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Mario B   

Bluelicious;871796 wrote:
...Assuming they are the average Farax I don't think they have your amazing qualities. I'm a young woman and I find you the coolest man of all the 30+ on this place there is something about you that makes you stand out, you're a charismatic, witty, intelligent,.....

I think you have made an "old man" happy, only to ruin it by telling him to give women of his age a chance....the man wants to be chased around by "young girls", not because he wants to violate them, no! :- he just wants the feel good factor that comes by being desired by a "spring chicken"

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Bootylicious’s gratuitously foolhardy praise of me would have received a cheering mouth and flinging chest were it not for the fact that, on closer inspection, it equates to the proverbial rousing words that a caring mother tells to her heartbroken spinster after one more engagement proposal flops yet again, following weeks of preparations for a grand wedding ceremony. “Dhaban kaana waad leedahay, oofna kuma jabna, calafkaaga oo faras duulaya saaran baa kuu iman ee ha is xumayn”, the worried mother says to the old girl, more in desperation and confusion, less in hope and genuine assessment of her girl’s worth!


The old girl, who is only too aware of deeper creases, coarsening flesh and imminent gaps in a drooping mouth that once kissed sweet, that once radiated scented breath, can hardly leap in joy on account of the thoughtful words of the distressed mother. Likewise, far more useful to my wilting self-esteem than this patronizing benevolence would have been a direct private message where ‘the Blue” expresses her love and admiration furtively. That did not come, and therefore I reject Blue’s comforting appraisal of me as a coquettish courtship of a cat-walking cyber script. It gives me pain not pleasure to know those who love me are only those who can’t or haven’t seen me! :D So, I agree with Mario’s assessment that rather than help restore my faltering love ego, Blue has fired the killer bullet!


That said, Blessed’s assertion that my predicament is to do with ‘decent girls’ setting ‘some standards’ is not supported by either theory or practice. Theoretically, I take the words of Oscar Wilde, that scandalized Irish poet, who suggested that ‘it is the ugly and the stu.pi.d who have the best of this world’ over the untested utterances of Marwo Blessed. So, even if I agree to the charge that I am of a lower standard, that shouldn’t be a barrier to get a decent girl. If Abdi Iley can have one, if Sheikh Sharif can get two, if my own friend Mo Jama can be beleaguered for attention by three, I should get one decent one chasing me. Come on!


In practice, I met many men of my age and intellect (low-medium), who always tell me “haa, maantaan gabadh cusub soo xareeyey”, and when I ask what is happening to the first one, they say “way iska dagtay, waxoogaa hinaaso-tir ah ayaan siieyey”. I mean, if mine is talking of macabre things to happen should I move a hand, and if no other girl is ever asking me for a relationship, how come all of these men are forgiven by their wives and chased by more vibrant girls? Therein lies my chagrin!


Ordinarily, Blessed’s not-so underhand insult against me would have invited an in-kind retort. But we all know that despite the bad name that I carry in this forum, no nomad, no man in this site, can take abuse magnanimously more than me. In part, it is because I believe Nicholas Cage cannot sue tabloids and movie-lovers if they write hate messages against Castor Troy in Face-Off. As long as Blessed is attacking a character called “Abtigiis”, it is a fair game for me, for I hardly associate myself with that online character. That explains why I do not unnecessarily get worked up about who said what about me in this forum. I hope Blessed understands that. :D :D Not to forget that marwo Blessed is a marwo in the real sense!

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NGONGE;871974 wrote:
Things have really gone downhill for A&T when the scripts start making eyes at him.

Loool..You still convinced Blue is a script huh?


Off topic : I always feel sorry for daughters of men that have low opinion of women - tolow how do they see their own daughters?

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ugaaso Malika, salaams dear. Who are these men you are talking about? :D I know Alpha is one such but that is because he doesn't have daughters. Ngonge is another, but that is because his attitude is shaped by the misogynic Arab culture!


