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Alpha Blondy

Alpha's Troll and Cantarbaqash Corner LOL

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i've lost my phone. i don't know where it is. i looked this morning at home and will look for it again later on today. i'm sure its in the house but i need to find it walahi. all my music is on there. my 8GB memory card with all my favourite songs. luckily, i've made a back-up in the form of the conscious music thread....LOOOL.

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with just two days before valentines, i'm dateless. for last two hours, i've been going through my phone book, in the hope of securing a date. lets hope its a good valentines day.

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Alpha Blondy;917664 wrote:
i've lost my phone. i don't know where it is. i looked this morning at home and will look for it again later on today. i'm sure its in the house but i need to find it walahi. all my music is on there. my 8GB memory card with all my favourite songs. luckily, i've made a back-up in the form of the conscious music thread....LOOOL.

i still haven't found the phone and i've spoken to all the people i was with yesterday. i trust my friends and i highly doubt they would've stolen the phone but had i been a little less pretentious with the phone then i suppose they've returned it. but that i was constantly advertising the latest app i downloaded and the constant praises of its picture quality, makes me think twice about whether they've stolen it, after all. my phone was probably ranked 4th/10 after the iphone, the nokia and the LG but you can't blame me for thinking the worse. many admired its quality in the past.....

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been working on Alpha's garden for the last 50mins. the beer is really coming along this month and i've planted 5 new plants since yesterday after going to the beerta xoriyada plant nursery to purchase some new plants. its become a full mashruuc but i'm very happy because of its therapeutic benefits.

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Alpha the picture is very interesting one, it almost felt like a personal one to me, like markaan cake shopka tago, i felt surrounded by love (for cakes) that is and i cant pick. so seeing that picture that must be how the bakeyle feels surrounded by such lovely carrots


now you need to retrace your steps re: the mobile, goormee kugu danbeysay aragiisa? who were you talking to/with? etc...i hope you find it.


i know what you mean about valentine's day, i cant decide what i want this year


ps: i decided to join you here, i realised inaad tahay qof macquul ah.

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the picture means something entirely all together different for me. its represents being over-saturated with all that you've ever wanted. i know that rabbits love carrots as much as you love cakes but imagine if you're flooded with too much carrots or too many cakes for that matter? chances are that you might not like it after all. e.g. my friend was telling me of his love for bananas. one day he went to buy lots of bananas and by the 8th banana, he was a little stuffed and felt sick. that was the last day he had bananas LOOL. in fact, he's got a phobia of bananas now.....interesting. everything is good in moderation. and objects and indeed people have value in scarcity. too much circulation makes the value go down. i also realised the desire for carrots or cakes is not merely in consuming it until you've overfeed yourself but for the individual/rabbit to have control over it consumption. :D


i've tried locating the mobile via bluetooth but its battery is probably dead. i've gonna try again maar dhow. i'm sure its in the house.


i'm not too fussed about Valentines day to be honest. last year i bought my xamari gf a little present and she was a little disappointed by trying to serenading her with presents and stuff. she loved me regardless, you see. i realised this when she'd left. sad but life goes on. ;D


i'm glad your here Juxa. thanks. as for being qof macquual ah......i'm not sure, i agree.......... i'm crazy and have multiply personality disorders.


thanks for your positives comments on the other thread. :D

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SomaliPhilosopher;917789 wrote:
I've betrayed my people sxb. I left a Somali resturant to go to an Ethio one. Shame

by far the strangest post i've ever seen. this is a troll and cantarbaqash thread..... its not a restaurant review thread.


do i look like the spokesman for somali restaurants lobby group. why are you posting this nonsense? anyways, its a well-known fact that Ethiopian restuarants are better than bloody fadhi-ku-dirir somali restaurants infested by cockroaches.



which restaurant is this? where is it located? and how's the food? and what's the price for a small injera?

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