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Alpha Blondy

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Apophis;920449 wrote:
This thread is turning into a "stitch & b!tch". Bunch of sissys.

And what would His Highness do in this situation?

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oba hiloowlow;920452 wrote:
Gaaloooow ii waran LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL



PS: Speak Af Soomaali waryaa. I don't know what this gibberish you spew nowadays is.

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Apophis;920464 wrote:
What questions??


these questions:


Alpha Blondy;919845 wrote:
WTF is your problem with Al?


why are you so cynical?


why are you so full of negativity?

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Apophis;920474 wrote:
The feeble minded and the idealist (cousins of the feeble minded) always accuse the realist of "negativity". Open your eyes and mind sxb, and see the world the way it is.



it doesn't mean i have to be pissed all the time and this take this out on others. WTF is wrong with you?


you need to chill, brov. i was once told to avoid the angry and unlucky, because they'll infect you with their negativity. its not easy out there Apo, but maintain whatever hope that still exists in you. failing that, DON'T pollute this thread with your BS.


tell me one thing that makes you happy? just one thing?

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Apophis;920481 wrote:
@ Mr Schizo: In answer to your lame pop psycho question: The Germans call it Schadenfreude; my raison d'être.

your a waste of time. i pity fools like you.

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oba hiloowlow;920480 wrote:
Reeyo i know you can see this stop stalking us and join us instead :eek:

that Reeyo is always on here. she's a little afraid of posting, i reckon. i also think she should join us.....LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


xabad too, Apo's protege.

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