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Hadraawi honoured for dedication to culture and development: Principal Award, Prince Claus Fund’s

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Congrats & So glad and well deserved.


Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame, alias Hadraawi, Somaliland/Somalia


The profound and beautiful poems of Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame (1943, Togdheer) enrich the centuries-old Somali poetry tradition, build bridges and promote peace.



Prince Claus Principal Award


The Prince Claus Fund’s 2012 Principal Award has been granted to Eloísa Cartonera. This Argentinian non-profit publishing house creates handmade books of outstanding aesthetic and literary quality from waste material.


Ten other artists, thinkers, filmmakers and organisations from countries that include Syria, Burma and Somaliland/Somalia are also being honoured for their dedication to culture and development. On 12 December, HRH Prince Constantijn will present the Principal Award at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam.





Kow iyo toban isugu jira maskax-maallo, abwaanno, filim-sameeyeyaal iyo ururro ka socda dalal kala duwan, ayaa ku guulaystay aqoonsi caalami ah oo sannadkiiba mar lagu sharfo dadka wax qiime leh kusoo kordhiya dhaqanka iyo horumarka bini-aadamka. Aqoonsigaas oo ay bixiyaan Prince Claus Fund, oo ah sanduuq-faneed ku xidhan Aqalka Boqortooyada ee waddanka Holland, waxa la siiyaa dadka wax soo saarkooda maskaxeed qiime aad u sarreeya leeyahay, islamarkaana uu saamayn wayn ku yeesho bulshada uu qofkaasi la noolyahay.


Waxa sannadkan ka mid noqdey guuleysteyaasha Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame “Hadraawi”.


Aqoonsiga Mudnaanta Kowaad ee sannadkan waxa ku guulaysatay iskaashatada Eloísa Cartonera oo ah kulan farashaxan, soo-saarid iyo fidin buugaageed, oo laga sameeyey 2003dii magaalada Buenos Aires ee waddanka Arjantiin. Iskaashatada Eloísa Cartonera waxa ay ku guulaysatay boqol kun oo Euro (100,000Euros), iyada oo loogu aqoonsaday guusha in "Eloísa Cartonera iyada oo aan macaashdoon ahayn ayay ummaddeeda usoo saartey buugaag badan oo qiime jaban lagu heli karo." Xafladda dhiibista aqoonsigani waxa ay ka dhici doontaa 12ka Diisember 2012, Guriga Boqortooyada ee magaalada Amsterdam, iyada oo uu gacanta ka dhiibi doono Amiir Constantijn. Tobanka qof ee kale ee uu ka mid yahay Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame “Hadraawi”, midkiiba waxa uu ku guulaystay shan iyo labaatan kun oo Euro (25,000 Euros), mid kastana arrin u gaar ah ayaa loogu caleema saaray guusha sannadkan.


Abwaan Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame “Hadraawi” oo lagu doortay quruxda iyo qiimaha sare ee ay suugaantiisu leedahay, iyo waliba sida ay qani uga dhigto sooyaalka hiddaha gabayga Af soomaaliga, waxa lagu asteeyey in uu yahay mufakir suugaantiisu dhisayso sallaankii nabadda.


Marka laga reebo iskaashatada Eloísa Cartonera iyo abwaanka Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame “Hadraawi”, dadka kale ee iyana ku guulaystay sannadkani waxa ay ka kala socdeen Tuunisiya, Aljeeriya, Siiriya, Joordan, Meksiko, Kiiniya, Kamboodiya, Jamayka iyo Burma.


Redsea Online Culture Foundation waxa ay u riyaaqeen sharafta uu karaamada uu leeyahay aqoonsigani, waxana ay ugu hambalyaynayaan abwaanka in adduunyadu aqoonsatay qiimaha sare ee waxsoosaarkiisa maskaxeed u leeyahay koritaanka bulshada iyo qiimaha aadamiga.


Ka eeg warbixin dheeraad ah halkan ama

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i'm sorry but we somalis already appreciate his majesty and his wonderful contributions to our culture. we do not need a white organisation which caricatures and denigrates our cultural hertiage as below theirs, (why else would they use the term development loosely there as though their culture has already reached completion) and then have the audacity to confer politically correct awards to our artists and cultural pioneers. we are the ones who will recognise this and do not need to put hadraawi on a pedestal and deifying him, thank you very much.

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The world is bigger than we somalis and liteature is kept alive and promoted by the world masses-


The Somalis can and sometimes do honor him (more like weye xijiyaanand drag him about the country) but never the less, it is a tribute to his art and contribution to global liteature (not just Somalis).


