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Abdiwelis biggest threat is to be eliminated on technicality

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Mooge;859448 wrote:
duke gave a hint of the strategy on another thread to my displeasure. there is twist to what duke posted and it has something to do with the deputy speaker. I will keep my mouth shut.


anyways things are getting boiling hot. abdiweli was seen smiling and happy, sharif xasan is still undecided, farmaajo is recieving suppoerters at his home and shariif is asking ladies to go demonstrate at the airport area to pressure mahiga.


aaliyah, weliga ma maqasha oraahda "ragga geella leh, ragga daba yaal baanu daba naal". lool. i get information from people close to all the condidtates in nairobi. i am in the hot bed of fadhikudirir science. i am political strategist.


yes i know most nairobi politicians and supporter read this webpage

Mooge, I apologise for giving away some of the tactics...:D

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Mooge;859466 wrote:
war maad ka dayso. loool

lol....Dee waa runtay, Aniga Abdiweli haddii uu soo baxo again waan la shaqayn adna haddii lagaa raayo waa inaad nin kasta oo Soomaali ah la shaqaysaa?

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I love how some always claim others are wishful thinking when their own propoganda has always been found wanting?

Those who are now clutching to the Galayr straw will find a new one come Sunday when he loses and the machine moves forward.

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abwaan ninyoow bahasha hoos u dhig oo nagadaa waa inagiiye adba faroole inu speaker kuu noqdo kuma qanacdeene. ya rabi. looooool.

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Abwaan, its not only Puntland who will have problem with the speaker's position, I heard the H bloc are bombarding Mahiga with countless threats that if they don't get one of the top jobs they will boycott the new admin and are using the "Muqdisho" the capital card, and he is really taking this threat seriously and thinking about releasing Shariif's unholy list.


Maxaad arintaas ka heysaa?

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N.O.R.F;859433 wrote:
Ilaahay ha u sahlo umada Somaliyeed

i missed this one.


don't you yourself read this webspage and even write things on it? if you believe shariif xasan or some of the politicians out there have better personal quality than you, then you are a loser. loool what is up with low self-esteem ninyoow? i didn't get waxa ka hadlayso. loool.

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Ninyahow waan maqlayaa arrintaas and I am really dissappionted waayo the international community inay ka dhabeeyaan bay ahayd in si hufan loo xulayo xildhibaannada. Ayaandarrada jirta ayaa waxay tahay khayaanada Abdiweli iyo Sakiin ay is lahaayeen aad kursi heshaan ayaa waxay maanta na gaarsiisey in warlords ay rajo yeeshaan inay xildhibaanno noqdaan. Haddii bahasha si fiican loo wada shaqayn lahaa maanta halkan ma aanaan taagaaneen. You know inaanan Shariif taageersanayn and I care less haddii uu kursi waayo.

Rag badan oo siyaasadda reeraha horboodayey illaa iyo 1991 ayaa meesha dhooban iyaga iyo warlords-kaba anigu kulli waan ka takhalusi lahaa. Markaas ayaan dadka da'yarta iyo haweenka fursad siin lahaa. Maxay kula tahay in gabdhihii jaanis u waayeen waa odayaashan.

Miyaadan la yaabin in Ibbi, C/llaahi Sh. Ismaaciil ay noqdaan warlords oo markaas Xariif Xasan, Xasan Abshir, Abdi Dhuxulow, Jen. Axmed Warsame, Juriille iyo Cabdi Yuusuf ay noqon waayaan...Mise yaabkani waa ii keligey?

Warlord keligiis meel gaaray ma jirin, nin kasta waxaa hoosta kala socdey ragga aan soo sheegay oo wada miiran from Raaskambooni illaa Raas-Casayr.

Adigu ma aragtay the ICG statement ay ku dheheen waxani oo dhan still waa maala-yacni. Tolow ma run bay ka tahay mise waxaa wax ka jiraan inayba rabaan in waxani ay shaqayn waayaan si ay markaas iyagu toos Soomaaliya ugu taliyaan as many of their critics and conspiracy theorists claim.:D

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Mooge;859478 wrote:
abwaan ninyoow bahasha hoos u dhig oo nagadaa waa inagiiye adba faroole inu speaker kuu noqdo kuma qanacdeene. ya rabi. looooool.

Mooge, you are wrong sxb. Faroole haddii uu caddaalad ku soo baxo waan aqbali lahaa laakiin habhabta ayaan la i tusin aniga.:D

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General Duke;859492 wrote:
Jen. Axmed Warsame, the one who died a few months ago?

No. this one

General Duke;859093 wrote:


11.Gen: Axmed Warsame Maxamed

that was on the list you posted yesterday. Isagoo dagaalladii sokeeye tuute gashan baan arkay oo abaabulaya ciidammo. Marka anigu halla rooro run baan moodey. Ruux kasta oo si toos ah amase dadban uga qayb qaatay dagaallada ayaan leeyahay hallaga saaro, Period.

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sowdiga hadaba Juriile ka soo horjeeda ninyoow oo leh galeyr ba ka fiican? looool. ninyoow bahasha hoos u dhig waa mooge qofkad la hadlaysee. lool@cadaalad ku so baxa. is that the new disclaimer? just incase they come out. looooool. eesh calaa ciyaaar.


aan ka baxno shekadan.


war heedhe maxaad ka war haysaa cabdiweli wuxuu ababulaya reerkiina maqlay ilaa caawa oo H block ayay hoos ka wada hadlayaan.

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Mooge, anigu fadhi ku dirir ma tago. Reerkana taleefon kulama xiriirin. My sources noocaas waa ka duwan yihiin ee ICG statement ma akhrisay?

Yes, Juriille aniga waxaa igala fiican Gallayr. Gallayr is not a saint balse I would rather have him than Juriille.

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abwan, ICG statements dadka waxba ogeyn ba akhriya oo siyasada la socon. hadaad ogan lahayd ragga qora, magacoodaba ma sheegteen. abdiweli gave you a hint on that video when he said "wiil yar oo project manager ah oo projectigiisu yahay somalia oo nairobi fadhiya".


anyways, reeerka warkiisa waad haysaa is jaakadaydanta naga daa oo soo daa warka ninyoow. olole wayn ba socda. lool.

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Abwaan;859500 wrote:

Yes, Juriille aniga waxaa igala fiican Gallayr. Gallayr is not a saint balse I would rather have him than Juriille.

ii soo tiri wuxu uga fican yahay juriile ninyoow. bal aynu manta wada shekaysanee. :)

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Abwaan;859470 wrote:
lol....Dee waa runtay, Aniga Abdiweli haddii uu soo baxo again waan la shaqayn adna haddii lagaa raayo waa inaad nin kasta oo Soomaali ah la shaqaysaa?

Mooge waa Mooge uun ... su'aal adag baa waydiisay !

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