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Somalia-Somaliland Talks detrimental to Somalia's unity

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Abtigiis;872301 wrote:
The so-called Somaliland-Somalia
talks serve no purpose
other than fortify the hard-core secessionist clique in Hargeisa while at the same time confusing the moderates in SNM and most of the distinctly unionist communities in the north. This is the verdict of Abtigiis and many faithful unionists who are aware of the fragility of the secession agenda. In the village, they say gossiping about the troubles of your neighbours does not gurantee a happy family life in your own home nor does it preclude the eruption of discord in own house. With the South showing signs of recovery, and Awdal, Khaatumo and Makhiir stealthily winking at Somalia to stimulate its national virility,
Somaliland is not in a strong negotiating position. This is a fact
. Which is why evertime the issue of Somaliland-Somalia talks are invoked, it is the Somaliland media who are feasting on it, fully aware that right now what is fatal for Somaliland is a conscious inattention by the south more than anything else.


The talks are detrimental to the union cause and while the intentions behind these talks might be good they are unlikely to lead to any positive outcome.
The right policy for the south would have been to ignore Somaliland right now and focus on getting the south right. If they succeed to pacify the South and work and business opportunities bloom as expected, Somaliland will implode from within politically and the hardliners will be isolated and gradually defeated.

Saxiib, if you state that Somaliland is in a weak negoitiaten position then why state that talks derail the Union? you are contradicting yourself. You should make up your mind.

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^^ He knows deep inside that Somaliland is negotiating from a strong position they have their house in order they have territorial control. But he doesn't want to admit that so he goes on and on about that these talks are useless and eventually he contradicts him self.

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Let me quote you're President


Hassan sheikh Mahamuud


Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud: Ilaa iyo hadda inta aan ognahay waxa ay tahay wadahadaladaasi waa bilow. Aad iyo aad ayaan u soo dhoweynaynaa. Aad aan raali uga nahay, ugu faraxsanahay. Waxan leenahay labaatan sano, dhowr iyo labaatan sano ka dib in ay hada bilaabatay fursad lagu wada hadlo Maamulkaa Somaliland ka jira halkaa. Waxaan leenahay Dowlada Somaliland anagu in aan la fadhiisano aad iyo aad wada hadalkii bilawday meeshii uu ka bilawday waa laga dhaqaajinayaa. Si fiican ayaa looga dhaqaajinayaa. Xanaf iyo xasaasiyaad iyo wixii carqalad ku noqon karo oo dhan ayaan ka doonaynaa. Aad iyo aad ayey muhiimad noogu tahay oon in dalka midnimadiisa la helo. Lakiin midnimada ma doonayno in ay caadifad iyo emotions iyo lab la kac ku timaado ma doonayno. Xoog in ay ku timaado ma rabno ama xoog milatari ha ahaado ama xoog dhiblomaasiyeed ha ahaado oo beesha caalamka inta loo adeegsado Somaliland lagu khasbo waxna ma doonayno. Midnimo laga wada hadlay oo maxaan ku idhaahdaayeey rukumo ad adag loo dhigay ayaan rabnaa. Anagu hore ayaan u sii soconaa oo waxyaabaha tiirarka ah ee asaasiga ah ee lagu hishiiyo xitaa waxaan rabaa mustaqbalka in lagu daro manjahka waxbarashada si jiilasha cusub ee Soomaalida ahi ay u ogaadaan wixii lagu midoobay iyo in ay muqadisaad in ay yihiin oo in la ilaaliyo ay tahay. Si aanay u dhicin sodon sano afartan sano kale markaan dowlad ahaano hadiiba aan midowno markaan dowlad ahaano ka dib hadana aanan isigu dhicin oonan u kicin. Lakiin aniga dowladaan madaxda ka ahay ee midnimadu waa noo muhiim waana waxay noo tahay wax aan yacni option kale ama dookh kale oon ahayn dalka in la mideeyo ma qabno. Lakiin hadana sidaas wadadaas aan rabnaa in lagu mideeyee ama wadadii shalay lagu midooboo sodon sano markii mid la ahaa ka dib la isku dilay ma doonayno in dib loo qaado.




Let me Quote President Ahmed Siilaanyo


Talks or no talks our Sovereignty is neither for discussion nor compromise . . . Following the costly reclamation of our independence and in view of Somalilanders’ desires for self-rule, we do hereby ask the world to respect our people’s decision and recognize Somaliland as a free country with full membership at the United Nations by President Siilaanyo

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