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oba hiloowlow

Madaxweyne Xassan Shiekh Maamul rayid oo lo dhan yahay baa kismaayo laga dhisayaa

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Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa amaanay ciidamada isugu jira Soomaalida iyo Kenyanka oo la wareegay gacan ku haynta magaalada dekeda leh ee Kismaayo.


Madaxweynaha ayaa waxa uu sheegay in la wareegida gacan ku haynta magaalada Kismaayo ay tahay mid muhiim u ah dowlada Soomaaliyeed ayna socdaan wadatashiyo uu la samaynayo qeybaha kala duwan isla markaana si deg deg ah loogu dhowaaqi doono maamul loo dhan yahay oo rayid ah.


Warkan ka soo baxay madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli ay ciidamo huwan ah ay la wareegeen maamulka magaalada Kismaayo iyadoo ay ka baxeen ciidamadii Alshabaab oo ka talinayay magaalada Kismaayo.


Kismaayo ayaa ah magaalo istiraatiji ah oo gacan ku haynteeda 21kii sano ee la soo dhaafay ay isaga kala dambeeyeen maamulo kala duwan iyadoo ay ka dhaceen magaalada Kismaayo dagaalo ay dad rayid ah waxyeelo ka soo gaartay.


Inkastoo haatan lagala wareegay maamulka Kismaayo ururka Alshabaab ayaa waxaa jira weli shaki ah sida ay ku dambayn doonto maamulka magaalada Kismaayo. Sababtoo ah ciidamada haatan la wareegay magaalada Kismaayo ayaa ah kuwo aan isku ujeedo ahayn isla markaana ay dhici karto in ay isku khilaafaan maamulka magaalada Kismaayo.


Maamuladii hore u soo maray magaalada Kismaayo ayaa weli rajo ka qaba in ay dib ugu laabtaan Kismaayo si ay maamulida Kismayo ugaga qeybqaataan.

Ururka Raaskamboni oo ka mid ah ciidamada hadda la wareegay Kismaayo iyo maamul goboleed la magac baxay Azania ayaa ka mid ah ururada gulufka ugu jira sidii ay u maamuli lahaayeen magaalada Kismaayo halka uu Barre Aadan Shire Barre Hirale uu dhowaan soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho welina quudareynayo maamulka gobolka Jubbada Hoose.


Dadka ku nool magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa ay yihiin kuwo ka sugaya dowlada inay wax ka qaban doonaan maamulida magaalada Kismaayo.


Generalka hogaaminaya ciidamada dowlada Gen Ismaaciil Saxardiid ayaa wareysi uu siiyey idaacada BBcd waxa uu ku sheegay in aan hub lagu dhex wadan karin magaalada Kismaayo isla markaana dekeda Kismaayo tahay mid ammaankeedu uu yahay mid sugan oo la isticmaali karo.


Dowladii hore eeuu madaxda ka ahaa Shiikh Shariif aan u samayn maamul gobolka Jubbada Hoose hase yeeshee gobolo kale oo aanay xilligaa gacanteeda ku jirin waxa ay u samaysay maamulo waxaana dib u dhaca maamulka Jubbada Hoose loo aaneynayaa in khilaaf dhinaca maamulka ah uu ka jiro.

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Very good, the president is right however he should refrain from denying the righteous people their chance to live in peace and prosperity.

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Horta meeshan kismaayo wa in mamuul loo sameyaa since 1991 marba qola qabsata


Since 1991










Now we have Kenyans Somali troops and raskambooni faction.

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The boat is already at sea, it can't be stopped. Today it's under AMISOM control as is Mogadishu, Baidoa, Xudur, Gedo, Beledweyne, Galguduud, Balcad, but I don't see you complaining about that?


Yes, this seems like trivial tribal lines being drawn on an internet forum where we should discuss moving forward, not go over past ideas!

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somalia Mogadishu and the shabelles where i originally hail from don't have a state yet, same with baay and Bakool, Galgaduud, ximan and xeeb, ahlusunna and Galmudug should unite, In my opinion i believe that The government should name a maamul kmg in the meantime the different communities in Kismaayo should have talks and come up with a solution for Kismaayo.

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^^ Makes sense there is a provincial administration in Hiiraan and in Baydhabo at the moment the same should go for Kismayo til federal states are established. Even though i am against these Federal states but lets see how that goes for a while. But the President has the last say in this since he is the head of state of the country.

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oba hiloowlow;876209 wrote:
somalia Mogadishu and the shabelles where i originally hail from don't have a state yet, same with baay and Bakool, Galgaduud, ximan and xeeb, ahlusunna and Galmudug should unite, In my opinion i believe that The government should name a maamul kmg in the meantime the different communities in Kismaayo should have talks and come up with a solution for Kismaayo.

I agree 100%, the president should appoint governors for all 3 regions! However, there should be no side lining clans as well. I am afraid people want to slow down this project and as a consequence the prolonged politicking will deny the people peace.


A federal state should be constructed over consultative meetings, it took 3 months of rigorous debates and political manoeuvring to get Puntland off the ground, lets hope Azania/Jubbaland goes through a smooth transition.

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exactly i dont see the rush this is not easy decision, let the people decide their future. Xaaji i am against federalism too but there isn't something we can do about it so lets try it and see if it works.

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Somalia;876213 wrote:
I agree 100%, the president should appoint governors for all 3 regions! However, there should be no side lining clans as well. I am afraid people want to slow down this project and as a consequence the prolonged politicking will deny the people peace.


A federal state should be constructed over consultative meetings, it took 3 months of rigorous debates and political manoeuvring to get Puntland off the ground, lets hope Azania/Jubbaland goes through a smooth transition.

exactly Gacmo wadajir bey wax ku gooysa

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Apophis;876215 wrote:
If all other regions were allowed to set up by themselves why would the Jubba people allow someone else to do it for them? The people have spoken and they're in the final stages of setting an admin and no interference will be accepted or tolerated. Take care of your own house not your neighbours.

True, how can one hinder progress, it's immoral, especially when your house is comfortable!

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