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The Muslim Mother Theresa

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I hope I live to see the day where a humanitarian hero is referred to as the Christian Edna Adan.


Who's Edna Adan? The short answer: she's a nurse-midwife, founder of a hospital bearing her name, who's saving and changing the lives of tens of thousands of people in Somaliland -- a place not even recognized as a country. She's also a Muslim.


Edna is as tough as General Petraeus, as compassionate as the Pope, as tireless as Michael Phelps, as beautiful at 75 as Tina Turner, and has a 'get-it-done-no-excuses" work ethic to rival Bill Gates. I would not want to be on Edna's bad side.


I had the pleasure of spending a week with her last month in Somaliland. Here's one reason I think she's extraordinary. After retiring as a senior United Nations diplomat where she'd championed women's and children's health, she could have chosen to have a cushy life in London or Paris or New York. That's what most people do. But not Edna. Far from it. Instead she cashed in her pension, sold her Mercedes, her jewelry and even her dishwasher -- a true sacrifice, if you ask me -- to build her dream: a hospital in her home town of Hargeisa to provide safe deliveries for women who were far too often dying in childbirth. Somaliland has one of the world's highest birth rates per woman and the highest maternal mortality rates. It took her the better part of a decade, much of that time she lived in the building as it was slowly being built.




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^^ A silly title for a nicely written piece. I still smell a rat with all of this. War did Somaliland hire a PR guru? :D

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^^ Brings us back to the Sayid, Mandella or even Ghandi. All had people saying bad things about them but, in the end, the more positive views of them outnumbered the Hitchens. :P

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Mario B   

Apophis;876022 wrote:
Nein! Facts are not open to popularity contests

Since when did Aphophi's opinions/bias and prejudice become facts?.:rolleyes:


Now here is a man using his facts and Ngonge will agree!



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^^ Can't see videos at work, saaxib.




Never mind all that. Here is something right up Edna's street.



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Mario B   

Ngonge, the video was Rafa Benitez's "it's a fact" rant again Fergie.:) His Kevin Keegan version - "I will love it if we beat them"!

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^^ Those were all facts. In..ahem..fact, have you noticed how many managers and pundits have started using all those facts that Rafa used that day? :D

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Mario B   

I can't believe the Spaniard took the bait, he should have brought those facts at the end of the season while holding this!:D



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