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Xaaji Xunjuf

Kenya is still pushing for Cabdi Cawar to be the next Prime Minister BUT WHY??

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Kenya oo Madaxweyne Xasan ku cadaadinaysa in uu Cabdiweli Gaas ka dhigo R/wasaaraha Cusub ee Somalia iyo Madaxweyne Xasan oo wata

Waxaa manta magaalada Muqdisho soo garay Wafdi uu hogaaminaayo wasiirka arimaha dibada ee Wadanka Kenya Sam Ongeri .


Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Wadanka Kenya ayaa waxaa safarkiisa ku weheliyay Saraakil kale oo ka socota Sirdoonka Wadanka Kenya.


Marki uu Wasiirka Arimaha dibada Kenya Sam Ongeri soo garay Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa soo dhaweyay Masuuliyin ka socda Dowlada Somalia waxaana ugu danbeyn la so galbiyay Hotelka uu Magaalada Muqdisho ka daganyahay Madaxweynaah Cusub ee Somalia Dr Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud.


Madaxweynaha Somalia Mudane Xasan Sheikh iyo Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Wadanka Kenya Mudane Sam Ongeri ayaa waxaay kulan mudo dheer qatay ku yeeshay Hotelka Al-Jaziira ee Hoyga u ah Madaxweynaha Somalia.


Labada Masuul ayaa waxaay ka wada hadleen Xirirka Cusub ee dhexmari doona Wadamada Kenya iyo Somalia ka dib Dowlada Cusub ee Somalia waxaa sido kale aad logu dheeraaday ka tashiga R/wasaaraha Cusub ee Madaxweyne Xasan so magacaabi doono mudo kooban gudahood.


Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada Kenya ayaa waxa uu Madaxweynaha Somalia u soo jeediyay in uu R/wasaaraha Cusub ee Somalia ka dhigo R/wasaarihi ugu danbeyay ee Somalia Cabdiweli Gaas oo ah masuul Xiriir dheer la leh Dowlada Kenya.


Mid ka mid ah wasiiradi Xukumadi Cabdiweli Gaas oo asagu kulankaas gob joog ka ahaa ayaa waxaa uu warbaahinta u shegay in Madaxweyne Xasan uu ka biyo diiday in lo meeyriyo cida uu u so xulanayo R/wasaaraha Cusub ee Somalia arinkaas oo lama filaan ku noqotay wasiirka arimaha dibada wadanka Kenya Sam Ongeri .


Wasiirkaas goob joga ahaa ayaa waxaa uu shegeey in mr Sam Ongeri ku cadaadiyay Madaxweynaha Cusub ee Somalia in uu u saxiixo in r/wasaaraha cusub uu ka dhigi doono Cabdiweli Gaas ama Shaqsi uu kensaday Cabdiweli Gaas taas oo uu ka biyo diday Madaxweyne Xasan.


Dowlada Kenya ayaan wali ka samrin heshis uu u saxiixay Cabdiweli gaas kaas oo dhigayay in hadi uu xil muqdo ka qabto Somalia aan Kenya lagala hadlayn xadgudubka ay ku hayso Bada Somalia.


Mid ka mid ah Xoghaynta Madaxweynaha Cusub ee Somalia ayaa waxaa uu ino shegay in Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh uu R/wasaaraha Cusub ee Somalia 2 masuul midkood ka dhigaayo


(1) R/wasaarihi hore ee Somalia Mudane Maxamed Cabdilahi Maxamed Farmaajo


(2) Gudomiyihi hore ee Ururka Somali Diaspora Support Dr. Cabdinuur Sh.Cabdisalaan Aw-Maxamuud


Labada Masuulba waxa ay ka soo jeedan Gobolada Konfurta iyo Bartamaha Somalia halkaas oo ay ka jirto dhibaatada ugu weyn ee Somalia haysata.


Isku soo wadaduubo Indhaha Shacabka Somaliyeed waxay ku sii wada jeedaan Madaxweynaha Cusub ee Somalia iyo Sidi uu u soo magacaabi laha R/wasaare si hagar la,aan ah wax uga qabta Colaadaha iyo hormar la,anta ka jirta Guud ahaan Somalia gaar ahaan Gobolada hada ay ka jirto dhibaatada ee Konfurta iyo Bartamaha Somalia.

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Somalia;868921 wrote:
Did you get this from Dayniile or something, what's your obsession with a certain clan folk? It's beyond disturbing now.

I did not get this from daynille and i did not even mention a clan what are you talking about.

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This is from Dayniile I just checked, loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.


Your track record of this obsession, I do not welcome it. I urge you to stop immediately. Abdiweli Mohamed might become Prime Minister again, and he deserves so given his amazing achievements in 1 year, something none of his predecessors did, he took the school teacher forward, Harvard style. There's no need to be against him due to clan hatred, if this was any other man you wouldn't be against it.

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The reason i do not want him to be Prime Minister is very simple


1 He was part of the former transitional govt if we want change we need to start fresh


2 He attempted to sell the Somali seas to Kenya very treacherous


3 He is Faroole's agent and he works with Faroole behind the scenes which is unacceptable


It has nothing to do with Clan there are many competent puntlanders for the Job

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Ok, tell me, what has he done for Faroole? And he hasn't sold any seas, in fact it was interior minister 2 years ago, who is from the same clan as the previous one now who you eagerly welcomed in talks with Somaliland.


So first, start off with how he is Faroole's agent.


And tell me how he is selling the sea.

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Somalia;868928 wrote:
Ok, tell me, what has he done for Faroole? And he hasn't sold any seas, in fact it was interior minister 2 years ago, who is from the same clan as the previous one now who you eagerly welcomed in talks with Somaliland.


So first, start off with how he is Faroole's agent.


And tell me how he is selling the sea.

Clan Clan Clan qabyalaad badana just because they belonged to the same clan that doesn't mean they are both traitors.


Faroole and cabdi cawar worked behind the scenes to get cabdi cawar more votes for instance they both stole from the Khatumo clan remember the missing MPS?

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Abdiweli "worked behind the scene" kulahaa, war iska bax wax aad heysid baa iska yar, what an embarrassment. :D


Also answer the sea selling bit.

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Somalia;868921 wrote:
what's your obsession with a certain clan folk? It's beyond disturbing now.

Abdiweli brings nightmares to secessionists because he returned pride and statehood back from the dead ninyoow.


it is in the interest of the likes of xunjuf to wish for chaos, destruction, conflict and no progress. it is their only justification for seeking recognition. if that is taken away, they have no case. that is why they fear Abdiweli.

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Somalia;868928 wrote:


And tell me how he is selling the sea.

I don't know about selling the seas, but who added the 5th clause to the road-map, the one pertaining to the establishment of an EEZ? The clause that signatories such as Galmudug and P/land weren't aware of? How could A/Weli let that happen?

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Haatu;869004 wrote:
I don't know about selling the seas, but who added the 5th clause to the road-map, the one pertaining to the establishment of an EEZ? The clause that signatories such as Galmudug and P/land weren't aware of? How could A/Weli let that happen?

I haven't seen the article, does it say an EEZ should be established, didn't it already exist? Kenya wants him to be prime minister because they are certain he will support Azania/Jubbaland while we don't know where others would stand. And he should support a viable entity such as it, in the region.

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God how awful would it be if President hassan Sh. mahmoud picked this wierd eye doc. I hope the President picks someone who is loyal to the greater cause even if he is from Puntland.

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^^^Abdiweli put in place the plan that gave advantage to the new President and other Civilians over the warlords and strong men..

However those who hate Somalia are pretending to care more than the man who helped usher in this moment..

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