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Che -Guevara

List of Somali MPs

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The Zack liiskaan waxyaabaha shakiga keenay wuxuu yahay. D-Block has 2 female MPs, H-Block has 6, R-Block has 6, the 0.5 has 3 and the D/R has 7. Sidaan macuul miyaa? Just 24 out of over 80?

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The Zack   



It is a fact that odayaasha dhaqanka simply refused to add females to their list. I know for sure that clan told gudigga farsamada that they are not going to bring females to the table:) Their argument was that the new Constitution doesn't say anything about 30%. Ironically that seems to be true.

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Gudiga farsamada oo sheegay inay soo dhameystirayaan magacyada Xildhibaanada cusub ee Baarlamaanka


Gudiga farsamada ee soo xulista Baarlamaanka ayaa sheegay inay soo dhameystirayaan liiska Xildhibaanada cusub ee Baarlamaanka, kadib markii xalay ay soo gudbiyeen magacyada 202-ruux oo ah Mudanayaasha cusub ee baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Sida ay inoo xaqiijiyeen qaar ka mid ah Gudiga farsamada oo diiday in magacooda aan xusno saacadaha soo socda ayaa la filayaa inay soo gudbiyaan Liiska xildhibaanada cusub oo buuxa, iyagoo ku wargeliyay Beelaha ku dhiman magacyada inay sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ku soo gudbiyaan gelinka hore ee maanta.


Inkastoo liiska xalay la soo gudbiyay uu ahaa mid horu dhac ah ayaa hadana waxaa ka dhex muuqday Xildhibaanadii hore, qaar ka tirsan Golaha Wasiirada iyo Xildhibaano ku cusub saaxada siyaasada, kuwaasoo qaarkood Wasiiro ka soo noqday Xukuumadihii hore.


Tirada hada ka dhiman baarlamaanka ayaa ah 73-Mudane, iyadoo beel walba ay u dhiman yihiin tiro, laakiin waxaa jiray liis ay dib u celiyeen Gudiga farsamada oo ay ku eedeeyeen inay soo buuxin waayeen shuruudaha iyo kuwo lagu soo eedeeyay inay dambiyo galeen.


Beelaha soo gudbiyay Xildhibaanada laga rabo boosaskooda ayaa kala ah Beesha Shanaad oo soo gudbisay 23-xubnood, Beesha D-aa-r-ood oo soo gudbisay 40-Xubnood, Beesha D-i-r oo soo gudbisay 53-xubnood, Beesha H-a-w-i-y-e oo soo gudbisay 37-xubnood iyo Beesha D-i-g-i-l iyo M-i-r-if-l-e oo soo gudbisay 49-xubnood.


Baarlamaanka cusub ayaa kulankiisa u horeeyay yeelanaya 20-ka bishan oo ku beegan Isniinta, iyadoo waqtiga yahay mid gabaabsi ah, mudadana ay dhow dahay, ayaa waxaa la ogeyn in si loo kulansiiyo Baarlamaanka in maanta la dhaarin doono iyo in kale.

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Election is tomorrow.. Not excited, it's clear Sheikh Shariif will win, he has too much money for anyone to compete. :(

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aarlamaanka cusub oo maanta la dhaarinayo, kulankiisa u horeeyay yeelan doona

Baarlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta kulankiisa u horeeyay yeelan doona, kadib markii xalay ilaa shalay loo qeybinayay kaararkooda aqoonsiga, iyagoo maanta Gudoomiye KMG ah loo dooran doono ninka ugu da'da weyn.


Xildhibaanada cusub oo gaaraya ilaa 225-Mudane tirada la haayo ayaa la dhaarin doono, waxaana ay kulan ku yeelan doonaan Xarunta Dugsiga Tababarta ee School Polizio, halkaasoo ammaanka aad loo adkeeyay.


Warar ku dhow dhow Gudiga Farsamada ayaa sheegaya in Xildhibaanada ay ku fariisan doonaan kooram buuxa, isla markaana qeyb qeyb loo dhaariyo, si kama dambeys maanta ay fadhigii u horeeyay u yeesheen.


