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A very important note

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To points:


1) If you ARE an academic, please take the time to research any information about Islam that you read from a non-Muslim source, a controversial source, a unknown source, or any other unreliable source before taking it to be fact.

2) If you ARE NOT an academic person, please do not read anything on Islam by non-Islamic sources, or so called “Islamic” sources that are not familiar to you. This to guard your deen and your heart. IF YOU EVER HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT ISLAM, ASK THOSE THAT HAVE KNOWLEDGE.


The unbelievers and hypocrites are working and plotting, day and night it seems, to wage an unprecedented war on Islam: a war not fought with guns and bombs for the land and wealth of the Muslims, but a war fought with the pen and book for the hearts of the Muslims.


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thanks unix, that's why scholars advised us(muslims)not to post sites that attack islam.

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