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Alpha Blondy

Alpha's Troll and Cantarbaqash Corner LOL

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Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy! Mighty Cantarbaqasher Alpha Blondy!


Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy! Mighty Cantarbaqasher Alpha Blondy !


Stronger than before! (Alpha Blondy!)

Powered up for more! (Alpha Blondy!)

Cantarbaqasher at the core! (Alpha Blondy!)

Alpha Blondy!


Alpha Bloooooooooooooooondy!


Higher he can soar! (Alpha Blondy!)

Fired up for more! (Alpha Blondy!)

Even out the score! (Alpha! Alpha Blondy!)


Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Alpha Bloooooooooooooooondy!

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good evening and personal greetings of the highest regards to all.


apologies for the late start i was waiting for the theme music to finish LOL before making an entry.


today was a friday and i went over to my recently married friend's house for a casuumd. it was very impressive i have to say. the attention to detail was excellent. the organisation and timely manner of the event was first class. his house was impressive too. the whole thing was perfect and i tried to fine faults but couldn't LOL.


i think this carefully craved event was to demonstrate. he certaintly achieved that. LOL

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my bro did get married too.


post #115


Alpha Blondy;884968 wrote:
^ thanks apo,


its offically jeudi soir and i'm chilling and enjoying my weekend. at approx 10pm i'll be going to wedding. another member of our elite circle of future leaders and so-called somaliland advocates is tying the knot, as it were. he's married a local girl and i'll be going along to pose for the photos. i mean why not? i'm not one to refuse any photo opp LOL. but on a serious note - going there to check for a future wife. i hope i'm fortunate enough tonight to find a good woman. these days its rare to find a good woman. you know they say
''behind every successful man
- there are a pack of haters.....LOOOOOOOOL.....kidding.....-
is a woman of patience, encouragement and dedication.''

man stop smoking weed. its ruining your memory LOL

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That is how it starts, little jewing here and there, forget death you may be facing worse (ilko la aan at 35)

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I never insult another human being......... I meant what i said about khad making your teeth rot


now what is wrong today? why are you feeling vulnerable?

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well the solution is simple, put yourself first for a change, see how you like it


it is rewarding to be selfless aduun iyo aakhiraba

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