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Kenya not attending the inauguration of the new President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, why?

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Macallinka, don't tell me Doodishe rejected the offer the 100th time. When is President Xasan going to convince that guy to take the damn thing ninyoow. loool.

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I know waxa Kenya waalaya now, UN-ka iyo waxa xafiis iyo Safaarad Soomaaliya loogu talagalay baa ka guuraya oo ay ka welwelsan yihiin, Kismaayo oo ay intaas xoreyn waayeen baa laga hor qabsaday, malaha kuwii ay is lahaayeen badda ha idin siiyeen baa loo diidey in PM laga dhigo, Xitaa diyaaradihii baa hadda ka go'ay people go via Turkey ee nimanka halla yaabina, inay isku dhaacaan waa caadi waayo 21 sano aya dhiigga Soomaalida miiranayeen:D

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As much as I did not want Sh. Sharif to come back I think our former president deserves a huge respect. He is a good man who worked hard for his country, risked his life. I think he will go in the history books as one of the good leaders that Somalia had. Beleive me Amar Ilaah ka sokoow if it was not like him and other Somalis who worked hard we wouldn't be where we are today. Guys waddanka halloo noqdo haddii wax laga qabanayo. Cyber Somali baa la wada noqday oo xitaa Diaspora Somalia waan ka sii fogaan rabnaa.:D Ilaahow dalkeenna nabad nooga dhig.

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