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Hargeisa Chronicles

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I am leaving Hargeisa in few hours. I can't say I haven't enjoyed it, even with a bad health. I have asked a friend of mine why they do not have a catagory for "people living with flu and allergy" (PLWFA) like they have one for People living with HIV/AIDS. It could be old age. But health problems are the last of my complaints. I leave Hargeisa heart-broken, genuinely dismayed. For all the talk about pretty girls swarming the streets and alleys, I have yet to meet one single decent girl who showed any interest in me. Of course, we rule out the crazy gold-diggers and mindless qat addicts who go with anyone with few coins to share. I am talking aout decent girls from good families. Yes, I am an old man. I know that. No self-respecting girl finds an old man with sagging belly and beaming head attractive, but then there should have been some equally decimated second-hand women who show some interest! In a way, my fortunes in Hargeisa mirror a life-time of deprivation in the love arena. The only two to three women who ever said they love me, both happen to be from a lower profession - a maid and cleaners in an office. I felt like hanging myself from the next electric pole! And again, the third one was this week. Again, a clearner. I don't have any bad attitude about the profession itself, but why can't I attract women of younger age or of better career? It is something that bothers me. And yes, I heard one other high-career women was asking about me. it is not clear if she wanted me for work-related matters or if it was about myself. I saw her and this one was in her late 40s, just like me! Am I made for retirement love, sometimes I wonder!


Ok, let us stop all this rubbish palaver. What preoccupied me more than the lack of a new blood of lover was my safety, what with Norf tasking Jacaylbaro to posion me and this young flamboyant Alpha smearing my name alleging that I hate Somalilanders.


...more sensible observations to follow!

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:D ,,, You could have waited until you reach your destination but that now you are still in H-town waiting for the flight, I'm sure all those girls will be waiting for you at the Airport gate. and Norf is making several calls.


Imikaba waan kuu digay ,,,, :D

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second hand women?


ninyow waxan maqlay old men are lovable and hadalkooda qabasho malahan, balse you really do push buttons


hadii aan ogaan lahaa inaan Sland joogto, hala ii garaaco dhihi lahaa


ps: allaha ku caafiyo

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Juxa, I am not a feeble-minded person as you think. In fact, I have a knack for creating a positive out of the most negative situation. When the maid said she loves me, I didn't take it badly at first. She was my maid. I looked at the matter carefully and realised that the maid could have loved me only because I am a good-hearted person. A courteous one too. I saw the silver-lining in the situation. I took it as a confirmation of the widely-held view that I am a man full of compassion for people from all walks of life. I am not overly concerned with the lack of a young lover. I know I can buy one. I just get upset when others of my age tell me that they are switching off their phones because they are chased by univesity girls! I say why is it not happening to me? I mean it is not because I don't meet many of them. My work means I meet many gilrs of high-stars. And I am complaining not only about Hargeisa but also about Nairobi! I don't mind if no one comes close and shows interest, that is normal. They could think I am already taken, and not available. I am dismayed because I am becoming the most eligible second-hand man for menopauses and maids. That is a matter of pain and hurt for me.


Waryaa let me run and grab a quick lunch at the nearst hotel.... Waryaa J- WAG, I know you are reading this in Nairobi, bari update on the politics baan kaa rabaa! Don't call me caawa.

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