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Khalkhalgelinta doorashada madaxtinimo oo PL ka digtey

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Khalkhalgelinta doorashada madaxtinimo oo PL ka digtey


8 Sep 8, 2012 - 5:40:25 AM


Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaliyeed ayaa ka digtey musuqmaasuqa doorashada madaxtinimo ee Somalia oo sida ay sheegtey maalmihi ugu danbeysey socdeen dhaqano khalkhalgelinkara hanaanka siyaasadeed ee Somalia.


War saxaafaded ka soo baxay xafiiska madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Farole galabta 08 September,2012 ayaa lagu shaaciyey arintan ,waxana uu u qornaa sidatan hoos ku xusan:


Puntland State of Somalia



Dowladda Puntland oo ka Digaysa Khalkhalgelinta Doorashada Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya



8 September 2012


Dowladda Puntland waxay si weyn uga digaysa dhaqanada ku salaysayn khalkhalgelinta, musuqmaasuqa , iyo handadaada maalmahaan ugu dambeeya ka socda habka doorashada Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Puntland waxay door weyn ka ciyaartay hirgalinta Barnaamijka Roadmap-ke ee Dhamaystirka Xilliga KMG ah, iyadoo Puntland ku qabatay magaalada Garowe Shirarkii Qaran ee Dastuurka iyo iyadoo door muhiim ah ka qaadatay Shirarkii Saxiixayaasha ee lagu qabtay magaaloyinka Galkacyo, Addis Ababa iyo Nairobi.


Tixraac war-saxaafadeedyadii Dowladda Puntland ee:


• 10 June 2012, Puntland waxay ka digtay qaswadayaasha ka soo horjeeda tubta nabadda ee dalka Sooomaaliya;


• 4 July 2012, Puntland waxay taageertay dhisitaanka iyo dhamaystirka Maamullada Federaalka, sida ku cad Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya;


• 26 August 2012, Puntland waxay ka digtay faragelinta joogtada ah ee qaabka xulitaanka Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Federaalka; sidoo kale, Puntland waxay magacawday Guddiga Arrimaha Federaalka oo dabagala arrimaha siyaasadda iyo doorashooyinka Federaalka;


• 28 August 2012, Puntland waxay soo dhaweysay doorashadii Gudoomiyaha cusub ee Baarlamaanka Federaalka Mudane Maxamad Cismaan Jawaari waxayna ku boorisay Gudoomiyaha cusub inuu sii ambaqaado ajendaha Baarlamaanka, oo ku salaysan Dastuurka Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Iyadoo ay u muuqatay dib usoo noolaanshaha istaageeridda siyaasiyiintii fashilmay, Puntland waxay ku boorinaysaa Xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka Federaalka inay dalka ku jiheeyaan waddo cusub oona doortaan siyaasi aaminaad leh, hufan, una qalma jagada Madaxweynenimada iyo Rai’sul Wasaarenimada Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Dowladda Puntland waxay si weyn uga digaysaa doorashada siyaasiyiin hore loo tijaabiyey kuna fashilmay xilkii Qaran oo loo igmaday, iyagoo ka doorbiday danahooda gaar-ahaaneed iyo iskudirka iyo soo nooleynta colaad bulshada dhexdeeda ah, taasoo soo celineysa burburkii Soomaaliya.


Hadii shaqsiyaadka tilmaamtaas leh ay xukunka Dalka ku yimaadaan si aan cadaalad ahayn, Dowladda Puntland waxay xaq u leedahay inay ka tashato aayaheeda iyadoo raacaysa Dastuurka Puntland.



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Somalia: Puntland Warns Against Manipulation of Presidential Election(Press Release)





Puntland State of Somalia








8 September 2012


Puntland Government warns strongly against continued alleged practices of manipulation, corruption, coercion, and intimidation during the last days of the Somali presidential election process.


Among the Somali Signatories, Puntland has played a primary role during the Roadmap to the End of Transition Process in Somalia, including hosting two National Constitutional Conferences in the state capital of Garowe and playing a leading role at Roadmap Signatories Meetings in Galkayo, Addis Ababa, and Nairobi.


