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Hargeisa Chronicles

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Abtigiis;871568 wrote:
I am leaving Hargeisa in few hours. I can't say I haven't enjoyed it, even with a bad health. I have asked a friend of mine why they do not have a catagory for "people living with flu and allergy" (PLWFA) like they have one for People living with HIV/AIDS. It could be old age. But health problems are the last of my complaints. I leave Hargeisa heart-broken, genuinely dismayed. For all the talk about pretty girls swarming the streets and alleys, I have yet to meet one single decent girl who showed any interest in me. Of course, we rule out the crazy gold-diggers and mindless qat addicts who go with anyone with few coins to share. I am talking aout decent girls from good families. Yes, I am an old man. I know that. No self-respecting girl finds an old man with sagging belly and beaming head attractive, but then there should have been some equally decimated second-hand women who show some interest! In a way, my fortunes in Hargeisa mirror a life-time of deprivation in the love arena. The only two to three women who ever said they love me, both happen to be from a lower profession - a maid and cleaners in an office. I felt like hanging myself from the next electric pole! And again, the third one was this week. Again, a clearner. I don't have any bad attitude about the profession itself, but why can't I attract women of younger age or of better career? It is something that bothers me. And yes, I heard one other high-career women was asking about me. it is not clear if she wanted me for work-related matters or if it was about myself. I saw her and this one was in her late 40s, just like me! Am I made for retirement love, sometimes I wonder!


Ok, let us stop all this rubbish palaver. What preoccupied me more than the lack of a new blood of lover was my safety, what with Norf tasking Jacaylbaro to posion me and this young flamboyant Alpha smearing my name alleging that I hate Somalilanders.


...more sensible observations to follow!

at approx 3:14 yesterday just after i started another thread on the general section, i called AT and we spoke very hurriedly. AT said he'll call me back at 18:00 hours. i waited for his call until 21:00hours. i was very disappointed ruunti.

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Haa dee. Waliba magacayday badaleen. Alpha's vocabulary and sentence construction has suddenly improved. A&T's ciyaalnimo (a symptom normally found in most Alpha's posts) has also increased. Or, maybe, they're just kindred spirits!

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Jacaylbaro;871600 wrote:
He started to hangout with Alpha as of late ,,,

yh me and AT chilled a few times. i've been around his house that he shares with another fat cat a few times, not really the most dynamic of places to be honest! its not the most homely of places, its rented so its very sterile and lacks personality.

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Ngonge it must be something in the water - how come Jac is a happy go lucky sort of a guy - the 'martii' are the only one who seem to have got the bug called 'calacal'

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Just landed at jomo kenyatta. Alpha i called you but as usual your phone was off and the lady kept on saying "this phone is switched off". I think the automatic operator should say somthing like " this phone is on now", for it looks your phone is on only for few minutes in a day.


Ngonge, I agree this update is a bit juvenile but please understand the fury of a jilted man, a man who is dealing with midlife crisis. I promise the rest of th chronicles will be more serious and will be focused on social,economic and political observations.

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Malika;871657 wrote:
Ngonge it must be something in the water - how come Jac is a happy go lucky sort of a guy - the 'martii' are the only one who seem to have got the bug called 'calacal'

:D :D ..


They usually come with the bug and it starts operating once the new environment takes affect :D

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Abtigiis inadeer life is not fair and will always play games with you and throw hurdles at you but that is what makes life exciting and interesting. Not everybody is destined to find love or a suitable partner on this world and we need to accept that because there is more to life then only love. Sometimes things come when you least expect them and never compare yourself to others they may have qualities that you don't have and you may have qualities that they don't have and admire about you and wish they had. By the way it's better a person never tells you that they love you then hearing a fake I love you that would break your heart. At least then you know they don't take it lightly and dish it out very easy to the first person that comes along.


Assuming they are the average Farax I don't think they have your amazing qualities. I'm a young woman and I find you the coolest man of all the 30+ on this place there is something about you that makes you stand out, you're a charismatic, witty, intelligent, great story teller and great writer I enjoy enjoy reading your threads and you seem to have good manners thus making you a gentleman. You seem to have it all going on for you I think the approaching is your problem like many people and maybe you should give women of your age a chance after all you have alot in common and life goals they would understand you better.


You are a wealthy man because you still have your good health and no illnesses and diseases. There are only two types of people who are the wealthiest on earth; the one who still has his good health and the one who has no debt. So consider yourself lucky and count your blessings. Being content and grateful with what you have at the moment will only increase what you have over time. Try meditating and yoga that will give you some inner peace :)


Oba Hiloowlow - No man is born with the most excellent skills to approach women, you learn that over time by women rejecting you. Players and men who have great succes with pick up lines are men who have been rejected many times and developed and improved their skills thus making them an expert in their field over time. As I always say each no brings you closer to your yes.

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Wadani;871830 wrote:
Bluelicious you, my dear, are a wonderful person, masha'Allah.

Wadani thank you dear it means alot coming from you, you are a amazing person yourself too. Great minds think alike :D

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