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The Zack

Unuka Prof says Puntlanders: the best people for the .....

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The Zack   

This stuff is hilarious!


Prof Togane: If you have 3 M's, you know you are on the track: Money, M(clan name for Puntlanders) and Mareykan :D :D

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he was being realistic I think in his assessment that the people in that region are good people. this guy is from clan of xasan qoslaye (same sub clan which different from shariif ahmed's). he is a funny guy all the time.

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The Zack   

Mooge;875541 wrote:
he was being realistic I think in his assessment that the people in that region are good people. this guy is from clan of xasan qoslaye (same sub clan which different from shariif ahmed's). he is a funny guy all the time.

I know right! I couldn't stop laughing, love his reasoning too. "Adeer dadkaan waa dad Somali sax ah, xitaa ajaanib baa ku nool gobolkooda". :D

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The Zack   

Xaaji Xunjuf;875543 wrote:
Lucky for Somalia Togane is not the political adviser of President Hassan sheikh Mahamuud.

You don't agree with him?

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The Zack;875545 wrote:
I know right! I couldn't stop laughing, love his reasoning too. "Adeer dadkaan waa dad Somali sax ah, xitaa ajaanib baa ku nool gobolkooda".

zack he is talking about a peaceful region known as puntland which escaped the chaos of last 20 years with minor scratches. hopefully azania will follow its example. when people get together and build goverment institituion and peace follow we should commend them and enourage them. beleive me there is no pleasure in chaos and destruction.


yes there are many indians, yemenis and kenyans in puntland (bosaso, garowe). some are teachers at universities and some are doing businesses. there are even white westerners and canadians digging oil as we speak ninyoow and they live there.

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The Zack;875554 wrote:
^His intentions are good? Really?


P.s. "Kii bishinta casaa muxuu ahaa magaciisa?"
:D the guy should do some stand up comedy shows.

I've known him and his family my whole life so i know what he stands for even though he is crazy sometimes.. Kee bushinta cas aa ka hadlee

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Zack first he was praising cabdilahi yusuf as some sort of hero the man who contributed to the destruction of Somalia and Mogadishu. Than he goes on on that the Prime Minister should be from puntland and the puntland clan is the engine of Somalia thus with out Puntland there is no Somalia government. All all in all he is mad in love with a particular clan. Than he continues talking about his own clan that his clan are behind the major suicide bombings in Mogadishu i dont know what to think of this Togane guy.

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