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Alpha Blondy

Alpha's Troll and Cantarbaqash Corner LOL

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Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy! Mighty Cantarbaqasher Alpha Blondy!


Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy! Mighty Cantarbaqasher Alpha Blondy !


Stronger than before! (Alpha Blondy!)

Powered up for more! (Alpha Blondy!)

Cantarbaqasher at the core! (Alpha Blondy!)

Alpha Blondy!


Alpha Bloooooooooooooooondy!


Higher he can soar! (Alpha Blondy!)

Fired up for more! (Alpha Blondy!)

Even out the score! (Alpha! Alpha Blondy!)


Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Go, go Alpha Blondy!

Alpha Bloooooooooooooooondy!

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these days i'm slacking and lacking purpose. i don't why but i've let my hands off the wheel, as it were. any ideas and solutions to get back into routine? i'm usually a pro-active person but this new slacking is new to me!!!

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so this morning i didn't go to work as required. what's the point when the start of the week is a Monday. anyways to salvage what remained of the day i walked from my house to jigjiga yar to safari road then to the road to summertime and bar guleed and walked up the hill to my house. all this during the least advisable part of the day at 11am-2:30pm when the sun was at its zenith LOL. anyways along the way i got shape-up at the barbers and visited one of those European style supermarkets to buy some much needed toiletries. i felt good, physically active and quite proud of myself ruunti.


how was your day?

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the worst cantarabaqash thread i've ever seen in my life :D

I hope no one reads your thread apart from apo :D

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ignoring wyre and his tangential digressions LOL.......


what is power? how is it ascertained? how important is the distribution of power relations/dynamics in any society all things been equal.

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yes but found it very abstract but the 48 laws of power was better, i felt.


see below for my enemey test



All people are at time or another time your enemy. Everyone must be seen as a potential enemy intent on your destruction. Putting aside the niceties and pleasantries YOU must watch your back for people deliberately or cleverly undermining your every word and action. The test is composed of 3 elements.



***Progressive Liability (Positives outweigh their negatives)

***Regressive Liability (negatives outweigh their positives)

Most people fall into this category – naturally people don’t have bad intentions but these people are in effect the most dangerous enemy given their propensity to slowly drain your energy.





The main indicator of this enemy is that they have an ‘evil mind’ to undermine ones authority. This evil mind has developed against an action that you have taken. This action has caused them to react as though you have personally offended them. Some are cunning and keep their hatred of you hidden and others overtly try to amass public opinion against you by employing people like the collaborators. The main indicator of the conspirator is that their evil mind must transpire into action. Without action they are a still a liability.



***Collaborator– They collaborate with the conspirator to undermine your authority. They are zombies who have no thought or opinion of their own. They usually work under the control of the conspirators and who commands their attacks against you.




***Declared Enemy – This is the worst form of enemy. Communication has been severed and you are exposed to attacks from them. Very unpredictable enemy.


***Undeclared enemy – this is the diplomatic enemy. Down deep they harbour hatred beyond words for you but are very diplomatic in their methods and dealings with you. This is a developed form of the conspirator after their intentions have transpired into action. Depending on the way you respond to their ‘action’ they either become a declared enemy or undeclared enemy. There is a line of communication but the tension is all too clear to see.


***Neutralised enemy – Formerly a declared enemy who has been brought back from the cold and communication now exists. Still categorised as an enemy. They have the privilege of going back to being liability and are afforded a special status as neutralised enemy. Any attempt to undermine you and they automatically become a declared enemy.

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you saying i'm either paranoid or powerdoon? LOL.


what was your favourite law from the 48 laws of power? do you have any further recommended readings for paranoid people?


can you give me an basic analysis of my enemy test and find flaws in it?

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Apophis;892824 wrote:


The biggest flaw is the idea of an "enemy". Most people do not have the mental ability to maintain continuing hostility with another human being. Most people who are capable of this tend to be socio/psychopathic types, and they're, fortunately, rare among the populace. My point is, if you take this ideas seriously, you'll start to see enemies everywhere, when in fact there are none. You may even end up making enemies because you followed this ideas. Most of humanity is altruistic rather than the opposite, we wouldn't have societies if we weren't.


Do you get what I'm saying??

Enemies and hostile persons are a reality, and not always just perceived. I agrer when you say that people do not have the mental capacities to maintain hostilities in the long term. but in the short term this is another matter altogether. enemies mellow over time, especially if they cannot destroy/defeat you in the short term and there is no clear winner. but that is not to say that they would not do one over on you should the opportunity presents itself.


I also agree that books like 48 laws of power can make you paranoid and unnecessarily aggressive to a counter-productive extent.

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i won't lie and tell you such thoughts haven't crossed my mind but i want to stay within the realms of normalcy. i do have aspirations to be a political leader someday. before then i want to prepare myself so that my enemies are defeated and silenced. having said that, i do believe power is an infatuation of the many but an authority only enjoyed by a few. 'real power' can only be derived from fear. whether i'm within this select few so far has not been confirmed in my visions.

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Apophis;893054 wrote:
Yeah, I'd suggest you definitely familiarise yourself with The Prince because you shouldn't have let alone be "defeating" enemies at such junior level. You rise through the ranks thanks to charisma not by brute force; you're not a member of a Stalinist party.


You also want to be loved and feared not just feared.

interesting and sound advice there Apo. i agree i might have to rethink my 'soviet-era' big manism LOL.


can you expand on ''You also want to be loved and feared not just feared.'' and give tangible examples? it seems a little inconsistent to me.

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