Also this award means= money and prestige for Hadrawi- why do I care who is honoring his contribution, so long as it is being honored- soon as Somalis have an award which holds liteature to the same level, otherwise this one is good enough and well deserved,

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What are you campaigning for? he has already been given the award and he has accepted it, now he just need to collect it. So you are a little late with the campaign. :D

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*Ibtisam;865626 wrote:
The world is bigger than we somalis and liteature is kept alive and promoted by the world masses-


The Somalis can and sometimes do honor him (more like weye xijiyaanand drag him about the country) but never the less, it is a tribute to his art and contribution to global liteature (not just Somalis).


Also this award means= money and prestige for Hadrawi- why do I care who is honoring his contribution, so long as it is being honored- soon as Somalis have an award which holds liteature to the same level, otherwise this one is good enough and well deserved,

yes, of course. hadrawi's work is seminal and indeed groundbreaking. his work is expansive and has covered every aspect of somali society.


his work can only be understood in its original context and appreciated by somalis laakin. thus his work is place and subject specific. of course, it should be translated and made available to other communities. in their attempts to grapple with his work, they may understand us better since in recent times somalis have been portrayed as a single entity when the somali experience is multi-faceted and diverse as any people and country. perhaps, its actually positive that hadrawi is being recognised for his contributions to somali culture and society by the awarding panel of this coveted prize. but we must be able to ask ourselves, what their reasons for awarding the prize are and what coverage and depth of insights they have into somali society? otherwise they run the risk of creating foggy tokenism and awarding empty accolades.


we must also be careful to avoid our culture being sliced opened, dissected within and the findings subjected to criticism, appraisal and discussed openly under an ethno-centric culturally biased worldview and methodology. there are preconditions to understanding all cultures and those whose aim it is to create open forums of discussions must be able to understand the nature of work presented before them without bias and prejudice or supposed inside knowledge based on the views of white relativist and apologists, whose chronic paternalism has in the past not only completely alienated black artists and cultural pioneers but neutered and emasculated black cultural critics and experts. conscious cultural critics like myself value grass-roots, organically inspired cultural products, products that are grounded in real life experiences and not some pre-judged culturally distant stereotype informed by the overarching white cultural superstructure. this ‘white cultural superstructure’ not only hijacks black cultural figures for their own ends but confers internationally recognised awards to them.

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My hero, he deserves it.


Hal-abuurku waa geed


Hufanoo udgoonoo


Higil iyo caleen iyo


Hoobaani fuushoo


Ubaxuna kor iyo hoos


Hilqadaha ku dhigayoo


Hadh qabow ku darayoo


Shinbiruhu hiraabtii


Ka haloosiyaanoo


Cidi aanay hurinoo


Ishu haybta meel dheer


Uga soo hilowdoo


Higsi lagu yimaaddoo


La habaarin weeyaan


Ibts, went to that event last week and met your lovely friend and a few beautiful poems, thanks for the heads up. :)

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*Ibtisam;865628 wrote:
What are you campaigning for? he has already been given the award and he has accepted it, now he just need to collect it. So you are a little late with the campaign.

Are you for real???/!! That's great news. Congratulations to the old men, he deserves it. Hadraawi is coming to Holland. This will mean for sure that his poems will be translated in to Dutch. :D

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Alpha- Stop ranting and breath; they are awarding him, because, he was nominated and a justification document was sent including translated copies of some of his poems, quotes from other artists, video clips. Then they came to Somaliland for primary research on a fact finding mission, met him and carried out their own assessment to make sure what was written was not just advertising by asking regular people randomly, events, and people high up in the community. They agreed with them all and awarded him based on his position in the community.


Nominations were put in for two people in Somali community. They accepted Hadrawii's.


Blessed :)


Africa own, Indeed I am and not for why you may think so, had the other been accepted instead- I would have been equally proud. This is for all Somali language, and liteature- it is bigger than one man. Wax fahan inaadheer.


Caraafta- he will be there on the 12th Dec- soorye and take part in the event.

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I will for sure participate. I will try to organise a side event in my town. Ibti, any idea how I can get in contact with the old men or his crew?

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I've never heard of this man before but nevertheless it's good news for him and his talent. It's about time he got some recognition for his hard work.


Carafaat;865736 wrote:
I will for sure participate. I will try to organise a side event in my town. Ibti, any idea how I can get in contact with the old men or his crew?

Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame alias Hadraawi is coming to Amsterdam on 12 december 2012 to collect his award and money. Mocht je geïnteresseerd zijn het Koninklijk Paleis ligt op de dam kan je gewoon niet missen maar ik denk niet dat je daar toegang zal krijgen.

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