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Faroole must go! His time is up, countdown to 8 January 2013.

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Qardho: Odoyaashii Garowe Laga Celiyey Shalay Oo Ka Waramay Sidii Loola Dhaqmey


ON DECEMBER 24, 2012 AT 20:13 /


Sida warbaahinta Horseed maalintii shalay daabacdey waxgarad iyo nabadoono ka tegey gobolka Bari ayaa maalintii shalay laga ceshay Kantroolka Garowe, odoyaashan ayaa sheegay in loola dhaqmey si aysan fileyn, bahdil, jirdil, cay iyo handadaad loo geystey, waxay sheegeen in aysan marna fileyn in caasimaddii Puntland sidaas loogu geli doono, “…Puntland horey ayey u kala fur-furantey hadde haddii xoogaagii isku harayna la kala sheegto khatar ayaa ka soo socota Puntland ayey yiraahdeen…”


Shan kamid ahaa ergada oo saxaafadda kula hadley Hotelka ay ka deggan yihiin magaalada Qardho ayaa ku tilmaamey wixii shalay ku dhacay taariikh Puntland u dhimaneyd.


Waxgaradka Garowe laga so celiyey isla markaana qaarkood ay kamuuqdeen dhaawacyo ayaa sheegay in muddo shan saac ah lagu hayey Konroolka, waxaa nalooku yeeray ciidan, waxaa la yiri magaalada ma gelaysaan ee dib u noqda, waxaan u sheegney in shidaal nagu filan xitaa aanan haysan ee ay noo oggolaadaan in aan shidaal soo qaadano maya waa la idiin keenayaa, shidaalka gaari ayaa la idinka hor marin midna waa la idinka dib marin kii dhega adayga sameeyana sil-silad ayaa lagu xiri, waa wax aanan uba fadhiyin ayuu yiri Shiine Xaaji Faarax oo kamid ahaa waxgaradka dib loo soo celiyey.


Ergadan ayaa ku baaqey in Waxgaradka iyo isimada reer Nugaaleed ay hoos u eegaan waxa magaaladooda lagu samaynayo oo ay ka istaagaan haddii kale wax aan wanaagsaneyn ayey horseedaysaa.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;901999 wrote:
Faroole is in deep trouble but he can survive if he plays it well he can extend his term but he has bad advisers his sons i think there is no great opposition against him other than gagaab and some other crazy reer bari guys.


Oba SL is not facing any troubles where do you get that from SL presidential elections are in June 2015 Siilaanyo will stay in office there are some segments in SL not happy how the elections went but that will be solved.The opposition of SL Ucid and Wadani and they are not making any noise so far but that will come in the next coming years.

xaaji jesus moses are mad and the other clan, oodweyne is calling siilaanyo's subclan Faqaaashti cusub, and reer oodweyne is mad as well, i'm tolka too i hear everything

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Xaaji Xunjuf;902005 wrote:
Carafaat why are you so opposed to Faroole

The people of Puntland oppose Faroole and his time is up. I only support the people's will.

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oba hiloowlow;902004 wrote:
xaaji jesus moses are mad and the other clan, oodweyne is calling siilaanyo's subclan Faqaaashti cusub, and reer oodweyne is mad as well, i'm tolka too i hear everything

So what clans will always utter those words Rayaale was called F@qash, Kulmiye in 2008 threatened daahir rayaale they would forcefully remove him from the SL throne. The southern hargeysa elders in 2009 called Kulmiye the new Naziz. Oba you need to understand the SL political culture these people talk to much in Hargeysa you can grab the mic and insult a clan and it means nothing. in SL you have the clan from selel threatening the borama clan but its just talk Somalilanders love talking but there is never action. If i go to Xamar today and insult reer Boondhere people will be shocked and people will call me qabiliste people will say qabilista waaye duqa xaajiga xaw xumaanta noogu suubinaya , in Somaliland this is not the case people embraced Qabil for what it is and they can contain it its part of the traditional culture of Somaliland.

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Kuwo mudahaaradaya waa islaamihii qaadka keeni jiray iyo kuwa u shaqeeya ...kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Oh i forgot iyo ciyaalka IDPs kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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