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Xaaji Xunjuf

Faisal cali waraabe on the elections in Somalia

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Xaaji Xunjuf;866227 wrote:
If the people of Somalia want sh sharif to return as president than we have to accept that Duke.

I will never fight against any Somali leader, Somalia can do better and will inshALLAH..

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STOIC, mindless words as usual. Adeer Somalia is on the road to recovery and with the right leadership will take of. The fear of the secessionist is as clear as day. Mogadishu returning to normal, a new army and a federal states will dampen the "uniqueness" of Somaliland and will give the average N Westerner an alternative to the status quo.

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^^ With a permanent govt if Sh sharif wins he will abolish clan federalism i wonder how things will be than in the Garowe clan enclave. They are the one calling loudest for clan federalism the rest of the Somalis are not interested.

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^^^^^ "if" he wins he will have Sharif Sakiin riding him all the way to self destruction. He will have the international community big players against him, a strong parliment at war with his lazi ideas. It will be a difficult 4 years, maybe thats what you want? ..:D

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Duke, you can tell a person by the way he reasons, and sadly enough I doubt if I should dignify your insidious ad hominem with a response.Carry on with your usual one dimensional clan cheer-leading union claptrap!

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The international community will support who ever wins the EU the US state department they made it clear they want everything to go smoothly. Sharif sakin is not some satan he is the former Parliament speaker, remember ur Hero Cabdilahi Yusuf also worked with him.Sharif sakin just wants to be appointed Minister in return he will help Sh sharif with votes. Don't act like Cabdi Cawar didn't try to win him over when they were together in Nairobi not that long ago.

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STOIC;866241 wrote:
Duke, you can tell a person by the way he reasons, and sadly enough I doubt if I should dignify your insidious ad hominem with a response.Carry on with your usual one dimensional clan cheer-leading union claptrap!

. A grown man, who supports Somaliland "independence" because of his clan, should not lecture anyone about anything. Again you present nothing but froth and are no better than XX and other self hating Somali secessionists

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Xaaji Xunjuf;866242 wrote:
The international community will support who ever wins the EU the US state department they .

The international community has come out against both Sharif's and want Somalia to move forward. This actually might be the big decider, more than money and clan hubris.

Anyhow I am confident Faisal and Co are in for a mighty shock as the nationalists take over the Parliament and Villa Somalia..

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The international community is well aware about the situation in Somalia they will not jeopardize the little peace Somalia has now they will let Somalia evolve and support the outcome of the elections.They have nothing specific against Sh sharif or Abdiweli gaas as for sharif sakin he is not running for president or prime minister.

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General Duke, the nr 1 chearleader of the Ethiopian invasion and supporter of the Muqdisho massacre, lecturing people about whats good for the Somali people.


Walee waa aduunyo. :D

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Carafaat;866443 wrote:
General Duke, the nr 1 chearleader of the Ethiopian invasion and supporter of the Muqdisho massacre, lecturing people about whats good for the Somali people.


Walee waa aduunyo.

:D He thinks that what he wants is good for Somalia marka halla yaabin.

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“Haddii aanu nahay shacabka reer Somaliland ma jirto wax xumaan ah oo aanu ka tirsanayno shacabka Somaliya, waxaanu u rajaynaynaa in ILAAHAY nabadgalyo siiyo oo uu ciidamada shisheeye ka dulqaado oo uu ILAAHAY beerkooda burcad isku mariyo..sida aanu anaguba wanaaga u jecelahay ayaanu idinkana wanaag idiinla jecelahay, Isku darsigii Lixdankii muu ahayn fikrad xun, waxay eegayeen aabayaashayo in shanka Somaliyeed meel la isugu keeno, taasi oo ahayd wixii ay u hureen xuquuqdii ay lahaayeen”

Maanshallah, he spoke quite well.

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