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Preparing for Local Elections in Somaliland: Plans, Challenges and Progress

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The local elections, originally scheduled for April 2012, are (at the time of writing) expected to take place

in November 2012.


Free and fair local elections are possible in 2012, but not without considerable preparatory work.

External support could assist here.


Obstacles to credible elections include a high level of complexity in the planned process, and recent

challenges to press freedom.


This briefing highlights these concerns and makes recommendations and suggestions for possible

improvements by a number of key players. Given the delay in holding the elections, these improvements

could be put in place before the elections if the political will is there to do so (and of course to some

extent the funding).




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Carafaat;865011 wrote:
Sidee ayaa loo kale saariya the 9 political parties from the 8 sons of Duriyada. That's quite a challenge, me thinks.

The three top parties winning the majority of the vote will become the official parties for the next ten years. Or at least that's the idea. The problem might come from individuals winning seats for other parties yet not being memebers of the three parties that eventually get to stay. It looks like they'll either serve one term or choose to join one of the three winners.

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