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Your walking with your girlfriend/fiancee/wife at an aroos

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Chimeraall786 wrote:
ROFL, Simba!


This pic says all: Mukulaal mininkeeda joogta Mici Libaax eey leedahay


Back to the topic, if that dude tries to touch my woman while showing of his mussels I would say: Hayaay! Hayaay waar bal nacaskan eega doonaya in uu xaaskeygii shukaansado:rolleyes;)

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Chimera;874763 wrote:
Since I'm at an aroos, I would look for a new sister lol.

If she was your wife you better step up lol..kulaha looking for a new sister lol

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Jacpher;874820 wrote:
^Would you take your husband to aroos? Exactly. Thanak you veero armaajo.

Anyone not from Planet Taliban would take their spouse LOL, never been to a Somali aroos?

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Aaliyyah;874813 wrote:
If she was your wife you better step up lol..kulaha looking for a new sister lol

It was a joke, I would die for her.


Or I would rally Oba's clan in his name lol

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Lol u weren't joking you were just being a fulay waryaa go hit the gym so you can protect your love ones haha


On a serious note violence is never the answer I'm sure you can just ask him politely to leave your wife alone lol

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Chimera;874772 wrote:
LOL oba you would rally your entire clan.


You take this topic way too seriously sxb.

Well in that case...I would find a smaller and weaker man, and take his woman instead :)


It's the circle of life!

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Aaliya: I don't go to aroos because I don't believe in them but that's a different story. The word 'qaraabasho' hints someone doing something very wrong. I don't know what guys go there for but I bet most guys don't see the fun in taking wife to aroos.

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Aaliyyah;874827 wrote:
Lol u weren't joking you were just being a fulay waryaa go hit the gym so you can protect your love ones haha


On a serious note violence is never the answer I'm sure you can just ask him politely to leave your wife alone lol

Lol I have been going to the gym since 2003, and the level that I'm at is the top plateau, (why do you think those five thugs hesitated to jump me a few weeks ago?) the only way to get even bigger would be to use steriods, and I have no interest in that crap.


Violence is sometimes necessary in self-defense, if someone touches your loved one without her permission, that person has broken her personal space, and I as would be in my right to defend by all means and objects necessary.

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