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Xaaji Xunjuf

UK Government Confirms Opening Office In Somaliland

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^^^ Here comes Carafat the Galayr supporter, the Sharif supporter, the unitary Somalia anti federal supporter. Well Galayr lost, Shari'f lost and today we have Mr. Xasan Shiekh Mohamoud as President of the Federal Republic of Somalia... :D

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General Duke;868054 wrote:
I am a proud Somali today and want Mogadishu to develop and become stronger, XX on the other hand wants Somaliland to be run from Addis and Banadir from Kenya..
Who is a loser?


Somaliland and Somalia will always be neighbors and we also hope that our two neighboring countries will partner together in working towards a betterment of peace and stability and prosperity in the Horn of Africa.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;868061 wrote:
Somaliland and Somalia will always be neighbors and we also hope that our two neighboring countries will partner together in working towards a betterment of peace and stability and prosperity in Horn of Africa.

Somaliland is part of Somalia, it’s the NW part of Somalia and our new President believes in and swore to uphold the Federal Republic sovereignty and territorial integrity. Thus expect a Somalia that will listen to any grievance but will not allow any room for secession. The incompetent Sharif that you were used to and loved is gone. The new President is a nationalist of the first order.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;868052 wrote:
Burah leave our friend Duke Alone he is still not over the loss of Cabdi Weli so one needs to let his frustrations out on Somaliland.

you right but as you know these guys dream of geting otha somalis along with them and attack SL as thou that can change anything if any they thmslvs will lose territory to SL.Biggest mistake they assuming is somalis forgot last time they led into the abyss.If otha southerners accept their leadership or advice then they must be prepared a repeat of all that they went thru...rememmbe Baidao & jubas alone with more than 500,000 dead,Mogadishu been constantly in hell for 20yrs and you expect to take a word from pirateland!!!!!

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burahadeer;868067 wrote:
you right but as you know these guys dream of geting otha somalis along with them and attack SL as thou that can change anything if any they thmslvs will lose territory to SL.Biggest mistake they assuming is somalis forgot last time they led into the abyss.If otha southerners accept their leadership or advice then they must be prepared a repeat of all that they went thru...rememmbe Baidao & jubas alone with more than 500,000 dead,Mogadishu been constantly in hell for 20yrs and you expect to take a word from pirateland!!!!!

I welcome the change in tone of the secessionists. Do you forget that we have your leaders from Egaal, Siilanyu, Faisal Waraabe and Edna Adan laughing at Somalia's and in particular Mogadishu's misfortune?

Remember the claim much supporter by XX,” that the child born in Addis Ababa is closer to your kin than the child born in Mogadishu”?:D

Thus your lame attempts at dividing Somali’s and getting recognition is as ludicrous as your claims of being “the best kept secret in Africa”. Somalia is emerging and become more unified, the Federal Republic will address Somaliland‘s legitimate concerns. However it will not indulge in secessionist fairy tales.

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General Duke;868065 wrote:
Somaliland is part of Somalia, it’s the NW part of Somalia and our new President believes in and swore to uphold the Federal Republic sovereignty and territorial integrity. Thus expect a Somalia that will listen to any grievance but will not allow any room for secession. The incompetent Sharif that you were used to and loved is gone. The new President is a nationalist of the first order.

The current President of Somalia doesn't believe in any forced union between Somaliland and Somalia he made that clear that's why i am sure the current dialogue will continue to achieve some kind of renewed relations between Somaliland and Somalia. Something the leaders of Somaliland and Somalia have wasted the past 21 years. its a great day for the people of Somalia they have an elected president a new parliament. His priorities are to continue to rebuild Mogadishu help shelter the returned refugees continue to build institutions continue to build capable police forces and armed forces and fight corruption these are his top priorities. On the side we will continue the dialogue of Somaliland and Somalia its a great year for the people of the Horn of Africa The Dictator of Ethiopia is dead they found water in Puntland a new President is elected in Somalia. Mo farah won twice gold in London Olympics ONLF and Ethiopia started having talks. Somaliland and Somalia started talking for the first time the future is indeed very bright.

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DUKE... other somalis will not listen to pirateland,that's why you lost with Gas.Why you think only Mogadishu candidates should be president? No one wants your crystal clear games and no one including otha Ds trusts you .That's an open secret.If you want a fight you be left alone to carry out..put your deeds where your mouth is.Troublesome indeed!

You be lucky if live in Mogadishu for couple years cos you be back to your old shameful scheme of divide and rule and the populace who already acquainted with your bad faith ain't taking any longer.They ship you back to Garowe.

See you already started anotha cycle of armed violence a day after the election.Can't you even wait what the new president have to say.

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No one believes in a forced union or starting armed conflict within Somali’s, that is a not an option. However in Mogadishu and within the Federal Republic we don’t believe that Somaliland is a separate entity, we believe that the secessionist are but a segment of the NW, that the vast majority of people in Awdal, Waaqoyee Galbeed & Toghdeer would welcome the union if the South is peaceful. Thus we have 40 MP’s from the NW in Parliament; we also will have ministers and sizable population living within Mogadishu, Bossaso and so on. It’s important to note that the talks should continue and this time it will be led by a more competent President and a Parliament that is fully awake..

