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Somaliland : Four Teenagers Held Hostage Have Been Released by Militias

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The four teenagers held hostage by a splinter group of SSC militia for more than two weeks have now been freed; this has been confirmed by elders in Buhoodle.


The hostage takers released the four teenagers today at midday and were then transferred to the custody of elders from Buhoodle who also happen to belong to the same clan.


It not clear whether the demands set by the hostage takers were met or the conditions of the release, but negotiations between the two warring sides (burco and buhoodle) are still ongoing in a bid to solve long standing issues between the two sides , so as to promote peaceful co existence.


The released hostages are still in the hands of elders from Buhoodle waiting to be transferred to elders from Burco.


The four teenagers all school children were kidnapped nearly two weeks ago in sool-jogto while tending to their parents livestock.


Somaliland Press


A concerning development.

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