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Faroole must go! His time is up, countdown to 8 January 2013.

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Ever since Faroole came to power 4 years ago, the authority of Puntland has declined. The State is a crumbling stage.


First you had the Galgala debacle, which is controlled by Atam militias who couldnt be defeated by Puntland forces that withdrew eventually. Atam took back control of Galgala. Then the Bosasso security got out of control. And promonent Sheicks, tribal leaders, politicians assasinated.


Then there was the whole Ras Caseyr State which was established in Eastern Bari. Last year Buhoodle, Taleex and Boocame came under the control of Khatumo.Then you have the whole Galkacyo debacle of clan miliatia's attacking a neighbourhood. And golgodob folks establishing their own state in Mudug. Faroole never visited these regions, ever since he was elected he hasnt even visited Galkacyo, the most populated city in the reigon.


Recently Faroole divided the Puntland Isims and elders during the Somali Constitutional Conference, when some elders were withdrawn and flew back to Garowe ordered by Faroole. Islaan Bashiir intervened and came to Muqdisho to unite the divided Puntland elders.


Faroole is disaster for the region and for Somalia, he needs to go. His time is up in a couple of months on January 2013.

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Faroole will get 1 more year and a biographical movie. I think all Puntland leaders should get a biographical movie, a square and a road named after them . So when you are on your way from Burco to Gaalkacyo for Easter holidays, you will pass Faroole Lane in Garowe inshallah.

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Mario B   

Carafaat;867970 wrote:
Faroole's term is ending on the 8th of January 2013. He has 3 months left.

Yep yep, he needs to step down once his term comes to an end in early January, 2013.:D

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Faroole has angered the Qardho folks. He turned the Bari clan elders against his regime, closing

down their offices. The Bari elders want to appoint a new leadership for Puntand from their constituency.


Without Bari, there is no Puntland.

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If farole wishes to extend his term so be it for this monumental task that lies ahead of democratising the puntland region. There will be no war for the top post in puntland and this will be solved through calm heads as has always been the case. I urge SOL to refrain from trying to start a fire where there isn't one and grow up and learn from puntland's developmental pace and how that reflects on your own clan areas. You should be asking yourself why is puntland sending students on scholarships. Where is my students?. Or why is puntland constructing a well in a town, where is my people's well. Or why is puntland having a blood bank where is mine. This is what you should be talking about and not sensitive issues like the top post of puntland and the controversy surrounding farole's term.

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^ Carafat go out and watch a movie or something you troll, get a life & leave Puntland affairs to Puntlanders.

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Dr_Osman;873411 wrote:
If farole wishes to extend his term so be it for this monumental task that lies ahead of democratising the puntland region. There will be no war for the top post in puntland and this will be solved through calm heads as has always been the case. I urge SOL to refrain from trying to start a fire where there isn't one and grow up and learn from puntland's developmental pace and how that reflects on your own clan areas. You should be asking yourself why is puntland sending students on scholarships. Where is my students?. Or why is puntland constructing a well in a town, where is my people's well. Or why is puntland having a blood bank where is mine. This is what you should be talking about and not sensitive issues like the top post of puntland and the controversy surrounding farole's term.

DR.Osman, there will be no war, God forbid. But lets not ignore this serious issue and try to come up with ideas how to resolve it. My solution 3 strong Administrative States. One in Bosasso, Garowe and unified admin in Galkacyo. In this way tolka will have 3 votes in Somalia.


what do you think?


Uchi, Puntland is Somalia. Somalias issues are my concern. Just like you would be concerned about

the status of Muqdidho or Hargeysa.

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its time for dukes adeeryaal to get the post!!!


arafaatow btw why are you focusing about PL? SL is having the same problem marka let planders decide their faith and adigana talk to your kinsmen and decide your own faith in SL. wabilahi towfiiq.

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Faroole should go. Weligiiba doqon aan midigta iyo bidixta kala aqoon ayuu ahaa. Ma hadduu bilaabey inuu odayaasha dhaqanka xabsiga ku tuuro? Duf ku bax!

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Faroole is in deep trouble but he can survive if he plays it well he can extend his term but he has bad advisers his sons i think there is no great opposition against him other than gagaab and some other crazy reer bari guys.


Oba SL is not facing any troubles where do you get that from SL presidential elections are in June 2015 Siilaanyo will stay in office there are some segments in SL not happy how the elections went but that will be solved.The opposition of SL Ucid and Wadani and they are not making any noise so far but that will come in the next coming years.

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Gaalkacyo: Mudaaharaad kale oo looga soo horjeedo muddo kororsiga Madaxweynaha Puntland (Sawiro + Cod)

ON DECEMBER 25, 2012 AT 13:31 /




Mudaaharaad aad u ballaran oo ay ka soo qaybgaleen Dhalinyaro, Haween, Ardeyda dugsiyada, iyo waxgarad kale ayaa maanta ka dhacay xarunta gobolka Mudug, Mudaaharaadka ayaa ahaa mid nabadeed si nabad ah ku bilowdey kuna dhamaadey, waxaa mudaaharaadku ahaa kii labaad oo 24 saac gudahood ka dhaca magaalada Gaalacyo


Dadka mudaaharaadayayey ayaa socod ku yimid bartamaha magaalada Gaalkacyo, halka la yiraahdo gurigii hore ee Gobolka, ma jirin ciidamo Boolis ah oo ilaalinayey nabadgelyada dadka mudaaharaadaya, dadku iyaga ayaa is xilqaamey, mid kamid ah dadkii mudaaharaadayey oo HORSEED weydiisey sababta wax boolis ah u ilaalin waayeen dadka mudaaharadaya ayuu si kaftan ah ku yiri “Ma in ay na laayaan ayaad rabtaa, kuwaas mudaaharaad waxba kama yaqaaniin dadkana rasaas un bay ku furaan in ay ilaaliyaan iska dhaafe”.


