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Waciye Kick-Starts The Dam Revolution In Puntland. AUDIO

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Waaciye oo laga hirgelinayo War Biyo qabatin ah


10 Oct 10, 2012 - 8:04:42 AM




Degmada Waaciye ee gobolka Karkaar ayaa laga hirgelinayaa markii ugu horeysey War Biyo qabatin ah iyadoona ay dhinac socdaan dadaalada Deegaanka looga ilaalinayo xaalufka.


Duqa Degmada Waaciye Dr.Cabdisalan Bashiir Cabdisalan oo la hadlay maanta 10 October,2012 Idaacadda Radio Garowe ayaa sheegey in dhismaha Wartan ka danbeysey baahi biyo oo guud ahaan gobolku qabo.


''Waa War lagu keydinayo Biyaha xiliyada abaaruhu jiraan maadaama aynu ogsoonahay in gobolka Karkaar biyo la'aan ka jirto'' ayuu yiri gudoomiyu.


Wartan ayaa dhismaha iyo dhaqaalaha waxa qaabilsan hayada UNICEF ,waxana la sheegey in Biyaha ay hayn karto muddo badan loogana gudbi karo xiliyada Jiilaalka oo roobabku jirin.


Duqa degmada Waaciye ayaa sidoo kale waxa uu ka hadlay arimaha xaalufka deegaanka taasi oo uu sheegay in ay guul ka gaareen,waxana uu xusay in wakhtigan cid xaalufin ku haysa deegaanka Waaciya aysan jirin.


Halkan ka dhageyso Wareysiga C/Qani Cabdi la yeeshey Duqa Waaciye

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This is well needed development, and I hope Waciye dam system can prove to be a blueprint for the rest of puntland on water managementlike qardho prison is a blueprint for prison infrastructure.


I am very happy and welcome this well needed water initiative where droughts will be a thing of the past for Puntland. I also strongly urge looking into cloud seeding to generate rain where rain has fallen in drought striken areas. This is a start and a glorious journey Puntland is undertaking on modernising somali water management systems from barkads to dams.

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