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Xaaji Xunjuf

Former Parliament speaker Sh adan Madobe Faroole and Abdi weli are true tribalists

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Gudoomiyihii Hore Ee Barlamanka Oo Faroole Iyo Gaas Ku Tilmaamay Kuwo Qabyaaladu Ku Fogaatay (Akhriso).

Muqdisho(Allssc): Gudoomiyihii hore ee Barlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya ee waqtigoodu uu soo idlaaday ayaa waxa uu dhaliilo xoogan u jeediyay Horjoogaha Maamulka Garoowe iyo Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya.

Sheekh Aden Maxamed Nuur[sheekh Aden Madoobe] oo horey Gudoomiye Barlamaan uga soo noqday Dowladii KMG ahayd ayaa sheegay in Madaxweynaha Puntland Faroole iyo Dr Gaas ay carqaladeeyeen xubnaha cusub ee Barlamaanka.

Aden Madoobe oo haatan ah Xildhibaan Barlamaanka Federaalka ka tirsan ayaa waxa uu qiray in Faroole iyo Gaas ay ka dambeeyaan Dib u celinta Xildhibaanada uu muranka ka taagnaa.

Isagoo sharaxaya Sababta ku kaliftay in C/raxmaan Faroole iyo C/wali Gaas ay carqaladeeyaan xubnahaasi ayaa waxa uu yiri Aden Madoobe” Wexey ogaayeen labadooduba in codka aan aysan ugu shubi doonin Musharrax Beeshooda kasoo jeeda sida Gaas oo kale”.

Xildhibaan Sheekh Aden Maxamed Nuur ayaa dhanka kale C/wali Gaas iyo C/raxmaan Maxamed Faroole ku tilmaamay masuuliyiin ay ku fogaatay Qabyaaladda, isagoo xusay in wax laga xumaado ay tahay.

Ugu dambeyntiina Aden Madoobe ayaa u mahad celiyay Maxkamadda Sare ee dalka Soomaaliya oo Xildhibaanadii lagu muransanaa u ogolaatay in ay kamid noqdaan barlamaanka cusub, inkastoo qaar kalena wali lagu dhagan yahay.

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This is a serieus allegation. why would Puntland leaders have a say in the MP's from other clans. Perhaps this is the result from Garowe 1 and 2. :D

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I hear the same thing, Shariif got all his warlords today and will be voting for him come tomorrow.


Shariif & Sakiin were the devil and his dealings today with Ugadna being witness to more far reaching leads include Sakiin having a say on the selection of PM post, in case shariif wins.

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