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Weji Gabaxa Khaatumo-Seeg La Hulaaftey

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Abwaan;858611 wrote:
Liibaanoow ragga dhan baan u sheegayaa inaysan bahashu naga hallaabin. Hadda meel fiican baa wax marayaan...Halla isku soo dhawaado fadlan.

Abwaan, how is your fav candidate Nuur Bidaar Jnr doing? any hope? mise adna waad is dhiibtay sida Oba;)

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'Liibaan';858602 wrote:
Walaal Oba, tell Warlord Faroole and Warlord Siilaanyo supporters to stop hating on KHaatumo People.


Waa runtaa KHaatumo State waa duushay, cirkaa ayee marasaa.

Indeed Awoowe reer Khaatumo has done their choice waa in la respect gareeyo!

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MoonLight1;858620 wrote:
Abwaan, how is your fav candidate Nuur Bidaar Jnr doing? any hope? mise adna waad is dhiibtay sida Oba;)

MoonLight1, weli doorasho ma dhicin, waad is dhiibeysaa war miyaa?:D Dr. Bashir is doing good. Baarlamaanka halla dhamaystiro, shaqaduna waa socotaa...wax kale ma jiraan.:D

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MoonLight1;858620 wrote:
Abwaan, how is your fav candidate Nuur Bidaar Jnr doing? any hope? mise adna waad is dhiibtay sida Oba;)

isdhiibka waa maxay Shariif is going to win dad aan ogahay bey wadnaha xanuuni doontaa oo shariif lee ku jiro maanta dhan

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oba hiloowlow;858628 wrote:
isdhiibka waa maxay Shariif is going to win dad aan ogahay bey wadnaha xanuuni doontaa oo shariif lee ku jiro maanta dhan

maya haddaayay markaan ku waayay baan is iri ninkii Oba ahaa waa is dhiibay oo kubeertaduu hoosta ka galay. laakiin hadda waa kuu jeedaa avatarka xataa waa soo badalatay waa shariifeesantahay.;)

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Mooge;858630 wrote:
taas ilaahay baa og. ha dambaabin.

Waa run Ilaahay baa og. Ee wiilashaan aad madaxa isku gelisey kala celi oday.:D

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'Liibaan' aaray baroortu wa maxay kkkkkkkkkkk meesha siyaasad ba la isku haya ee reerniimo maha.

Mooge is your cousin incase you forgot , i too is a cousin from the maternal side.

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Successionsts talking about Khatumo is an irony itself.. What happened to the 21+ years old project? Silence became golden miyaa? Where does it stand now? mise waa quusateen.. At least Khatumo ma dudin and it tries to deal with somalis...


Pirates, ciyaar kow maaha weli ee yaan aad loo dabaal degin..

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Somaliland made the whole Somalia scream with anger and envy due to their success over the years

while Khaatumo-Seeg was bullied by Faroole and their Mps taken, big difference young lad.

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Saalax;858659 wrote:
'Liibaan' aaray baroortu wa maxay kkkkkkkkkkk meesha siyaasad ba la isku haya ee reerniimo maha.

Mooge is your cousin incase you forgot , i too is a cousin from the maternal side.

Waa runtaa Soomaalida oo dhan waa hal qoys, xidid iyo xigaal. Waa muhiim in illaaliyo midnimada qaranka iyo shacabka soomaaliyeed. Waxaa jirta in siyaasada somaalida iyo dagaalada soomaalidu qabyaalad ee salka ku hayaan. Jabhad qabiil ayaa watada mashruuc reer waxeyna rabaan inay soomaaliya kala gooyaan.

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Khaatumo is just doing fine as of now but if they don't sort out their differences, don't prioritize and be selective in their political deliberations they may not realize their political potential.

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