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Ha I Raadsan

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Wiil Cusub;860526 wrote:
To stay on negative mood bal tan eeg yaa badiyay raga iyo dumarka?


WAA RAG (Faarax VS Xaliimo)


Lol we are not in a negative mood there comes a time you get fed up with love songs and you wanna hear something else to balance things out. No doubt about it the women won your video is fun :D

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Looool...Wiil Culus baa meesha wacdaro ka dhigay.....Ibti...markay hawshan arag tolow ma roof-kay ka dhex bixi...?:D

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Wiil Cusub;860509 wrote:
Blessed this is art of kicking Halimo's who is better than Samatar and Goodby Jaaw Gacalayaa

Magool ayaa dhaanta, markay Samatar ku daadisay. LOL (I do like his part of the song as well).





Lyrics by


Cishadu ilaahay

cirka taagay udubli

ciidana ka dhigay gogol

wabiyada cartamayiyo

cidhifyada bad kaga xidhay

iyo buuraahaa culus

cimrigeed aduunyadaa

waxa jiraa col iyo nabadee

caydhiyo nin xoola leh

iyo laba is caashaqay

caawana kamay tagin

caynkaynu ku ogeyn

adna calafka kuu qoran

cuuna seegi maayee

caashaqa ha baayicin




Cishaduu ilaahay

caradeena joojee

aadan ciida ka alkumay

xaawana cadkiisiyo

feedh calaanta laga dhigay

cishadaa ma uuneyd

caawana ma nooshahay

caqliga sidaa hadalkuye

carab dalab la sheegee

ceeryaamo iyo boodh

ciiro ha isku qarinine

noloshayda caydh iyo

cilmi guraan ku fadhiyin

ku caar caari maaye

caashaqa iska ilow




Xalaytabao caweskii

canabay daruuruuhu

cimidh bay ahaayeen

caawana lagu ma oga

wakhtigii ku ciiliyo

cisigiyo wanaaguna

way is daba caraabaan

waxana kuu cadayn kara

caamiyaha indhaha liyo

ma ogtahay curyaankaba

cago loo ma waayine

caynkaa wax loo yidhi

ku wa cararayee ladan

inay ku cibro qataan

caashaqa ha baayicin




Bada caarid maalmaha

cawa daranta fiidkiyo

caddadaa walaala

cadcedii timaadaan

dadka ruux cadibanoo

waayhuu ku ciiriyo

mid caruusa yaa jiroo

caad iga ma saarnee

ee cilmiyada ilaahay

anigoon aan casiyin

cabsi ha igu galine

adigoon cuud dhaqan

caashaqan ku taabtaan

cudurdaar u yeelee

ceeb kale miyaan dhigay.

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Abwaan;860606 wrote:
Looool...Wiil Culus baa meesha wacdaro ka dhigay.....Ibti...markay hawshan arag tolow ma roof-kay ka dhex bixi...?

Lol joker why are you objecting all this daadis songs. Let me guess it's because women have made more daadis songs then men like Blessed said we have perfected the art of kicking farahs to the curb lool. Jaceylbaro, Will cusub and Blessed did a good job. It's refreshing to have a rejection thread for once rather then all the love song threads we have already. Stop whining i'm still waiting for those lyrics you promised me that you would work on it better be good.

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Blessed magool dhaqaalay ka hadashay ee maxaad ku raacday haday hunguri raac noqotay kana booday arsaaqda ALLAA qoray ninba wuxuu siinayo.


ceeryaamo iyo boodh

ciiro ha isku qarinine

noloshayda caydh iyo

cilmi guraan ku fadhiyin

ku caar caari maaye

caashaqa iska ilow


Ku daadis rag hadaad raadinaysid bal eeg Mursalkii Ha i raadsan yidhi ta isagana lagu dhigay.



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LooooL. Xarakaadkeedaan ka helay, laakin dhuuni ma'ihi. :D


Heesta sare waa macaan, si yar ayay ugu sheegtay. Waxaa ka darnayd Ikraan Caraale iyo 'Love, Love, Love' and Nasteexo which was cold.

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OH WOW, I love this thread!!!! hahaha this the gold of SOL


Hey Daadis a really word/ concept in Somali music, as in ka qub? :D


I'm in Love with Daadis- the Burco in me aya huruufka lagaranya!!! waba pis*s off ku luuqee eh! hehe

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