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Puntland Govt Speaks Out On Somali Presidential Race

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Somalia: Puntland Warns Against Manipulation of Presidential Election(Press Release)


Posted by Pi on September 8th, 2012


Puntland State of Somalia





8 September 2012


Puntland Government warns strongly against continued alleged practices of manipulation, corruption, coercion, and intimidation during the last days of the Somali presidential election process.


Among the Somali Signatories, Puntland has played a primary role during the Roadmap to the End of Transition Process in Somalia, including hosting two National Constitutional Conferences in the state capital of Garowe and playing a leading role at Roadmap Signatories Meetings in Galkayo, Addis Ababa, and Nairobi.


Reference is made to Puntland Government press statements of:


10 June 2012, where Puntland warned against spoilers derailing the peace process in Somalia;


4 July 2012, where Puntland supported formation of the emerging and remaining Federated States of Somalia, as per constitutional requirements;


26 August 2012 , where Puntland warned against continued political interference in the selection process for Members of Federal Parliament; Puntland also notes the nomination of a Government Committee on Federal Affairs tasked with monitoring political developments and the election process in Somalia;


28 August 2012 , where Puntland welcomed the transparent election of the new Speaker of Federal Parliament H.E. Mohamed Osman Jawari and encouraged the new Speaker to pursue a parliamentary agenda, in accordance with the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia.


Having noted renewed alliance among known failed politicians, Puntland reiterates its position and calls upon Federal Parliamentarians for a fresh start by electing a capable and trustworthy statesman candidate for the position of Somali President, followed by the nomination of a likewise candidate for Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia.


Therefore, Puntland warns strongly against electing politicians who have been tested and failed in the past to fulfill entrusted national tasks, in favor of personal gains and a record of inciting community hostilities and leading to further national fragmentation.


If such elements are elected through unfair practices, Puntland State reserves the right to decide its own destiny, in accordance with provisions of the Puntland Constitution

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I have no issues with him i just said he will not be President Dr Osman and thats a fact the Admin in Garowe is worried to and i think you know why they're worried.

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Xaji I will be very suprised if ina gaas isn't the next president regardless of what the puntland admin is saying. The guy has it in the bag!!! IT WILL BE MADE OFFICIAL TOMMOROW

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"If such elements are elected through unfair practices, Puntland State reserves the right to decide its own destiny, in accordance with provisions of the Puntland Constitution"


Are they threathing to breakaway again? :D This is getting silly by now.

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Dabrow, it is not silly and puntland has the right to decide it's future if Somalia are electing people such as farmaajo who have failed to lead the nation before. How silly of somalis to vote for this sort of character again.


I am disgusted and believe puntland should hold an extraordinary meeting post somalia presidential election if farmaajo is elected. I believe we should pursue on rebuilding our region and taking care of our political, security and state development programs.

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Like a wadaad getecrashing a wedding, the Imam is reminding Somalis of the ugly reality when all they want to do is celebrate and sing! :D

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Osman, breaking away is serious matter and it should not be used as a political tool whats silly is that Puntland are throwing around empty threats, they are not genuin in breaking away. If Farmaajo wins then its because of majority of Somalis believes he is the right man for the task. We are trying to revival a nation here no time for fake tears and empty threats.

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Already, this was predicted. Faroole companying for the PM post has already started, this is sing that faroole camp gave up the president post. The road map is over and few days left before faroole is becoming nothing more a governor, even the federal system. He will not going to send bad written press release to international community anymore.

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Somalia;865925 wrote:
Look at these Khatumos, if Abdiweli Gaas loses it won't hurt us as your idol Galayr also lost.
We've had our fun.

Sure! Than stop these useless letters to IC, you played your game all the way and lost, Garoowe principe1 and 2, Gaalkacayo principle1 only to win first post any price. Even Faroole and Gaas went to nariobi only to steal three pm members for khaatumo and three are not voting for Gaas. Gaas and Faroole came up election cometee to select each and every PM member and it did not work.


stop complaining, somalia moves forward with faroole or without.

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