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Puntland Electoral Commission announces Political Parites are allowed and can be formed from today

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Great Day for Puntland!


Somalia is seeing great days this week. First the election of Sheikh Mahmoud for President yesterday and now the announcement of Democracy taking root in Puntland.


I will join a political party from today inshaallaah.

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GAROOWE : Guddiga Doorashada Puntland oo ku dhawaaqey laga bilaabo maanta in Axsaab Siyaasadeed la furan-karo


September 11, 2012


Garoowe:-Guddiga kumeelgaark ah ee Doorashada Puntland ayaa maanta (Talaado) ku dhawaaqey in la furan-karo Axsaab Siyaasadeed kuwaas oo la diiwaan galintoodo socon doonto muddo 3 bilood ah.


Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashada Puntland Maxamed Xassan Bare ayaa waxa uu sheegey in si sharci ah maanta laga bilaabo ay Axsaabtu u furan yihiin oo ciddii daneyneysa ay isdiiwaan galiyaan, waxaana la diiwaan galineyn Xisbigii Ciidan leh amaba beel loo arko.


Warbxinta oo faahfaahsan Insha’allaah goordhow ayaa soo daabaceynaa.

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