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Somalia-Somaliland Talks detrimental to Somalia's unity

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The so-called Somaliland-Somalia talks serve no purpose other than fortify the hard-core secessionist clique in Hargeisa while at the same time confusing the moderates in SNM and most of the distinctly unionist communities in the north. This is the verdict of Abtigiis and many faithful unionists who are aware of the fragility of the secession agenda. In the village, they say gossiping about the troubles of your neighbours does not gurantee a happy family life in your own home nor does it preclude the eruption of discord in own house. With the South showing signs of recovery, and Awdal, Khaatumo and Makhiir stealthily winking at Somalia to stimulate its national virility, Somaliland is not in a strong negotiating position. This is a fact. Which is why evertime the issue of Somaliland-Somalia talks are invoked, it is the Somaliland media who are feasting on it, fully aware that right now what is fatal for Somaliland is a conscious inattention by the south more than anything else.


The talks are detrimental to the union cause and while the intentions behind these talks might be good they are unlikely to lead to any positive outcome. The right policy for the south would have been to ignore Somaliland right now and focus on getting the south right. If they succeed to pacify the South and work and business opportunities bloom as expected, Somaliland will implode from within politically and the hardliners will be isolated and gradually defeated.

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I agree with you. Yours is the position of the hardcore SNMites in Hargeisa, who will table quite unreasonable demands at these talks. Given that those demands will not be accepted by the South, the talks only delay the eventual showdown which is sure to come.

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Somaliland is not in a strong negotiating position they were ready in 1991 for talks in 2001 ready for talks in 2012 and even in 2021 Abtigiis just fix Somalia and come to the negotiating table or come now to the Negotiating table. Somalilanders are ready now tomorrow the day after in 10 years time. You cant say Lets ignore Somalilanders and it will solve it self and at the same time say they are negotiation from a weak position it doesn't make sense.


How are the talks with the ONLF going i heard talks didn't start yet Abtigiis how come u never focus on that sometimes i think you care more about Somalia and Somaliland than Ethiopia and O'gadenia.

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As for talks talks can fail but Somalilanders and koonfurians haven't event talked since 1991 so lets give it a chance i welcome hassan sheikh Mahamuuds talks and the SL govt welcomed it aswel.

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Again they can talk all they want. Either the new government will give way to the secessionists or the secessionist will find their unionist voice. So let the dance begin.

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General Duke;872309 wrote:
Again they can talk all they want. Either the new government will give way to the secessionists or the secessionist will find their unionist voice. So let the dance begin.

Absolutely duke

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Indeed XX, there is no need to hide behind smokescreens. The secessionist demands shall be listens to. Their claims of independent and sonon. The more there are talks the more some some minds will become more focused.

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Abtigiis;872301 wrote:
The right policy for the south would have been to ignore Somaliland right now and focus on getting the south right. If they succeed to pacify the South and work and business opportunities bloom as expected, Somaliland will implode from within politically and the hardliners will be isolated and gradually defeated.

Some people ma ilbaxaan ...... they always repeat the old tricks they already know they failed before.


The south was stable and one when things got ugly in the late 80s ... and was even stronger in political, economical and military stands.

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Abtigiis;872304 wrote:
I agree with you. Yours is the position of the hardcore SNMites in Hargeisa, who will table quite unreasonable demands at these talks. Given that those demands will not be accepted by the South, the talks only delay the eventual showdown which is sure to come.

SL should be Somalia's least worry at this time would you agree? I mean with all the problems facing Somalia today, these talks with SL that serve no purpose should not be a the forefront. Forget about SL, they're divided among each other with multiple presidents...seriously?


And I can go on about the issues SL have of their own, but that's another thing.

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Maybe this interview induced the latest comments from AT...






Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Somaliland oo sheegay inay lug ku lahaayeen Doorashadii Madaxtinimo ee ka dhacday Muqdisho


Sabti, September 22, 2012 (HOL) — Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Somaliland, Md: Maxamed Nuur Caraale (Duur), ayaa sheegay in doorashadii ka dhacday Soomaaliya ay xukuumadda Raad ku lahayd si ay madaxtinimadda ugu usoo baxdo dad ay wada hadli karaan.


"waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa xubnihii dhallinyarada ahaa ee fikirkaasi qaatay ee dagaaladdaas ka qaybgalay, haddii ay ka waantoobayaan oo ehelkoodii iyo dadkoodii doonayaan inay si wanaagsan ula joogayaan oo degan ula joogayaan, waxaanu u fidin karaynaa cafis, bani’aadamkoo dhami way khaldamaan, haddii ay noloshoodii dib u bilaabayaan, waanan soo dhowaynaynaa"ayuu yidhi wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Somaliland oo baaq u dirayey dhalinyaradda ka mid ah Alshabaab ee ka soo jeedda Somaliland, waxaanu sidaas ka sheegay mar uu waraysi siiyey Telefishanka HCTV.


Wasiirka waxa kale oo la waydiiyey inuu xidhiidh ka dhexeeyo madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud iyo wararka sheegaya inay ka wada tirsan yihiin ururka islaamiga ah ee Islaax, waxaanu kaga jawaabay "isma naqaano madaxweynaha Soomaaliya shakhsiyan, laakiin Soomaaliya waxa hubaal ah in wada hadal la samaynayo, xukuumadan aan ka tirsanahay waxay Soomaaliya la waday wada hadal soo jiray, imika waa lala sii wadi doonaa", waxaanu intaas ku daray " Raad baanu ku lahayn doorashaddii, waxa jira cid u cadow ah Somaliland iyo cid wada hadalkii lala sii waddi karo, marka xidhiidh aanu la lahayn wuxuu ahaa xidhiidh war is gaadhsiineed, waliba xubno aan anigiyo ku jiray xidhiidh baanu la lahayn, waxaanu ka taxadaraynay cidee ayaanu wada hadalkii la wadi karnaa, cideese wada hadalkaasi la wadi karayn"ayuu yidhi, isaga oo aan ka jawaabin inuu ka tirsan yahay ururka islaax ee lagu eedeeyey inay ku wada jiraan madaxweynaha cusub.


Wasiirku waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay khilaafka ka taagan labadda xil ee uu isku hayo guddoomiyaha golaha Wakiiladda, waxaanu sheegay in wax u diidaya in labadda xil isku hayo gudoomiyaha golaha Wakiiladda aanay jirin, waxaanu xusay in cidii arrintaasi diidan ay u banaan tahay inay sharciga u maraan.


Sidoo kale waxa uu ka hadlay degmooyin aanay hore doorashooyin uga dhici ijrin oo muran ka taagnaa oo ku yaalay gobolada galbeedka inuu ku jiro sidii uu u soo afjari lahaa khilaafkaasi, doorashana uga dhici lahayd, kulan balaadhan oo lagaga tashanayo siday doorasho uga dhici lahaydna ku hawlan yahay.


Mudooyinkii u dambeeyey ayaa warbaahinta maxaliga ahi ay qorayeen wasiiro ka tirsan Xukuumada Somaliland gaar ahaan wasiirada ugu shilis ee xilalka waaweyn ka hayaa ay ka tirsan yihiin ururka Islaax, isla markaana xidhiidh hoose ka dhexeeyo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sh. Maxamuud, maadaama oo dhawr bilood ka hor ururkaasi shirweynahoodii ku qabsadeen magaaladda Hargeysa, baaqna ka soo saaray ay masuuliyiin ka tirsan xilal kaga qaadeen.Haseyeeshee, wasiiradaasi ilaa hadda kama hadal, wax jawaab ahna kamay bixin.

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General Duke;872327 wrote:
This is a good step. So the new Somalia president will work for the secession of the NW. This is getting better..

No one is claiming any such thing, Duke, so desist from the usual propaganda.


Just some are claiming there are political groups within the South with which talks can be held and others where talks would be futile. The claim from the Minister is that simple!


Now whether his hypothesis is correct or not... The verdict is still out on that in both the South and North.


Personally, I'm a bit skeptical given the close friendship & coordination between Abdiqasim Salaad and the late Mohamed I. Egal before the former was chosen in Djibouti (Salad spent 6 months shuttling back & forth between Hargeisa and Mogadishu before his appointment in Djibouti). As soon as he became President of the TNG, Salad changed his tune to a hostile position vis-a-vis Somaliland.

The relevance of this: Salad was a prominent member of Al Islah at the time...

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