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Cabdi iley vs Faarax Macallin (Round II)

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MoonLight1;863294 wrote:
he is evil because he rounded some of you clan folks yaa xaaji,


when it comes to development ileey did more than faarax macallin in a short period.

Since 2010, Jigjiga looks like a new city I have been told, but judging from the pictures and videos I've seen of the construction I don't doubt that.

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Ofcourse i care about what happens to them are you saying Ileey's is good for the people of Somali galbeed as a whole those Ethnic Somalilanders in galbeed they pressured the government of Somaliland to speak up against the attacks in Gaashaamo the influential people and elders spoke up and went right away to Gaashamo to stop the war eventually the situation got better But that's just one incident what about all the other times against Ileey his own clan cracking his own people down.I don't agree with every SL policy when they hand civilians over to Ethiopia. But you are denying that Ileey created many problems in the region for his own people.

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You want to discuss Somaliland in a topic about Ileey and farah macalin a Kenyan and an Ethiopian official i say lets stick to the topic


Adeer marba dhinac ha u boodin dee wa kusidee.

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Abdi Iley created no problem, the problem lied with the expansionist Somalilanders, and they were taught a lesson, one should not expand in other people's land. For example, when moryaan try to expand into northern Mudug and kill people, double are killed as a lesson, this is just simple business transaction.


Somalilanders were even claiming JIGJIGA! :D

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the topic is about iley and macallin, you called iley "a monster" because he kills his own people, so what i asked you is siilanyo is killing his own people so is he a monster? plain and simple.

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Somalia;863313 wrote:
Abdi Iley created no problem, the problem lied with the expansionist Somalilanders, and they were taught a lesson, one should not expand in other people's land. For example, when moryaan try to expand into northern Mudug and kill people, double are killed as a lesson, this is just simple business transaction.


Somalilanders were even claiming JIGJIGA!

What Expansionist Ethnic Somalilanders lived for centuries in Galbeed even in Jigjiga and other places the current governor of Jigjiga region is an Ethnic Somalilander. Liyo police attacked a civilian boy and killed him and they were attacked back that was all and thats how its started.

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MoonLight1;863314 wrote:
the topic is about iley and macallin, you called iley "a monster" because he kills his own people, so what i asked you is siilanyo is killing his own people so is he a monster? plain and simple.


No re read what i wrote i said Abtigiis will tell you he is a monster

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Xaaji Xunjuf;863315 wrote:
What Expansionist Ethnic Somalilanders lived for centuries in Galbeed even in Jigjiga and other places the current governor of Jigjiga region is an Ethnic Somalilander. Liyo police attacked a civilian boy and killed him and they were attacked back that was all and thats how its started.

Sure, that could be how it started but it is disputed. Some say it was Somalilander village men who attacked Liyu police and killed some, so the Liyuu struck back and took girls and killed some men etc, whatever that doesn't matter however why he took such a heavy hand in slapping you back was because of tensions due to your expansionist methods, my friend gave me many villages and went as far as saying parts of Jigjiga is settled by Somalilanders, so it made sense why the response was so heavy handed.


There's a lot of dhul balaarsi with Somaliland people, he set a precedent to show you not to do it again, I just wish Sool people would show the same.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;863292 wrote:

But when it comes to Somali galbeed issues Ileey is more evil to the inhabitants of the Somali galbeed people than Farah macalin is to his NFD people do we agree on that.

evil is even worst than being a monster.


you are still evading my simple question mr xaji.

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The Zack   

MoonLight1;863289 wrote:
Xaaji I don't like to say but I agree with iley this time, faarax Macallin is just an opportunist who saw Zanawi as an obstacle to the
Azania project which he advocates,
its all about his narrow interests, what is the difference between Zanawi who invaded Mogadishu, and Faarax's master Kibaki who is invading our third capital right now.

Liar! Farah Moalim spoke against Zenawi and his attrocities waaaaaaaay before Azania was born. Beenta iska dhaaf nin weyno oo ciyaal leh baa tahaye!

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