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Ha I Raadsan

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^^ Begging for a Farah ah?! He doesn't know us women yet. Abwaan you sexist is that your way of making a female version. Men will always side for men no matter what.

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loooooooooooooool@Blue, you know that plus and plus don't attract. How can a rejection go against another rejection. For the sake of the song it does not make sense. If you want hees daadis ah, completely separate that is understandable, but I was referring to this song.:D


Ibti<---Dhibka jooji:D

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Blue, hadda ma iska daayaa? I was in the middle of writing the full female version. Ibti wants to sing when you refuse....Yeysan kaa sir badin.:D

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Abwaan, What Dhib?


As for your argument- a lady sang a love song


Saying I iga rooriin- dont run away. This guy replied with this song- I ii raadsan. So if you are going to do a song- it must be one where she takes back all her old words and says- awalba wax la jeclaado maad aheyn :P


I will leave you to your cajiish shuukansi.


Blue, dont let me see you on a street corner singing some love song for a man who told you waad igu riyotee ha i raadsan! I will beat you with your own heels- taught love eh

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Abwaan, What Dhib?


As for your argument- a lady sang a love song


Saying I iga rooriin- dont run away. This guy replied with this song- I ii raadsan. So if you are going to do a song- it must be one where she takes back all her old words and says- awalba wax la jeclaado maad aheyn :P


I will leave you to your cajiish shuukansi.


Blue, dont let me see you on a street corner singing some love song for a man who told you waad igu riyotee ha i raadsan! I will beat you with your own heels- taught love eh

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loool....Ibti with her Dudun korkeed Shukaansi:D iyo dhaxanta nagu kala wad.:D Ibti I did not listen to this song aad leedahay it was already sang....Is the laxan the same?:D

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Abwaan I still wanna sing just not those lyrics come up with something better that is woman friendly. Rejection and rejection go completely fine with each other then you have not listened to this song. Be warned about the provocative words.


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The female's response to him.


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Abwaan listen to it!!! :D



Good luck trying to get out of the scrip! sorry I mean daxanta!


Blue lol I remember him- what happened to him tolow?

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*Ibtisam;860344 wrote:
Abwaan, What Dhib?


As for your argument- a lady sang a love song


Saying I iga rooriin- dont run away. This guy replied with this song- I ii raadsan. So if you are going to do a song- it must be one where she takes back all her old words and says- awalba wax la jeclaado maad aheyn


I will leave you to your cajiish shuukansi.


Blue, dont let me see you on a street corner singing some love song for a man who told you waad igu riyotee ha i raadsan! I will beat you with your own heels- taught love eh

I don't know what happened to Eamon he was the best thing that happened in music back in that time. He was famous with this song. Their drama was for everybody to see with their music fights.


Loooooooool that was funny but i'm not that kind of person rest assured. I got some dignity and class left in me :D


Abwaan - Here is more for your inspiration.


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Ibts and Blue... this is the first where a man is rejecting a woman. Gabdheena have perfected the art of kicking faaraxs to the kerb..






and here




and a gem from the past..



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Bluelicious;860298 wrote:
The first Somali artist I see singing about not wanting someone because every Somali artist is singing about someone they like so I welcome this change. The song is alright.

How can be this your first "ku daadis" song. Almos all Omer sholi songs and Digfeer are ku daadis:

jeck this*


La dabaalo caashaqa




Kaa baxay beel gubaay iyo digfeer ( I dont like but it is one of the worst hate song)



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Blessed this is art of kicking Halimo's who is better than Samatar and Goodby Jaaw Gacalayaa

J.B Mursal may learn way of acting from samatar his qaab masraxeed wuu liitaa .


Samatar - Goodby Jaaw Gacalayaal my fav Foorjo



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To stay on negative mood bal tan eeg yaa badiyay raga iyo dumarka?


WAA RAG (Faarax VS Xaliimo)




Waxa raanta loo feedhayaa waa rag

waxa cadarka loo rushaa waa rag

Waxa fiidkii loo roorayaa waa rag


waxa dunida roofka ku ridi waa rag

waxa rogaya reeraha burburin waa rag

waxa raranka nala doonayaa waa rag


waxa raaxo loo diidayaa waa rag

waxa rubida laga guranayaa waa rag

waxa raasamalkii laga cuni waa rag


waxa nafta rafaadka ugu wacan waa rag

waxa nolosha bilicdii ka rogay waa rag

xaqiiqda iyo runtii waxa ka fog waa rag


Rabigeen kuwuu taliya yidhi waa rag

kuwa nabada lagu reeyo xidhaa waa rag


kuwa quruxda nagu raacayaa waa rag

markaan raawisnana naga ordaa waa rag

rasmi iyo kuwaan aayo rabin waa rag

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