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What if the government takes away your child?

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I have heard of few similar stories. I can't imagine a worse thing that can happen to a parent than their precious child being snatched away from them. Qurbo iyo dhibtiisi. My heart goes out to all the families that find themselves in such circumstance. Ilaahow u gargaar.


P.s inkasto aan ku racsanahay in abaha qayila iyo hoyada ilmaheeda dayacasa istahishu in caruurteeda laga qaado waxaad ogataan in ilmahaas gaalo lo geenayo waxkasta ka darantahay. Odeygaas qayilmaya iyo hoyada wax dayacasa ama kala dadsan wax uga fiican ma jiro.Tan kale markay leedahay ta logeenayo shahado ha haysato..shahada maxay tari? marka ilmahas dhaqan iyo diinba laga halaabinayo. Ilaahay hano sahlo.

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In north America the kids are not placed with families who have the same culture. Are you telling me in the UK they take kids from somali families and take them to another somali family?..From what I heard here the mothers usually lose in touch with their kids and have no clue who the kids are placed under (highly unlikely they are muslims let alone somalis)


As for solving this issue, I think we need more parenting classes. Like Maryan mursal suggested although her suggestion was that the foster families should have some parenting skills..I think the real parents need classes so they can provide better life for their kids. Especially the fathers and like she pointed out whatever worked back home doesn't work here. (althou I dont really believe the whole exaggerated sweet talking your kids) but at least you should be friendly and set some rules. Balance it out. Last but not least, the family that has a strong hard working father usually wont find themselves in such situation. So there is no need for foster caregivers, simply give the parents the right skills to do their job better. A caregiver will never replace a's a given.

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Jacpher;869964 wrote:
Children #1, Dogs #2, Women #3, Men #4, rag maxaa helay.

Inta badan Raga so jeeda ee shaqadooda iyo xilkooda kaso baxa waxan agtooda kama shaqeeyaan. Kii maqan ee war hayn ayaa lugu dhaha caruur baa number one dumar baa number 3 adaa number 4. Waa meshuu qofwalba is dhigo.

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Aaliyyah;869967 wrote:
Inta badan Raga so jeeda ee shaqadooda iyo xilkooda kaso baxa waxan agtooda kama shaqeeyaan. Kii maqan ee war hayn ayaa lugu dhaha caruur baa number one dumar baa number 3 adaa number 4.
Waa meshuu qofwalba is dhigo

Been ma aadan sheegin.

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Some parents deserve to have their kids taken away, their kids are neglected, abused and dirty-not casted for. UK child services only ever remove children permanently if they are in grave danger of physical abuse.

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I wish Somali media would try to inform the public rather than support abusers who insist playing victim. I don't feel sorry for anyone who failed their child and forced them into care through their actions. Absent father doesn't give a mother an excuse to treat her kids like trash. The law in the UK is very through and only children whose parents pose a threat to their life are removed. If possible parental responsibilty can be granted to a close relative who would be willing to protect and care for them.

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Apophis;869961 wrote:
Normally, these kids are placed with families who are culturally similar to their parents but this problem can be solved if we had more Somali Foster caregivers , here in the UK. So all you ladies should step up!

Somalis live in overcrowded houses and would not be considered for forstering. In most cases families step up and children are placed with relatives. I think mental health of the mother is behind the reason children being take into care.

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Let's not fall into this fantasy that awful mothers create. Alot of things happen before a child is taken from thier parent - its essentially the very last step.

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It is not always the case that a mother neglected her child. Many mothers don't even know the language of their adopted country and hardly adjusted to that culture. In many times it is simly misundertanding (wasn't maryan mursal just saying that her kids fought and the school thought it was her abusing her daughter and she didnt know dannish she had to get a translator)..Not to mention as maryan said the parenting method is different, what is consdiered abuse in qurbaha isn't seen in the same light back home. Tan kale galada badana waxay ka faideestaan reer kala daadsan oo runtii caruurtana uma daneenayaan ee caruur gurigooda laga kaxeeyo ay shaqo ka dhigteen oo horta dawlad lacag soma ku siiso waxan social worker isku sheega. Caruurteeni aya business laga digtey


Anyways, there are also times where both parents are present and hard working and it is simply racism. Watch this clip althou im sure this isnt common it is usally single moms that find themselves in this situation..

One heart breaking video...


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Taking children away from their parents is last resort. There is a system in place that first requires the authorities to support the parents and

safeguard the safety of the children.


There are conferences between social services, child protection agencies, doctors etc

Finally removing a child requires a court order, which involves lengthy legal procedure unless the child was removed by emergency protection order meaning isagoo in danger ah baa la helay


It is ugly but truth is a child does not get snatches away from it's parents UNLESS...

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I Love WHEN people say these social workers like to snatch kids because they get money from the government!!! lol, Social working is a very respectable and demanding job, it does not work on commission- i,e. How many kids they "snatch", and like all other public sector employees they get a salary.


People neglect their kids and then when the situations gets so far as courts start bubbling gaaladi baa carurti iga qadey and lacag baa lagu siiyaa yad yad ya.


IT is a parents duty to find out when the laws of that country is and not smack their kids if the law is against it. As for language- if they plan on living and producing in that country, then they should learn the language- or enough to get by, not gossip and sit around making no efforts. How can you follow the progress of your child if you dont even know wax la barayo or communicate with his teachers. Taas is also a form of neglect .


What is heart breaking is for this poor kids and I wish they adjust to their new circumstances with minimum disturbs and disruptions.


P.s. I am NOT a social worker and have never been, but if I was- many women in my old area the kids waan ka qaadii laha, dragging 7 kids alone, losing one, forgetting to feed some or forgetting to pick them up and all sorts of stupidness- and then they are still having kids with the good for nothing twat that lives in the marafash have of the week and sleeps at home the next week. Iiiish

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^Indeed, nothing of this nature is done on a whim. The there are several risk assessments done before the matters reach the serious decision by the courts to remove the child permanently from its home.


ps.I thinking there is a lot to be learned - aspecially when it comes to the laws of the lands we have settled in. If you look at the levels of needs that proffessionals work from - walle reero badaan baa caruur laga qaadii laha.

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