between Galmudug and Ximan iyo xeeb in Hobyo.

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Very sad indeed. This is colaad aan macno lahayn that has remained for over 80 years. I agree that clan Federalism will fail and that is why I do not support it. Ilaah maslaxad dhexdooda ha dhigo.

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Haatu;879044 wrote:
I thought they were going to unite? This is a real reason why the federalism rubbish won't work.

Both these "admins" dont meet the minimum criteria for being a federal state. This is no more than USC-SNA battling USC-SSA and so on. Two militia had a battle nothing more.. Terrible waste of young lives and time for the comunity. Hobyo should be a town that unifies these comepeting sub clans as their main port.

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Ducaysane;879078 wrote:
Horta nimankaan ximan iyo xeeb dagaal jeclaa

The brain behind and leads X&X lives in USA so what do you expect?

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Xunjuf, wararka xun maa google ka raadisaa ka dhaco Koonfurta, Bartamaha iyo Bariga Soomaaliya? Qajaftii iyo shanqartii xun yeerto waala soo orodaa. Laakiin gobollada Waqooyi Galbeed waxa ka dhaco oo 'xun' lama soo orodid, only kuwa wanaagsan lasoo shirtagtaa. Wararkaan xun xun aad lasoo orodid iska yaree yeenan hadhoow adiga kugu soo wareegsanin. Just saying.


Eebba ha qaboojiyana dagaaladaan cusub ee qabyaaladeed.

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^^^ It's not anyone's problem if sub clans in a small region can not agree. That does not mean everyone else has to wait for them. It's time the central regions played a key role...

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NGONGE;879056 wrote:
If it were Khaatumo or PL you would say they have "militias", saaxib. Why then do you call two trucks and a bike an army?

Not true khatumo and Puntland hardly clash so u cant say if , i dont live in the world of ifs but lets say for the sake of argument i said armies does that still change the fact that they fought or what my intention was. In reality you said armies and i just followed what u said.

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Ducaysane;879078 wrote:
Horta nimankaan ximan iyo xeeb dagaal jeclaa

Duceysane, it is more than dagaal jacayl. Meeshaan waxaa looga baahan yahay dib-u-heshiin dhab ah and unfortunately it did not happen and both sides are to blame. There is myth, rumors and fake heroism Soomaalida isku diray oo qabiilba midka deriska laah annagaa saan ahaan jirney iyana waxba ma ahayn la isku sheego, haddase waxaaba ka sii daran markii kuwo carruurtoodu lacagta ca-yrta qaataan aya dhahaan waxaan nahay madax ay dadka isku sii diraan, amase qaarkood lacag diraan.

Some SOLers think maamullada qabiilka ee lagu dhisay reer hebel baa nala dagaalay oo saan baa naloo galay iyo qiiro inay sii waarayaan markii dalka nabadi ka dhacdo but that is their view.

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General Duke;879148 wrote:
^^^ It's not anyone's problem if sub clans in a small region can not agree. That does not mean everyone else has to wait for them. It's time the central regions played a key role...

sxb from Galgaduud to ras kambooni we got the same problems its not puntland where only one clan reside in

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Oba, the problem is Duke isagoo wax kala garta xitaa Soomaaliya ma tegin, meesha dhan iyo waxa ka socda sheeko ahaan ayuu u xifdiyey.:D

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Yunis;879050 wrote:
Secessionist camp being selective here, in reality this is no different than what happened in Buuhoodle back in July, when SL attacked Khaatuma strong holds.

Do you even know Ximan and Galmudug are cousins.

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