And also to liven up this dicussion, what about women who have low opinion of old men like Blessed? :D :D You have read what she said above!

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Malika excellent su'aal


As much as Abtigii uu iga xanajiyay many times hada I do understand 'what about me?'

Waa horrible feeling


I hope he accepts my ducaa inuu reerku hada heysto alle la garab galo, oo uu His days qaatumo ku dhameysto

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war ileen tan oo kale! juxa, reerka maxaad sheekan u soo dhex gelin? I have the right to look for a young love like other men? :D :D What is wrong with managing mid-life crisis online? :D I mean isn't it better than go and mess your life for real? :D


Abtigiis reer ma leh by the way. If you don't undestand this, please refer to the Nicholas Cage-Castor Troy duality!

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Abtigiis;871997 wrote:
ugaaso Malika, salaams dear. Who are these men you are talking about?
I know Alpha is one such but that is because he doesn't have daughters. Ngonge is another, but that is because his attitude is shaped by the misogynic Arab culture!


And also to liven up this dicussion, what about women who have low opinion of old men like Blessed?
:D You have read what she said above!

I think women are mad (including every single one related to me). I do not think they're inferior. Kala saar. :D


Malika, do you say otherwise?

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Hmmmmm don't know why I expected to find a half decent review of Hargeisa and your stay. I mean a review beyond cleaners and of groupies. Try again with better reflection of your time here, social, politics, funny sign posts, interesting characters u met- best hang out spot.

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I was being generous but as always abaal iyo ixsaan malihid


Mid dollarka aad la dhacdhacayso kaa furata kugu ogahay. Teeda kale how long baad marmarsiyoon

Mid life crisis bal?

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Waryaa Abtigiis, waa ku faraxsanahay in waxaas oo shukaansi fashilan ahi kugu dhaceen muddo gaaban. Hadda haddaad si badbaado leh ugu noqotay Nairobi min-fadlak horn your skills next time around. Ta kale, xagga midlife crisis-ka eed kuma lihid maxaa yeelay the innate biological traits of a man dictate having more than one woman is natural, human perception is all another ball game. Waxaan u malaynayaa markaad Hargeysa tagtay horaad ka bilowday haasaawaha, war ilaa labo beri ciyaalo suuq baa layska dhigaa, oo sida loo kala macaasho wax laga bartaa hence there is no a cookie cutter solution in any field - keep that in mind.

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as one of the few persons who it can be said to know AT very well, maybe with the exception of talexxi and JB who it can also said to know AT better, i, nonetheless know AT very well. i'm proud of this fact. we've spent some time together and we seem to click. AT is an amazing guy walahi and this ill-judged thread sticks of pity and 'i'm useless'. yesterday, NG made a poignant remark about AT copying my ciyalnimo undertones and i think he's right in that regard. AT, may certainly have the mahatma gandhi about his looks but this belies his fiery personality. AT is full of energy that will make any al-shabaabi, pet-like-obedience, zealot look like NG on a good day lol.


AT is a hero, a champion of the people no doubt. he's polite, courteous and very informed about most things. he's also quite good at scouting for chicks, the few times we've fished lol. i've told him many a times to ignore these low standards local chicks but he doesn't seem to listen.

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Apophis;872007 wrote:
Abtigiis, have you thought about a toupee? Something like this maybe?



:D :D Apo, you left me with no option but to invoke this cheeky Amharic saying:


Dhaabo yelem injii

Sukaar binoor nooro

Shahi afliteen

Qursi in balaa neber


which translates to:


There is no bread here

but only if we had sugar

we would have boiled tea

and have a great breakfast!



Ibti, I intend to do that. Infact, it is a shame my personal baloney's are overshadowing this thread where I wanted to narrate substantial issues on Hargeisa.


Alpha, speaking of the looks, we shall see how you look when you turn +45.

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Thank you Alpha for setting us straight. We women are seef-labood at times


We appreciate and treasure duqa! Let's hope he won't suspect my good intention


I wish he would give us full disclosure on Sl

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