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Xaaji Xunjuf

Faroole not attending the inauguration ceremony in Mogadishu

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who said Faroole was going to Mogadishu in the first place. If he is not going, then the first news that said he is going to mogadishu was not accurate at all. faroole hardly changes his mind.

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Mooge;869836 wrote:
who said Faroole was going to Mogadishu in the first place. If he is not going, then the first news that said he is going to mogadishu was not accurate at all. faroole hardly changes his mind.

But the question is why is he not going its an important day for Somalia its the inauguration day of the new president of Somalia Hassan sh Mahamuud.I dont understand whats keeping him in Garowe instead of the capital.

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Mooge;869831 wrote:
hahahaha. that is so farmaajo stuff ninyoow. weli ma wixii ba wadaa iyo bunbunintin benta ahayd ninyoow. naga daa dee macallinka.


Doodishe never declined anything because he never recieved any. lool. The new president will take his time. let us give him some time and stop fabricating stuff ninyoow.

Waxba ma buun buunin. Dr Doodishe and the president are very close friends and he was offered the position but declined , i know this for fact....but I don't expect you to believe it.


Of course the president is taking his time and will appoint whoever he wants.


By the way I was avoiding this forum until the PM is chosen precisely this.....i didn't come here to argue that the next PM will be chosen from my region , so lets not go there ninyahoow.


Your candidate lost and so my candidate for the top job, lets sit back and watch. Nagadaa is qabqabsiga faa'idada lahayn.

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Saacadaha dhow ayaa waxaa lagu wadaa lagu wadaa in magaalada Muqdisho uu soo gaaro wafdi uu hogaaminayo Madaxweynaha Puntland C/rixmaan Faroole.


Haatan ayaa waxaa garoonka ku sugan masuuliyiin iyo waliba dad badan kuwaasi oo isku diyaarinayo soo dhowaynta wafdigaan ka imaanaya Puntland.


Madaxweynaha Maamulka Puntland C/rixmaan Faroole iyo waliba wafdigaasi ayaa waxay ka qayb gali doonaan munaasaba balaaran oo maalinta barito ah ka dhici doonta magaalada Muqdisho taasi oo lagu caleemo saari doono madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya.


Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ku soo qulqulaya masuuliyiin badan kuwaasi oo doonaya in ay ka qayb galaan caleemo saarka madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya ee la doortay.


Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud Madaxweynaha cusub ee Soomaaliya ayaa maalinta barito ah wuxuu si rasmi ah ula wareegi doonaa xilkiisa, waxaana la doortay 10-kii bishaan September


Allpuntlan seen by Puntlanders as a credible news outlet , pretty sure it has good connection In the puntland admin .

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But the question is why is he not going its an important day for Somalia its the inauguration day of the new president of Somalia Hassan sh Mahamuud.I dont understand whats keeping him in Garowe instead of the capital.

xaaji, faroole may or may not go but I know he hardly changes his mind. faroole just sacked few of his ministers. he has so much work to do with the political parties promise. that is what is now underway in garoowe. partying in mogadishu when there is so much to do in garoowe may not be the best use of time specially when he just sacked ministers and wants the new team to take over smoothly. we have to wait and see if this news is true.


xasan is Islaax guy and from what i heard he will bring some other Islaax person and that is hardly any change the country needs. if he wants to consolidate power in his group, then that is not what somalia needs in my opinion. he needs to honor the somali people who all welcomed him and increase the broad reach of his govermnent instead of consolidating power for his Party and religious group and friends.


that is what is worrying many people in nairobi. this guy may become a useless divisive person.


we have to wait and see who he picks. it all depends on that.

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Faroole was expected in the capital as he is major stake holder


One cannot flip flop , its big day for Somalia sxb, delegates are coming from across the continent they don’t see it as of waste of time , first Somali president inauguration held in Somalia in 40 some odd years

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Macallinka;869841 wrote:
Waxba ma buun buunin. Dr Doodishe and the president are very close friends and he was offered the position but declined , i know this for fact....but I don't expect you to believe it.


Of course the president is taking his time and will appoint whoever he wants.


By the way I was avoiding this forum until the PM is chosen precisely this.....i didn't come here to argue that the next PM will be chosen from my region , so lets not go there ninyahoow.


Your candidate lost and so my candidate for the top job, lets sit back and watch. Nagadaa is qabqabsiga faa'idada lahayn.

macalinka, i know what you said is not true. Doodishe didn't decline anything. As of today the President made no offer to anyone. i have all my information from xasan's office ninyoow. he is going through many candidates and is taking his time.


that is all I am saying ninyoow. naga daa buunbuuninta iyo ninbaa sheko diiday. ;)

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I think Mooge is right, no offer yet, people are spreading rumours of hebel baa la siin rabaa and hebel baa la siin rabaa,:D

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malistar2012;869848 wrote:
Faroole was expected in the capital as he is major stake holder


One cannot flip flop , its big day for Somalia sxb, delegates are coming from across the continent they don’t see it as of waste of time , first Somali president inauguration held in Somalia in 40 some odd years

Exactly, Faroole is expected to come, he won't embarrass himself like this.

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Mooge;869849 wrote:
macalinka, i know what you said is not true. Doodishe didn't decline anything. As of today the President made no offer to anyone. i have all my information from xasan's office ninyoow. he is going through many candidates and is taking his time.


that is all I am saying ninyoow. naga daa buunbuuninta iyo ninbaa sheko diiday.

OK sxb .


Goormaan shaah wada cabaynaa islii baan joogaaye. PM me sxb Aan warka kalaqaadanee :

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Faroole must go the capital ,It will be positive PR on faroole side , since he is most hated in Somalia next to Godane ,

Out of all of the negative statement that came of the Puntalnd admin , Faroole visit to the capital would ended differences between the capital and puntalnd ….. but not

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