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Alpha Blondy

Alpha's Troll and Cantarbaqash Corner LOL

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Alpha Blondy;924236 wrote:
the guys from Milgo digital will be coming in the next hour or so. on my digital television package, i'm supposed to have 80 channels, but for the last three months, i've only been getting 64 channels. all the sports channels have been missing somehow. i'll also get my new digital receiver and i hope to watch the Man. Utd v Real Madrid game tonight.......

so the !diot came at 7:30. he was in his pick-up truck. as i opened the door for him, he gestated that i should come to the window. i did so anxiously. he handed me a little plastic bag with a receiver and its wires. i took the package. i then asked him to come into the house to set the system up. he mumbled some pathetic excuse about the being called back to work immediately. before he drove off, i managed to get him to commit to a promise, that if.... the receiver doesn't work, he would come back to install it probably.


well.......its now 8:30 and it hasn't worked. i called but his number is switched off. what's more, his manager isn't picking up either. so....i've been forced to call elsewhere for assistance.. Faisal the engineer, who is apparently an expert ku takhususay xirfadaha iyo aqoonta farsamada gacanta is on his way....


MILGO Digital is a joke and pathetic....they don't understand customer care..... what do you expect from a bunch of arab daan dhagaxs. when my uncles, the geeleyasha dekeda berbera made the famous gabay about geele arab in the 1970s......sodan aan jiray iyo sodan an siiday, sonkaar arab sidow saka wa kow....they werent istidhi? :D

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Alpha Blondy;924289 wrote:


this man (cardinal Peter Turkson) is apparently
. he could potentially become the next pope.

Dhici mayso.

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Alpha Blondy;924273 wrote:
so the !diot came at 7:30. he was in his pick-up truck. as i opened the door for him, he gestated that i should come to the window. i did so anxiously. he handed me a little plastic bag with a receiver and its wires. i took the package. i then asked him to come into the house to set the system up. he mumbled some pathetic excuse about the being called back to work immediately. before he drove off, i managed to get him to commit to a promise, that if.... the receiver doesn't work, he would come back to install it probably.


well.......its now 8:30 and it hasn't worked. i called but his number is switched off. what's more, his manager isn't picking up either. so....i've been forced to call elsewhere for assistance.. Faisal the engineer, who is apparently an expert ku takhususay xirfadaha iyo aqoonta farsamada gacanta is on his way....


MILGO Digital is a joke and pathetic....they don't under customer care..... what do you expect from a bunch of arab daan dhagaxs. when my uncles, the geeleyasha dekeda berbera made the famous gabay about geele arab in the 1970s......
sodan aan jiray iyo sodan an siiday, sonkaar arab sidow saka wa kow
....they werent istidhi?

so....... Faisal the engineer - the man with the plan, no doubt because of his extensive experience in xirfadaha iyo aqoonta farsamada gacanta......came to fix the set box. the little prick...NOT only wasted 1 and half hours of Al's time but has ONLY left me with 46 channels..I had 64 channels before..... we decided to call it a day after he COULD'NT fix it....why am i NOT istidhi?


its been a terrible day for Al. i've only managed to achieve ONLY half of my objectives. luckily, the payment dispute, with the electricity providers, has been somewhat....... resolved..... after i delegated the task to the local neighbourhood warden Mohamed. i couldn't deal with those thugs...without LOSING it. so i paid this guy to resolve the matter urgently and discreetly. they will understand each other, you see....of course they will.... because they are off the same kind, the same kind that can flexibly change their shape-shifters...BUT i CANNOT and WILL NOT change my ways..because i'm in the RIGHT and they are WRONG, GREEDY and CORRUPT....i will NEVER accept their nonsense...i will NEVER put on ''an act'' to appease these thugs...NO NEVER.... NOT Al......


the set box, hasn't been fixed and i'm very DISAPPOINTED.... i haven't been able to watch the game and i'm a little angry with Somaliland for failing me, right now. this hell-hole is testing my patience and draining my already depleting energy levels. this desolate wasteland will NEVER be recognised.....because it doesn't deserve it.....the people are incredibly retarded and the land is barren of reason and you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who is competent or for that matter - SOMEONE NORMAL...its cursed. its a bloody digital set-box for goodness sakes....... why have i been FORCED to miss the game of the decade?


who will listen to the cries of an allegedly spoilt ''qurbo''? a pathetic cannoboodhe weakling, a NONE-somali/somalilander, a foreigner....who will hear Al's cries caawo and the cries of every minute i've wasted my life in this hell on earth?





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Wadani;924323 wrote:
Dee he's a negroooo!!!!!

ooooooow wadaniooow, inaadeerooow, waxan ku weydiiye, negrooogu maanu meel ku lahyn kiniisada ugu weyn aduunka?

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Alpha Blondy;924329 wrote:
ooooooow wadaniooow, inaadeerooow, waxan ku weydiiye, negrooogu maanu meel ku lahyn kiniisada ugu weyn aduunka?

Haa inaadeer, way ku leeyahiin, waana madbakha/jikada. loooooooooooool. Kani haduu vatican-ka tago 'aar dhariga kasoo rid' ayaa lagu salaamayaa.

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tomorrow is another big day. i will seek to fix the set box. i'm also eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new maid. she's apparently been described as ''waa clean''...balse waynu eegi doonaa goaankaan qaadato.



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Wadani;924347 wrote:
Ur thread sucks. I only post out of pity.

you little rodent.....i'm surprised you haven't evolved to dwell in the sands...em, i mean, the ice of Canada....:D:p


balse hadaba.... imagine if you had, would obviously have serious consequence for your very istidhi?


the ice how do you say that in somaali? Wadaaaaaaaaaaaaniga dhabta ah Alow dhoooooooooooooooooowrooow?



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