Inkastoo maanta 20-ka Agosto ku beegan tahay oo ku eg xilliga KMG ayaa waxaa dhamaan idlaanaya jiritaanka dowladda KMG, sida horay loo qorsheeyay, laakiin waxaa dib u dhac ku yimid doorashadii Madaxweynaha.


Wafdi ka socda Beesha Caalamka oo shalay booqasho ku yimid magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in aan la ogolaan doonin in waqtiga la sii dheereysto, isla markaana ay rajeynayaan in maanta fariisto Baarlamaanka.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee Baarlamaanka cusub ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ka dhex muuqda, xubno horay u ahaa Xildhibaan, qaar ka mid ah Golaha Wasiirada, iyadoo dhowaan Odayaasha dhaqanka dib loogu celiyay ilaa 50-xubnood oo lagu soo eedeeyay inay dambiyo ka galeen dalka.

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Mogadishu, Somalia, 19 August 2012


Joint Statement by the International Community Partners


On the eve of Transition in Somalia, the AU, IGAD and UN together with other members of the international community, including Djibouti, Ethiopia, EU, Italy, Norway, Turkey, UK, US and representatives of the International Observers of the Technical Selection Committee (TSC), are in Mogadishu to reaffirm their support and commitment to the efforts of all involved in the Transitional process. We are in Mogadishu to show support because, finally, this is where the future of Somalia is being decided by Somalis.


The international community welcomes the important progress that Somalia’s leaders and people have made in getting to this stage. Despite significant challenges, the process has ensured: the selection of elders, the convening of the National Constituent Assembly, and the adoption of the Provisional Constitution through a representative and transparent process taking place inside Somalia for the first time in twenty years.


Somalia faces an unprecedented opportunity for greater peace and stability, thanks to the commitment of Somalia’s leaders and the courage, dedication and sacrifice of the Somali National Army and AMISOM.


We urge all the Signatories to sustain their commitment to deliver a peaceful transition on time and in line with the expectations of the UNSC, AU, IGAD and the recent international meetings in London, Istanbul and Rome – that the Signatories should work together and will be held accountable for completing the process which they have agreed.


We believe that conditions exist for Parliament to meet to begin its work and that this could occur as early as 20th August.The vast majority of the members of the new Federal Parliament have now been nominated and vetted by the TSC. We anticipate that the full 275 membership can be achieved quickly, including the fulfillment of the quota for women’s’ representation, and the election of a Speaker and President fulfilled.


We applaud the patriotism, integrity and tireless efforts of the Technical Selection Committee who are charged with vetting the parliamentary nominations and for their courage in ensuring the propriety of the process. We urge and expect all parties to let the TSC complete its task without fear or hindrance.


In some cases, nominees have been rejected by the Technical Selection Committee which is acting in accordance with the Garowe Principles. In this regard, it is crucial that the TSC’s review procedures be respected, including the process for the Elders to reconsider their nominations.


The conclusion of the Transition should mark the beginning of more representative government in Somalia. Whilst Parliament remains a selected rather than elected body, it is essential that it cuts its ties with the past of self-interest and warlordism, and is populated by a new generation of Somali politicians, including the proper representation of Somali women.


Our priority remains simple- to ensure that the people of Somalia are better represented and become the beneficiaries of a renewed political process; a process that has the confidence and strength to deliver an enduring peace, sustainable economic recovery for all and the restoration of credible, legitimate and more accountable government prepared and able to meet the aspirations, hopes, freedoms and human rights of the Somali people.

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Somalia;858172 wrote:
Election is tomorrow.. Not excited, it's clear Sheikh Shariif will win, he has too much money for anyone to compete.

lol...Don't give up yet....:D. Even if he does although I am against Sharif to win again, I will respect the results insha Allah and I encourage you and others over here to do the same.

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Abwaan;858299 wrote:
lol...Don't give up yet....
. Even if he does although I am against Sharif to win again, I will respect the results insha Allah and I encourage you and others over here to do the same.

Yeah, we must respect the results and help him succeed.

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