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Somaliland Congratulates the New Presidet of Somalia

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Marka hore Aniga oo ku hadlaya magaca qaranka Somaliland, waxaan doonayaa in aan halkan ugu hambalyeeyo Madaxweynaha cusub ee xalay baarlamaanka dalka Soomaaliya ay ku doorteen Mudane, Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, inuu noqdo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya afarta Sanno ee soo socda.


Waxa kaloo aan hambalyaynayaa Madxweynihii hore ee Ku meel-gaadhka ahaa Mudane, Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, oo aqbalay natiijadii ka soo baxday Doorashadaasi.


Xukuumadda iyo shacabka Somaliland waxaa uu muddo dheer ka damqanayay dhibaatadii ma-hadhiwaaga ahayd ee haysatay dalka iyo dadka soomaaliya.


Doorashadan haatan waxaanu, qaran ahaan u aragnaa in ay tahay fursad ay ka abuurmi karto deganaansho iyo nidaam maamul dawladeed oo dalkaasi gaadhsiin kara doorasho dadweynaha dalkaasi ay si toos ah u soo doortaan madaxweynahooda sida Somaliland ay ku dhaqanto oo kale.


Mudane, Madaxweyne waxa ay Dawlada iyo Shacbiga Somaliland ay ku rajaynayaan in illaahay xilkaaga ku fudaydiyo, isla markaana aynu noqono laba dawladood oo ka wada shaqeeya maslaxada, iyo Nabadgelyada Mandaqada aynu ku nool nahay.



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I always liked mudane Siilaanyo. Good for him. Love is in the air. Kumpaaya all around. Let's see how long it lasts. Looking good...

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Good for President Silanyo effort to reach out to the new legitimate president of Somalia.The two regions have a relation that goes far beyond the issues of the moment. I hope our guarded optimism turns out to be fruitful and hopefully nothing will be dangling in the wind for long. Let more rounds of talks and agreements be reached and let there be a free and open trade for a starter between the two parties.Heck who knows people may change their mind after they find out what separates them is minor compared to what holds them together...



PS I have a feeling that the I-block and H-block will always reach a compromise unfortunately there is a dubious suspicious sense between the rest and the I-block...haha

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