Markii dadka banaanbaxayey soo gaareen barxadda Gurigii hore ee gobolka waxaa halkaas khudbado ka jeediyey waxgarad kala duwan kuwaas oo ka hadley muddo kororsiga xukuumadda, iyo xariga loo geystey qaarkamid ah nabadoonada Puntland iyo waxgarad kale kuwaas oo u xiran aragtida ay qabaan xabsiga Garowena ku jir iyaga oo aan wax maxkmad ah la geyn.


Dadweynuhu waxay ku dhawaaqayeen hadalo ka dhan ah xukuumadda hadda jirta, waxaana ka mid ahaa “waqtigiina waa dhamaade na dhaafa”, “Puntland gacantiina yey ku bur-burin”, “nabadoonada la xirey xal maaha ee waa xiisad abuur” iyo hadalo kale oo badan.


Dhegayso coadkii HORSEED ka qabatey dadkii banaanbaxa ka qaybqaatey


Abwaan Cabdullaahi Faarax oo kamid ahaa dadkii la hadley dadweynihii banaanbaxa samaynaayey ayaa sheegay, in ay fariin dirayaan maamulka xilku ka sii dhamaanayo, dhamaan dadka xir-xiran ee uu ka mid yahay Yaasiin Cabdisamad hala sii daayo, haddii cid la xiraayo anigu Cabdi Xirsi Qarjab (Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Nugaal) ayaan aaminsanahay in uu mudan yahay in la xiro isaga ayaa danbiile ah oo la ogyahay denbiyadii uu galay ayuu yiri Abwaan Cabdullaahi oo kamid ah dadka caanka ka ah magaalada Gaalkacyo, waa laga guurey waqtigii qofku dhihi jirey anaa ah wax kasta, “Uma baahnin Baarlamaan aboor ah oo waqtigiisi dhamaadey, Uma baahnin kelitalisnimo, uma baahnin xukuumad Ayax ah” Yaasiin & Cabdikaafi tahdiidka halaga daayo, hana garawsato xukuumadu in la wada tashado ayuu yiri Abwaanku.



Siyaasi Cabdiqani Shancad oo hadda ka hor mar isu sharaxay Xilka Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa la hadley dadkii maanta isugu soo baxay Gaalkacyo Siyaasiga ayaa sheegay in aan xukuumadda laga yeelayn in ay xasbiga ku hayso, Yaasiin Cabdisamad, iyo Cabdikaafi, keli talisnimo yeelimeyno, Faroole iyo Maxamed Faroole na dhaafa waqtigiini waa dhamaadey, si nabadda nagu dhaafa ayuu yiri Cabdiqani Shancad.


Cabdiqani Shancad oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa shegay in Baarlamaanka waqtigiisi dhamaadey, lana gudboon tahay in ay guryahoodi ku laabtaan, haddii la gaaro 8 Janaayo 2013 Faroole muxu noqonayaa? ayuu weydiiyey dadkii banaanbaxa samaynaayey, waxaana lagu jawaabey Muwaadin caadi ah.


Caasha Uunlaaye oo kamid ganacsatada Gobolka Mudug ayaa iyaduna la hadashey dadkii isu soo abxay, waxay ka hadashey jiritaanka Puntland in ay muqddas tahay qofkastana ka weyn yahay xukuumadda Faroolena looga fadhiyo in ay ilaaliso oo aysan gacanteeda ku bur-burin,”Ma waxaad rabtaan in aad Puntland u kala goo-geysaan gobolo iyo maamulo ya-yar, haddii taas aan la dooneyn waa in dadka cadaadiska laga daayaa, nabadoonada la soo daayaa doorashona la qabtaa ayey tiri.


Banaabaxan ayaa daba joogey mid shalay ka dhacay magaalada Gaalkacyo kaas oo ka duwanaa kan maanta, ma jirin taayiro dadku gubeen maanta ama dhagax la tuurey waxa uu ahaa mid sidii loogu talo galay u dhacay sida ay u sheegeen HORSEED dadkii ka qaybgalay Mudaaharaadkaas.


Mudaaharaadka ayaa imaanaya iyada oo habeenkii xalay maamulka Gobolka Nugaal kulan uu la qaatey ergadii nabadoonada iyo waxgaradka ahayd ee ku sugneyd Garowe amar ku siiyey in ay magaalada sida ugu dhakhsiyaha badan uga baxaan, waxaa HORSEED ogaatey in Ergadu ku xujeeyeen shuruudo ah in ay u keenaan warqaddii ay ku bixi lahaayeen iyo in la sii daayo dadka kamid ah ergada iyo kuwa soo dhaweeyey ee xabsiga ugu jira sharci darrada.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ayaa bishan Diseember oo dhan ku sugnaa magaalada Bosaso, marna kama hadlin dadka lagu xir-xirey caasimadda Puntland iyo kuwa loogu hanjabey in laga tarxiilayo haddii aysan si nabada isaga bixin.


Horseed Media

Gaalkacyo, Puntland Somaliya




















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