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Breaking News: Farmajo nominated as the new Prime Minister

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Macallinka;873670 wrote:


Horta every time u say something about Farmaajo why do u love
? Does that mean what you saying about him is not true and not coming from deep down ?


The news didn't come from Farmaajo's side, it was leaked from the Villa Somalia and actually this doesn't help Farmaajo quest to be PM .


But war jiraaba cakaaruu iman inshallah

Macallinka, waxaan ku qoslayaa sida warbixintaan dadku ugu fududaaday, hungoobeyna. I do not have anything against Farmaajo but this guy is a bad choice.

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A_Khadar;873674 wrote:
If someone else made this news, I still don't understand why it's his fault.. He can't help people whom are not his clan to love him and want him to be their PM. I see him as a man who can unify many somalis, yet I also see many haters in here..

The fact remains most of these tabloids are not fountains of wisdom and logic. They are hired hands, who hired them and paid them to direct their focus on Farmaajo? Also since he lost his post as PM, Farmaajo has been touring the world and his supporters have been busy mythmaking and building a false persona regarding the man. I have met the man many times and in fact we are related. However he has been given bad advice and worse PR. Farmaajo needs to be saved from those around him.

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^ @ Abwaan beenta dhaaf ninyahoow u despise the guy you even gave him the ultimatum for him leave Xamar in 24 Hours. You are taking us back to 1991 and the era of Baroon iyo shilke sxb . Meel xun bay kaamaraysaa

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A_Khadar;873674 wrote:
If someone else made this news, I still don't understand why it's his fault.. He can't help people whom are not his clan to love him and want him to be their PM. I see him as a man who can unify many somalis, yet I also see many haters in here..

lol@A_khadar, no haters here sxb. It is just the reality, Farmaajo should be history like his buddies; Sharif Axmed, Sharif Xasan iyo Abdiweli. We need a new face.

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Macallinka;873683 wrote:
^ @ Abwaan beenta dhaaf ninyahoow u despise the guy you even gave him the ultimatum for him leave Xamar in 24 Hours. You are taking us back to 1991 and the era of Baroon iyo shilke sxb . Meel xun bay kaamaraysaa

lol@Macallinka haddii aan u dareemo inuu ammaanka dhib ku yahay taladaas ma bixin karo? Waa laga yaabaa inaan talo adag bixiyey balse ninka ma nebci shakhsi ahaan laakiin ma rabo inuu xil qabto taas waan kuu caddaynayaa. Ama 1991 ku sheeg amase 1969 ku sheeg ninyahow anigu waxaan u arkay in Farmaajo iyo la-taliyeyaashiisu ay ammaanka khatar ku yihiin. Adiga beesha nin kale ka soo raadso kolleey sheekadaada waan la socdaa ee kan na dhaafi.:D

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General Duke;873673 wrote:
^^Pandering to the IDP's is no solution for Somalia..

It is when half of the capital consists of IDPs, and another million+ in the countryside.


I don't see why Farmaajo as PM would be a bad thing, same way I don't see Abdiweli remaining as a PM as some-kind of an obstacle to peace, both have proven themselves. The previous fall out between the TFG and Puntland was solely the result of an outdated dictator dragging a well-functioning regional state into the ground i.e Faroole because of his silly diva-antics.


It doesn't matter who the next PM will be, that myopic prima-donna will lock horns with him.

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Abwan bal aan si dagan oo cilmiyaysan aan u hadalno ragan kale way iska burursanyihiin waxay dhahaan maanta malooqanayo magaray.


Maraka waxaa tiri ninkaan ayaa ka danbeeyay warkaan, maxaa xaqiiq ah oo warkaas ku saabsan ayaad haysaa? Waxaa kaloo tiri IDP ayuu lacag siiyaa, maxaa cadayn ah ayaad haysaa? hadaad intas cadaysid waan kaharayaa taageerida Farmaajo.

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Macallinka, rag baad caynaysaa adigaanba kuu yaabay, waad i aflagaadeysey oo 91 iyo ka kor sheeko geysey. Waryaa waad ogtahay who my choice is for madaxweynenimo how could you dare attack me like that then? Maradaa kaa dhacday, waaba haddii maro kuu xirnayd:D

And I do have the right not to discuss about my sources right?

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Raga marada ka dhacdey ma yara maanta, Abwaan you're in that list BTW, those can pass their info to the president, bal ha ku dhahaan wadna xanuun iyo werwer badan baad umad badan ku ridee, bal dhan u rid ha dhaqaaqdee.. Sidaan si maaha..

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A_Khadar;873508 wrote:
Oba let us all down, he confirmed a false news acting he is inner circled.. Walee obaa danbaanan dhageysan waa nin qurbo ka raago and he has no connection in somalia beyond this


Warkaa waa false news and this just reminds me similar news reported in Minneapolis event other night when Minnesota Somalis were celebrating for the new president’s inauguration. While the president was on the line talking to the people in the event, large section of the even's attendees started hugging and congratulating each other for a new PM being nominated and he is their clan. It was chaos after that and everyone was outside the hall, very much emptied while the president still on the phone talking...

loooooooooooool :D :D sxb i apologize but this was a disgusting attempt to create false rumors by the farmaajo camp

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xiinfaniin;873834 wrote:
Faroole waxaa laga hayaa :
Ogow waa siganaye'e

Maalin dhow koley faroole cabaadkisi wu bilaabi doona,oo raisal wasaare wabu ka si quustay hada.

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