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Sumcadda dadka ka soo jeeda deeganada Puntland ee Muqdisho ku sugan oo Xumaatay iyo cabasho ay muuji

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Taleexi;871009 wrote:
Alla SOL kompisar fostar inte svenska aven min data saknar svenska bokstaver darfor pa engleska eller Somalisk, hor du mej?

Google translate:

All SOL mates perform each operation not Swedish hubs my data lacks Swedish letters therefore engleska or Somalia, you whore me?


Please, make it easy for us newbs :D

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Fiqi was talking about this just yesterday that his people are not safe in xamar and fiqi is a Puntlander.


Fiqikhayre;870527 wrote:
Xaaji Xunjuf how can we live together if certain clans are not safe in Mogadishu or even nations not respected because they 'support' a rival clan?

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Loool@ Haatu translated Swedish..lool


Let me help you - Your SOL friend doesnt understand Swedish - even my computer misses Swedish Alphabets - so can you all convers in English or Somali - got me? - Taalex's Swedish has a hint of Finnish maa iis tiri.


Oba haye - still got it so mahaa?

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