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Lietutant General Ahmed Madoobe for Somalia President!!

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Yes I know he is not running, nor is he a member of the parliament. But even the creme of somali intellectuals in SOL have forsaken all intellectual responsibility and have turned into cheerleaders of clan candidates, maybe it is time I pick mine too. Abwaan is campaigning for either Faramaajo or Dr. Bidaar or something along that line simply because he is from the same clan. General Duke and all the Puntlanders (as usual- as I said before because their plurality is singularity) are for Abdiweli. Ooba Hiloowlow is for Sheikh Sharif, but the south guys are at least a bit more reticent in showing their clanishness openly. Maaddeey is for Abdi Qaybdiid. So, what is the use of debating who is supporting who in the impending election?


So, having seen all the drama, the ugly somaliness, I hereby endorse His-Ignorance-AlHaji-Terrorist-General Axmed Maxamed Islaan (Axmed Madoobe), also known as General Aar-goosato, for President of Somalia. Viva Tolka! Somaliyeey toosoo for hoodwinking!



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Nothing new here. Correction I do NOT support Farmaajo. I support Dr. Loyan and we are not from the same clan!

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On any objective measure - unless we have lost all sanity - Abdiweli, his background and his acheivements thus far cannot be compared to Qaybdid or Madobe. Putting them in the same basket with him - and presenting his candidacy as without merit save his bloodline for his supporters is taking your usual hyberbole to ridiculous levels.

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And where is Abdiweli's CV bigger than Badiyow, Samatar or the other candidates? Where does his achievements surpass that of Shariif or Farmaajo? Do you want us to credit Abdiweli for the capture of Marka? Do you want us to extol Abdiweli for the finalization of the constitution as if we do not know it would have happened even if Xaaji Xundjuf was a PM? ElPunto, I respect you, please don't disappoint me. I thought you are different.


Abdiweli is a tribalist and in that sense in the same league as Madoobe and Qaybdiid. Getting diplomas doesn't absolve you of tribal labels if you are one.

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Good call. It is about time the long foot clan put forth a formidable candidate for the top post. General Madoobe is a very important player in the south. He has Kismayo politics, the jewel of the south, on his thump. And he is from the deeper area of the D block :D


He has my vote

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I partly agree with Abtigiis SOLers have clearly lost their intellectual prowess, a few like me are left with no corner to call home anymore. The clannish camping is what's endemic to our failure as a people. I for one support Lieutenant General Madoobe for the presidency of the upcoming Azania State of Somalia, however I don't believe that at this crucial juncture in our political progress we should support him due to his lack of qualifications for such a high ranking position. I believe if he proves himself to be an exceptional leader at a regional level he indeed can have the acumen needed in such a position.

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:D :D and then I will vote Abdiweli for PM. As long as we are back to the old clan ways, I mean as intellectuals, I can take this.


But seriously, I am sad. How a whole country cannot produce a handfull of intellectuals free from clan disease in 20 years is a curse. It can't be anything else.

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Abtigiis;861866 wrote:
And where is Abdiweli's CV bigger than Badiyow, Samatar or the other candidates? Where does his achievements surpass that of Shariif or Farmaajo? Do you want us to credit Abdiweli for the capture of Marka? Do you want us to extol Abdiweli for the finalization of the constitution as if we do not know it would have happened even if Xaaji Xundjuf was a PM? ElPunto, I respect you, please don't disappoint me. I thought you are different.


Abdiweli is a tribalist and in that sense in the same league as Madoobe and Qaybdiid. Getting diplomas doesn't absolve you of tribal labels if you are one.

Abdiweli is a tribialist according to you and your waxaa la yiri sources. But his record suggests otherwise. What we have is a competent PM who worked with all clans in the TFG to take Somalia to the post transition period and increase support for it from the IC. Farmaajo's time was too short and clearly he is not an astute poltiican given the way he was pressed to exit. Shariif has exceeded my expectations and he has tried to cool clan tensions down in Somalia but let's face it - there isn't much going on up there. All the rest are untested and untried.


But what I was really objecting to was putting Madobe and Qaybdid in there with him and saying everyone has their clan fool. Serious, competent candidates can't be dismissed with clan labels. Anyone who supports Farmaajo can't be dismissed with clan label. Get a better argument here if you want my respect.

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Mario B   

I share OP's cynicism. The most clan zealots Somalis I have met were graduates from western universities. You're right to Abtiigis, El Punto sounds like our SOL resident. Mr Somalia [ It should read Mr Puntlander] :D

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Abtigiis;861871 wrote:
:D and then I will vote Abdiweli for PM. As long as we are back to the old clan ways, I mean as intellectuals, I can take this.


But seriously, I am sad. How a whole country cannot produce a handfull of intellectuals free from clan disease in 20 years is a curse. It can't be anything else.

Get a grip warya. Take a deep breath and treat this whole thing with the contempt it deserves. Now, since neither you nor the PL kids running around the place with total joy (not to mention the snake in the grass that is Abwaan :D) have no say in the matter, how about a bit of objectivity and real analysis?


You will not lose face if you reach the conclusion that Cabdulwali is going to win this thing neither will Duke if he thinks that Sharif will. But Duke can't rise above his limitations. I believe you could.


Now throw all the variables in one sack, shake it about as if it's Xiin's neck and then empty it on the floor and tell us what your head tells you? There are plenty of others doing the heart thing already.


Naga daaya dee.

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Mario B;861878 wrote:
I share OP's cynicism. The most clan zealots Somalis I have met were graduates from western universities. You're right to Abtiigis, El Punto sounds like our SOL resident. Mr Somalia [ It should read Mr Puntlander]

Ok, I am fair game :D, but Abdiweli Mohamed is not a qabilist, I wonder why Abtigiis is so much against him, he's going out of his way to say his point.

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Is it normal if there is a persistent correlation clan-wise between the candidate endorsed and the endorser? That is my point. I did not see a D- block guy saying Dr. Baadiyow is competent. Why? Yet, he is 100% better qualified than Abdiweli and Farmajo combined togather. Let us not dismiss a valid concern with a hogwash like this. Denial is not the way out of this quagmire.


Ngonge- It is my heart. Abdiweli is not the right man. Baadiyow, or few other candidates are better. Just because you do not know about them doesn't mean we do not know about these candidates. Get a grip waryaa.

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^Somalia - apparently you and I are twins - according to the guy who joined in January 2012. Argue your point here - otherwise stop acting like a dhoocil Mario.

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Somalia;861567 wrote:
I'm starting to like Baadiyow, I would like to see him and Abdiweli or Farmaajo, that would be a good combination I believe.

Well ain't that a b-word :eek:

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