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General Duke

Mr. President create a cabinet of technocrats....

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The new President of the Federal Republic should concentrate his efforts in nominating a competent PM who in turn sets up a cabinet filled with able technocrats. The new government should pave the way for multi party elections and ushering in the era of economic development and prosperity.

The main tasks that ahead include;


1. The creation of a national army, navy and intelligence agency that can protect Somali citizens and our borders. A timetable for foreign troops to exit the country should also be made clear.


2. National Census & Redistricting; Somalia needs a national census to better gage population increases and decreases across the country. This will aid with regards to redistricting, creation new districts and phasing out old ones.


3. The completion of the Federal States in the central and Southern part of the country as well as working out the status of the capital.


4. Creation of a permanent civil service. This is the foundation of any successful modern nation state. National Audit Office, Revenue Service, National Statistic & Data agencies and an environmental agency should all be established.


5. Opening up the economy by tapping into the countries national resource and encouraging economic investment from foreign country as well as the Somali Diaspora.

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