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burahadeer;868084 wrote:
DUKE... other somalis will not listen to pirateland,that's why you lost with Gas.Why you think only Mogadishu candidates should be president? No one wants your crystal clear games and no one including otha Ds trusts you .That's an open secret.If you want a fight you be left alone to carry out..put your deeds where your mouth is.Troublesome indeed!

Nonsense adeer, the final four inidcates that this was not about clan but change. You had very powerful clans in Mogadishu not making any show, Guriceel,Dayniile, Cadaado, Galmudug, Hiiraan no one from these clans even got past the first stage. Abdiweli's allies Cosoble, Xasan Shiekh and Badiyow did well and then it was Xasan Shiekh with the highest numbers who took on Sharif.

Actually Abdiweli & Puntland stand a good chance since they were an integral part of defeating Sharif. Faroole's rants against the two Sharif's alliance did make inroads even within the Parliment..

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Duke that's always how it starts but eventually they will reach a deal and come to their senses since selling another union to Somalilanders is unreachable impossible and even illogical. As i said that's how it starts the people of Somalia has no real attachment to Somaliland since Somaliland was basically gone the past 22 years the average person in Mogadishu or baydhabo has no clue how Somaliland or the people Somaliland view things nor can they related to their aspirations he only knows what he wants the same way u tell us about what u want. But u dont know how Somalilanders view things. Thats why the talks will take a while and maybe through referendum if its agreed so we can really test and bring forward the true aspirations and desires of the people of Somaliland. And that's why i like the new president he outdoes believe in any form of forced union a healthy coexistence of Somaliland and Somalia is the future.

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Note to Duke: Mogadishu and Hargeisa have a direct line to each other. They've each other's people living in the respective capitals conducting as normal a life as could be expected under the circumstances. The days of Mogadishu and Hargeisa needing a translator to talk to each other have passed more than 20 years ago.


As for the new President, I suggest you listen to his campaign speech given in front of the Mogadishu parliament again to hear what he had to say about the Somaliland talks and his position on said talks. It might come as a shock to you ;)


Always running off half-cocked, Mr. Duke.... A weak attempt to start friction at a time of good will among all - some never change....

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Xaaji Xunjuf;868101 wrote:
Duke that's always how it starts but eventually they will reach a deal and come to their senses since selling another union to Somalilanders is unreachable impossible and even illogical. As i said that's how it starts the people of Somalia has no real attachment to Somaliland since Somaliland was basically gone the past 22 years the average person in Mogadishu or baydhabo has no clue how Somaliland or the people Somaliland view things nor can they related to their aspirations he only knows what he wants the same way u tell us about what u want. But u dont know how Somalilanders view things. Thats why the talks will take a while and maybe through referendum if its agreed so we can really test and bring forward the true aspirations and desires of the people of Somaliland. And that's why i like the new president he outdoes believe in any form of forced union a healthy coexistence of Somaliland and Somalia is the future.

The civil society leadership and influential people in Mogadishu and the south are anti secession some are even unionist and oppose devolution, this how you believe they will support a secessionist movement in Hargaysa is ludicrous. The talks are important and it says more about Somaliland lack of options than anything close to the South’s determination to let it go. Somalia does not suffer and there are no bloodshed between NW Somalia and the rest of the country. The problems in SSC regions will easily be dealt with when that community starts pulling its resources together.

However with a new resurgent Mogadishu and a Federal Parliament full of highly educated unionists, I very much doubt that Somalia will allow for secession. I also welcome the fact that Somaliland resident are now able to purchase the Federal Somalia Passport to go to Hajj..:D

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Duke, we'll give you a few months to recover just like when A. Yusuf(A.U.) was booted out of Villa Somalia. With Abdiweli coming back state-side to join you, it will take a while for the shock to wear off.


Illaahey ha kuu sahlo!

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Mintid Farayar;868106 wrote:
Note to Duke: Mogadishu and Hargeisa have a direct line to each other. They've each other's people living in the respective capitals conducting as normal a life as could be expected under the circumstances. The days of Mogadishu and Hargeisa needing a translator to talk to each other have passed more than 20 years ago.


As for the new President, I suggest you listen to his campaign speech given in front of the Mogadishu parliament again to hear what he had to say about the Somaliland talks and his position on said talks. It might come as a shock to you


Always running off half-cocked, Mr. Duke.... A weak attempt to start friction at a time of good will among all - some never change....

You have not said anything new here. Mogadishu & Hargaysa and their people never had a problem. Even your greatest leader Riyaale never had a problem with Siyad Barre let alone the people of Mogadishu. When did they need translators? The problem has always been the arrogance and absurd stance of secessionist which has always been searching for brownie points from foreign countries and organizations. They are well documented the many outrageous insults, outbursts and claims from your political leaders.

Now as Mogadishu becomes more secure and the Federal Government is in place, secessionist Somaliland will become less relevant. Thus, the childish attempts at trying to create a wedge between certain communities in Somalia will not work. You do know that today in Mogadishu the clans that you don’t like much are returning, getting back their properties and taking part in the Cities revival? Note there has not been a major clan war between these communities for over a decade now and thus the days when secessionist’s in Hargaysa used to cry out for the phantom Irrir card is long over. What matters now is explaining your hate for Mogadishu, the flag and Somalia.. Kindly explain?

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Perhaps it will take a fresh leadership from Mogadishu, like President Hassan certainly is, to convince our strayed brothers in the North to appreciate Somalia's resolve on her territorial integrity and the unity of her people.

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