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^Unless you know something I don't, the man lived in Buffalo and took sabbatical Niagara University where he was teaching unless sheekada ship them to Bosaso tahay Maaddeey:D

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Maaddeey;870430 wrote:
^ why is that?, the guy was in Bosaso, teaching, before Farmajo enlisted him in his cabinet. Shimoow saan dhan qatar u noqday?.

Ignorant. Is that what you say to each other at tolka wardi sessions before suicide missions? Loool


Atleast learn the minimum about the people you speak ill off before you open your mouth. That is what smart fadhikudirirs do.

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Lool, fadhi ku dirirka ma shhegon miyaa inuu Jaamacadda geeska Afrika wax ka dhigi jiray?.


Ps. Where did I speak ill of the man?, ma adigaad i moodday? :D

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I assumed wrong markaas, waxaan mooday dadka jaamacadaas halaambeey ku qaaday inuu ka mid yahay! Intensive online fadhi ku dirir class in Mooge ii dhigo waaye!

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^He n Farmaajo are both from Buffalo. Farmaajo works for the State. They were both enlisted by the same people.


You must join Mooge's accelerated super intensive fadhi kudirir class:D

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Waa saas :D


Ninkaan waxaan nacay markii Kenyanku laaluusheen Operation Linch (muu ahaa?), eee asaga iyo Shariif dhowr mar kala hadleen, kadibna Odinga u yeeray ee loo meeriyey wixii la dhihi lahaa!.

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Sxb, ha xanaaqin, pm ka hor waxba kama aqoon (there's no reason) lakin after that I know every thing about him, that particular incident, voa aan dhegeheyga uga maqlay, lalabaa i qabatay! :D

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Maaddeey ash ma aha cawada. Waxaas ku haaya wrong assumption aan suubiyey, meel kalena waxaas ku qore kismaayo waa nala ka racdeehaa mar dhow ee see camal. Igaarka assignmentga maa ka dhamaade? Hayye sidii hebel kaa xamaami cajal soo dhaji si suuqa u firaaqeeso nooh macalinka.

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Ani bin adam aan ahay waan qaldamaa, waana qirtaa unlike (ehem) :D


Adiga PL yaa xaq keligaa kuu siiyay inaad waxaad rabto ka sheegto, haddana sidii wax waalan u difaacdo markii dad kale wax valid ah ka sheegaan?.

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Hee widaay PL sida barbaarta muqadas ma aha nooh. Faroole in jac la iska dhoho dastuurkaas ku jiraa maxaa dhece. Faroole madaxweyne waaye laakiin dalkaa asaga ka madax weyn see waaye adi walaalkeey wax fahan.

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^ taas waa isla fahannaye, the other part of my q. Ma ka ilduuftay mise?.


Wax muqaddas ah oon 'al maxajjatu al baydaa' layluhaa ka nahaarihaa' ahayn ma leh, sxb. Barbaartana qalad kastoy ku jiraan, dhankooda aan ahay -xaaladaanoo kale-. (inaad -hadda- fahmeysidna ma mudaayibo! ;) )


Ps. Kismaayo, maxaa halkan u keentay, hadaad jawaab ama comment ka heysid about that comment on that thread, xaadana mahaas uga dhiiban?.

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