Reference is made to Puntland Government press statements of:


10 June 2012, where Puntland warned against spoilers derailing the peace process in Somalia;

4 July 2012, where Puntland supported formation of the emerging and remaining Federated States of Somalia, as per constitutional requirements;

26 August 2012. where Puntland warned against continued political interference in the selection process for Members of Federal Parliament; Puntland also notes the nomination of a Government Committee on Federal Affairs tasked with monitoring political developments and the election process in Somalia;

28 August 2012. where Puntland welcomed the transparent election of the new Speaker of Federal Parliament H.E. Mohamed Osman Jawari and encouraged the new Speaker to pursue a parliamentary agenda, in accordance with the Provisional Federal Constitution of Somalia.


Having noted renewed alliance among known failed politicians, Puntland reiterates its position and calls upon Federal Parliamentarians for a fresh start by electing a capable and trustworthy statesman candidate for the position of Somali President, followed by the nomination of a likewise candidate for Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Somalia.


Therefore, Puntland warns strongly against electing politicians who have been tested and failed in the past to fulfill entrusted national tasks, in favor of personal gains and a record of inciting community hostilities and leading to further national fragmentation.


If such elements are elected through unfair practices, Puntland State reserves the right to decide its own destiny, in accordance with provisions of the Puntland Constitution.




— END —

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Puntland is against corruption as it was the leader in the pacification of Somalia from Gaalkacyo Agreement and the Garoowe I and II accords. It is against the coalition of groups who have failed in the past and are now using money to buy the parliamentarians for their favour.


It's a timely and wise call.

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"If such elements are elected through unfair practices, Puntland State reserves the right to decide its own destiny, in accordance with provisions of the Puntland Constitution"


Bring it on pirate-boys! Qabiilkasta marka sad bursiga laga diido waan hanjabyaa buu ku lug'goay. Bal PL ta destiny'geeda ka tashada aan aragnee go ahead. Rather should have said "Garow iyo I-Mohamudd" baa destiny'gooda ka tashan doona! useless. Galkacyo iyo Bossaso toona ma xukumo markaasu rabaa inuu hanjabo.


By the way, if PL wants to a Federal State, it will one of 8-9 Federal states and will get its share accordingly. Shabelle State, Jubba State, Middle States, Khatumo State, Makhiir State, Awdal State, Hiiraan State, Bay and Bakool State etc etc.


Meeshan waa la isku lu'gayaa! Now look at this clear attempt to blackmail the Election process!!! Who says the proces is fair or not fair? Who says so and so is acceptable and so is unacceptable? Bal ilaahay baan idinku dhaarshee kibirkaa eega!

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Dadkani maxay is moodeen horta. Ka anna maa in ciida puntland ay dahab iyo luul ka samaysantahay, huubkooduna nuclear yahay.

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especially now that the famed oil has turned out to be a mere saline water!


Dadka ma aha waa Faroole iyo in yar oo dan shaqsi wadata oo rabta inay xukun gaar ah oo lacag ay ku heelaan raba. Dadka PL badankiisu waa Somali dhab ah!

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Abtigiis;866059 wrote:
especially now that the famed oil has turned out to be a mere saline water!


Dadka ma aha waa Faroole iyo in yar oo dan shaqsi wadata oo rabta inay xukun gaar ah oo lacag ay ku heelaan raba. Dadka PL badankiisu waa Somali dhab ah!

Hey, talk about Faroole but the oil is definitely there! Just a few more drills man. :eek:

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So this is what the old fool has been saying :D


Bal ilaahay baan idinku dhaarshee kibirkaa eega!

If he was reer Mudug I would have excused his madax-adeeg but sadly I don't think he is :D

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The sad part is that his 'hanjaabad' has worked in the past.


Tuuginta(Shariif Sakiiin iyo Shariif Ahmed) Muqdisho joogta wee dhagesytan hanjaabada Faroole. Taas ayaa suuragal ka dhigtay Garowe 1 en 2 and this ridicilous Federal constitution dib lagu so qoray Addis Abeba.

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