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Cabdi iley vs Faarax Macallin (Round II)

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Madaxweynaha Deegaanka Soomaalida ee dalkaas Itoobiya ''Faarax Macalin Waa Call Box Hadii aad Lacag ku shubtato Sida aad Rabto ayaa ugu Hadlaya''


Madaxweynaha Deegaanka Soomaalida ee dalkaas Itoobiya ayaa waxaa la sheegay inuu dhulka ku jiiday islamarkaana uu ku tilmaamay inuu yahay sidii teleefoonka oo kale oo uu hadlaayo inta lacag ee aad ku shubato gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka dalka Kenya Faarax Macalin, asagoo sidoo kalena ku sheegay inuusan waligiis waxba u qaban dadka soo doortey ee uu matalaayo.


Madaxweynaha Deegaanka Soomaalida ee dalka Itoobiya Dr.Cabdi Maxamuud cumar ayaa asagoo si kulul uga jawaabaya hadal ka soo yeeray gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka dalka Kenya Farax macalin waxaa uu ku sheegay inuu ninkaas la mid yahay teleefoonka lacagta oo kale oo wax lagu shubta asagoona hadlo oo kaliya inta lacag ee lagu shubto ninkaas ayuu yiri madaweyne Dr.Cabdi Maxamuud cumar, Madaxweynaha degeenka Soomaalida oo ku raftey ninkaas dhulkana ku jiiday islamarkaana ku sheegay caadi qaate laaluush weydiista wadamada uu booqdo oo xataa uu iyaga weydiistey lacag ayaa sidoo kale ku eedeeyey inuusan waligiis waxba u qaban dadka soo doortey islamarkaana ay ku dhibaateysan yihiin dadka uu matelo dalka Kenya oo loola dhaqmo sidii dad aan muwaadan ahayn asagoo sidoo kalena ku faanay inay iyagu ka horumar san yihiin Soomaalida dalka Kenya islamarkaana loola dhaqmo sidii muwaadaniin sax oo dalka u dhashay, Dr.Cabdi Maxamuud cumar oo ka bixinaayeye jawaab hadal dhawaantaan ka soo yeeray gudoomiye ku xigeenka baarlamaanka dalka Kenya Faarax macalin oo ahaa in geerida raysal Wasaarihii geeriyoodey ee dalka Itoobiya Meles Zenawi ay tahay mid wanaagsan islamarkaana uu ahaa nin dhib weyn ku haayo geeska Afrika oo hurinaayey dagaalada ka jira mandiqadaas ayaa sheegay inay wanaagsan tahay inuu wax u qabto dadkiisa halka uu ku mashquulaayo arin aan loo dirsan." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

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But what i find strange is Farah Macalin daware when he is Criticizing the dead and former Prime Minister of Ethiopia he does it because of his personal views and his connection to the O'gaden region His Kenyan colleagues do not feel the same way


This is what the Kenyan leaders think of zanawi


Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki called Meles a “pragmatic and visionary” leader who helped stabilise his country and placed it on the path of economic growth, adding that his death is a “devastating loss”.


“On behalf of the government and the people of Kenya, I convey our deepest sympathies,” Kibaki said in a statement, adding Meles’ leadership and negotiation skills would “forever be missed across the region and Africa.”

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Goormuu Ileey Dr. Noqday? I thought inuu Kilinka 5aad meelo ka mid ah korontada gelin isla markaasna loo dhiibey jagadaan.:D

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Xaaji I don't like to say but I agree with iley this time, faarax Macallin is just an opportunist who saw Zanawi as an obstacle to the Azania project which he advocates, its all about his narrow interests, what is the difference between Zanawi who invaded Mogadishu, and Faarax's master Kibaki who is invading our third capital right now.

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^you're just saying this because you are opposed to Azania.


Dr. Abwaan baa arintaas investigative ka suubinaya goor dhow. :D

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Well it comes to Somalia there is no difference between the Kenyan invasion and the Ethiopian invasion.

But when it comes to Somali galbeed issues Ileey is more evil to the inhabitants of the Somali galbeed people than Farah macalin is to his NFD people do we agree on that.

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Jacpher;863291 wrote:
^you're just saying this because you are opposed to Azania.


Dr. Abwaan baa arintaas investigative ka suubinaya goor dhow.

I don't disagree to Azania, but I disagree to the double standards.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;863292 wrote:
Well it comes to Somalia there is no difference between the Kenyan invasion and the Ethiopian invasion.

But when it comes to Somali galbeed issues Ileey is more evil to the inhabitants of the Somali galbeed people than Farah macalin is to his NFD people do we agree on that.

he is evil because he rounded some of you clan folks yaa xaaji,;)


when it comes to development ileey did more than faarax macallin in a short period.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;863287 wrote:
^^ Dr Cismaan manad ku akrin SOL lleey oo governor ah maxaad ugu diidi Dr:D

lol...who is Dr. Cismaan? Ma Cismaan caataa isna Dr. Sheegtay? Mise Faroole ayaa Cismaan magaciisa labaad yahay?:D

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MoonLight1;863294 wrote:
he is evil because he rounded some of you clan folks yaa xaaji,


when it comes to development ileey did more than faarax macallin in a short period.

What clan anigu qabil uma hadlo what about his own clan where is Abtigis , he will tell you Ileey is a monster

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Xaaji Xunjuf;863296 wrote:
What clan anigu qabil uma hadlo what about his own clan where is Abtigis , he will tell you Ileey is a monster

adeer you don't give a damn about what he does to his people, SL always applauded for iley for cracking down onlf until he started kicking some a55 in Gashamo area, then all sudden he became a monster overnight.

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