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Alpha, waryaa don't discuss real events and issues here dee. Now, that doesn't mean you can talk abou going for dinner as long as you don't give other details. Spin it waryaa. :D :D i liked when you say we hunted for chicks with AT. Now that is fine, but don't give the size of the women I got for instance.


I somehow can't answer or taunt sister Juxa. Si bay iiga buruuj wayn tahay inantu. Markaa ii ducee unbaan odhan karaa hada.

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Ducada goes without saying, lately si si baan suufi isaga noqday runtii


Alpha that is ok. Abtigiis worked so hard to make us think the worst. Someday he will say surprise

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Juxa, if I were you I would trust my gut feeling over the maudlin testimony of a young teaser like Alpha. :D


Anyway, I can confess I do like Juxa as a person, or rather as the person I see here as Juxa. And I am not saying this as a tactical retreat. I am being honest.

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Mario B   

Abtigiis;871995 wrote:
So, I agree with Mario’s assessment that rather than help restore my faltering love ego, Blue has fired the killer bullet!

Do forgive, she is only young and pretty!!:D

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Bluelicious;871796 wrote:
Abtigiis inadeer life is not fair and will always play games with you and throw hurdles at you but that is what makes life exciting and interesting. Not everybody is destined to find love or a suitable partner on this world and we need to accept that because there is more to life then only love. Sometimes things come when you least expect them and never compare yourself to others they may have qualities that you don't have and you may have qualities that they don't have and admire about you and wish they had. By the way it's better a person never tells you that they love you then hearing a fake I love you that would break your heart. At least then you know they don't take it lightly and dish it out very easy to the first person that comes along.


Assuming they are the average Farax I don't think they have your amazing qualities. I'm a young woman and I find you the coolest man of all the 30+ on this place there is something about you that makes you stand out, you're a charismatic, witty, intelligent, great story teller and great writer I enjoy enjoy reading your threads and you seem to have good manners thus making you a gentleman. You seem to have it all going on for you I think the approaching is your problem like many people and maybe you should give women of your age a chance after all you have alot in common and life goals they would understand you better.


You are a wealthy man because you still have your good health and no illnesses and diseases. There are only two types of people who are the wealthiest on earth; the one who still has his good health and the one who has no debt. So consider yourself lucky and count your blessings. Being content and grateful with what you have at the moment will only increase what you have over time. Try meditating and yoga that will give you some inner peace


Oba Hiloowlow
- No man is born with the most excellent skills to approach women, you learn that over time by women rejecting you. Players and men who have great succes with pick up lines are men who have been rejected many times and developed and improved their skills thus making them an expert in their field over time. As I always say each no brings you closer to your yes.

Blue true dat nin oday oo cimri dheer heystay baan ahay waayo arag cml

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Well since all Somali women are more or less the same size- alpha does not need to say anything :P


Juxa, whatever he writes- I tell you know in advance you will have a better experience here- for a start you will have super cool cake loving resident friend here :P lol hehehe . So hurry up already!!!!!!

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Ibti my holiday is booked! I am so excited about seeing my family & you


Food and sleep here I come....

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*Ibtisam;872075 wrote:
Well since all Somali women are more or less the same size- alpha does not need to say anything




what nonsense!


Somali women are all sorts to be honest. you maybe right there.


in somaliland, they're proportionally on the fat size. their diet is atrocious - eating all that left-over, fat and bone-marrow. you'd think they're like those fuel tankers. boy oh boy, can they eat to their hearts desire or what. the UN is lying when they say 35% of somalis are malnourished.


to quote my bro - ''these women are like cows, they eat but never release the digested load because its transported to mars'' LOL

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Women eat because of the void and disappointments caused by men!


Now I can eat without guilt.


Ibti I will call or email. Send list of what you want, nacnac etc

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If I send you a list of what I want- you wont have any space for your won things. hehehe. Just kidding. Okay speak soon. Xxx


Alpha tell your brother to leave women alone!!!


People in Somaliland eat too much of bad food- men and women.

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LOL@ dearest Juxa,


there is an underground society called fat-feeders in the UK. these are men who have a perverted fetish for feeding women to the extent where they are mobidly obese, dangerously on the verge of death. in fact, one guy went down for manslaughter.


this begs the question of, when left to their own devices, why somali women feed like cows?

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Abtigiis;871995 wrote:
Bootylicious’s gratuitously foolhardy praise of me would have received a cheering mouth and flinging chest were it not for the fact that, on closer inspection, it equates to the proverbial rousing words that a caring mother tells to her heartbroken spinster after one more engagement proposal flops yet again, following weeks of preparations for a grand wedding ceremony.
“Dhaban kaana waad leedahay, oofna kuma jabna, calafkaaga oo faras duulaya saaran baa kuu iman ee ha is xumayn”,
the worried mother says to the old girl, more in desperation and confusion, less in hope and genuine assessment of her girl’s worth!


The old girl, who is only too aware of deeper creases, coarsening flesh and imminent gaps in a drooping mouth that once kissed sweet, that once radiated scented breath, can hardly leap in joy on account of the thoughtful words of the distressed mother. Likewise, far more useful to my wilting self-esteem than this patronizing benevolence would have been a direct private message where ‘the Blue” expresses her love and admiration furtively. That did not come, and therefore I reject Blue’s comforting appraisal of me as a coquettish courtship of a cat-walking cyber script. It gives me pain not pleasure to know those who love me are only those who can’t or haven’t seen me!
So, I agree with Mario’s assessment that rather than help restore my faltering love ego, Blue has fired the killer bullet!

What a ungrateful old man you are for offending me like this, hereby I take my kind words back that were meant to help you. You aren't worthy of my comment you hopeless gigolo, go listen to your feminine master Ngonge since you joined his loser club and you obey whatever he says. I was the only one who gave you some useful advice the rest were all being negative offending and insulting yet you chose to offend and insult me rather then the people who insulted you. To me it looks like you like to be abused and insulted and have no self respect.


Malika - That feminine Ngonge has always issues about what I say about other men he's being jealous because of the things I said about Abtigiis and especially about the part where I said ''the coolest man of all the 30+ on this place there is something about you that makes you stand out'' It seems my post hit him like a knife in the heart it's so obvious from his reaction.


Mario B - Thanks dude but there is nothing to save here. Abtigiis is a loser and I was so wrong about him, this changes everything about him.

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