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Mars Rover Curiosity: Sawirkii Koowaad!

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lool..I was about to say..oo maanta kii 'flip-flopping' from his crime-captain duty to .....astronomy... then i see this,nice surprise

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Apophis;859614 wrote:
aren't Martians supposed to be green? And what is it with the peace sign as all literature since the 1850-1900s has suggested the Mars folks to be warmongering mass murderers.

That's what Hollywood wants you to believe. Everyone who's ever met a Martian could tell you they are the most peaceful, gentle people outside of earth. This picture was taken just before NASA lost contact with it's rover.

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Apophis;859641 wrote:
I think abducted and probed hill-billies would disagree with that description

That's just their way of showing hospitality and welcoming people. The rednecks are reading too much into this. :)

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